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Kerbal Space Program Fanart


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When I saw the image of Bill, Jeb, and Bob strapped in and rocking, I couldn't help but laugh aloud. It's perfect.

I see a bright future for Jeb. It is only a matter of time now....

When this has a full space program and missions and stuff, Jeb should be the really badass kerbonaut that takes a long time to unlock.
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Apollo Kerbal 12 being hit by lightning. Apollo fans might get a kick out of this.


The result of that lightning striking the Kapollo 12 is the same result as basically every KSP rocket to exist or going to exist. :P

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For the people wanting desktop versions of the art posted by Riess; although he has said he will publish some, in the interim I have modified the currently published version to produce 16x9 and 16x10 ratio wallpapers.

Album Here

You'll find the following in the album:

- Original Scaled up 200%

- Two versions of the scaled image per ratio:

- Unmodified

- 'Mod1' Leveled/Focussed (to make a better wallpaper)

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