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KSP Settings Reset Every Time

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Hi! Every time I run KSP (v1.0.4.861 for Windows, now on Windows 10) I find that all my settings get reset to defaults. It also asks me, every time, about KSP stats tracking -- I click "Don't send my IP," and "Send anon..." is already selected, and I click Continue.

On Audio, I turn the music volume down to zero; on Graphics, I Enable full-screen and increase the resolution to match my monitor. I click Apply, and I click Accept, and I think, "I've done this before! Why do I keep having to set these back?"

It didn't always do this to me, and I wonder if it started when I added Kerbal Engineer (Redux 1.0), which was my only mod. That was my theory, so I removed the Kerbal Engineer directory from my GameData directory, but my settings are still resetting to defaults anyway.

Thanks for your help!

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