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where is the multiplayer?

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So was the idea canned or what? Seems like after the game was released as 1.0+ the devs just poke and prod at it now, not really doing anything big.. Has the fire behind this project gone out? Anyone else remember this? "we're working on Multiplayer for #KSP, and it's planned to be a free update released after 1.0"

Edited by Talavar
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Developing a Multiplayer Mode is a wee-bit more difficult than you would expect.

It is not just coming up with an Idea of gameplay, it is also the infrastructure of the gameclient and the Serverstructure, finding other Players, keeping everything symmetric as the game Progresses and so on.

There is a reason why they are developing the Multiplayer for over a year now.

It is nothing you can pull out of your shelf and be done with it.

So please, keep your patience ;)

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- - - Updated - - -

  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
Developing a Multiplayer Mode is a wee-bit more difficult than you would expect.

I'm well aware of the complexity involved. I was wondering the status (to be implemented, or shelved). Currently I can't even play KSP modded or unmodded. It crashes on me constantly. So, that being said, I want it to function as intended first, of-course. But honestly, to be perfect, It needs multiplayer in the end product ;)

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I agree but I dont. I want u5 first before anything else. Then I right after that I want a crappy glitchy test build so the community can suggest what needs to be fixed. but the fact that KSP multiplayer will be amazing I agree on this topic

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  Frozen_Heart said:
I have to say I am looking forward to multiplayer. I think its likely to breath new life into the community. There is also unlikely to be much in the way of griefers and trolls as well. Learning the game just to be a pain will be too difficult for most.

I agree. The learning curve for the game will weed out most griefers (aka prepubescent teenagers with a chip on their shoulder). A destructive mindset rarely has the required patience to learn something such as orbital mechanics... lol.. Im not saying such a person does not exist, but I believe they will be few and far in between.. not only that, Chances are, you'll be playing with a group of friends with a common goal, which will enhance the experience 10-fold. Once implemented, Im going to get my buddies to help me build a giant functioning Voltron in LEO.. should be fun. lol

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I really hope multiplayer will be shelved, since it'll be full of glitchers, trolls and griefers destroying your ships, KSC and the very Univerce itself.

You might say "lel u butthurt much n00b get REKT" and all that stuff. Well, that's not the case. In fact, I am the a-hole, who will troll, since I can't imagine any multiplayer activity in KSP. And it makes me sad. ;.;

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  Bloody_looser said:
I really hope multiplayer will be shelved, since it'll be full of glitchers, trolls and griefers destroying your ships, KSC and the very Univerce itself.

You might say "lel u butthurt much n00b get REKT" and all that stuff. Well, that's not the case. In fact, I am the a-hole, who will troll, since I can't imagine any multiplayer activity in KSP. And it makes me sad. ;.;

What I'd say is "you have no way of knowing any of that".

You don't know it will be "full of glitches", you can't know that.

You don't know that it will be possible to 'troll' or 'grief'. It depends on how they choose to design it. You don't know that your KSC will be affected by others and they could add options to make craft less susceptible to other players lack of skill or willingness to grief. I imagine everyone's KSC will be their own instance (it is the only way to deal with the fact that there is one runway and one launchpad), though having a server option to go co-op would also be nice for smaller servers like mine. I'm hoping for a few game modes where your ships owned by you can and cannot be damaged by other players depending on how you want to play it. I am very curious to see how they deal with docking and if you will be able to dock with other players craft while maintaining ownership of your 'portion' of the resulting craft. This is something the mods do not handle well at all, but Squad can do better.

Finally, my server won't be trolled even if it can be... because you and everyone on these forums won't be allowed on it. My server is for me, and my siblings and a few of our friends. It currently runs Minecraft and it has 6 people who play on it, none of them will grief mostly because we know each other in real life.

So, just because you can't do multiplayer without getting banned from the server is no reason to spoil everyone's fun. It isn't likely to get shelved at this point anyway.

Edited by Alshain
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  Alshain said:
You don't know it will be "full of glitches", you can't know that.

It's 'glitchers', not 'glitches'. Glitches will do too though, considering "optimisation" of 1.0.x. :D I'm not on the 'Unity 5 port will solve everything' crowd.

You don't know that it will be possible to 'troll' or 'grief'. It depends on how they choose to design it. You don't know that your KSC will be affected by others and they could add options to make craft less susceptible to other players lack of skill or willingness to grief. I imagine everyone's KSC will be their own instance (it is the only way to deal with the fact that there is one runway and one launchpad), though having a server option to go co-op would also be nice for smaller servers like mine. I'm hoping for a few game modes where your ships owned by you can and cannot be damaged by other players depending on how you want to play it. I am very curious to see how they deal with docking and if you will be able to dock with other players craft while maintaining ownership of your 'portion' of the resulting craft. This is something the mods do not handle well at all, but Squad can do better.

Finally, my server won't be trolled even if it can be... because you and everyone on these forums won't be allowed on it. My server is for me, and my siblings and a few of our friends. It currently runs Minecraft and it has 6 people who play on it, none of them will grief mostly because we know each other in real life.

So, multiplayer without any form of player interaction? That' interesting.

Yeah, some kind of friend-only coop is the only viable option IMO. Hopefully MMO won't be imposed upon us, that'll be utter disaster. But even in coop I hardly imagine any activities to play with. Anyway, we'll see.

So, just because you can't do multiplayer without getting banned from the server is no reason to spoil everyone's fun. It isn't likely to get shelved at this point anyway.

I just genuinely believe that not every single game needs multiplayer.

  GregroxMun said:
I intend to have a server meant just for griefing. I will personally fly beautifuly constructed ships and stations to orbit, then at the end of the month, let the griefers online.

Sign me in. :wink:

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Personally I hope multiplayer is somewhere on the back burner in a nearly forgotten corner. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against multiplayer. It could be a lot of fun as long as you play on small servers with a limited amount of people. Massive servers would invite too many 'complications'.

For now SQUAD should stay focused on actually finishing the core game. It's still lacks many features, is full of bugs and memory leaks and is barely optimized.

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  Bloody_looser said:
It's 'glitchers', not 'glitches'. Glitches will do too though, considering "optimisation" of 1.0.x. :D I'm not on the 'Unity 5 port will solve everything' crowd.

My bad. I have no idea what a 'glitcher' is.

  Bloody_looser said:
So, multiplayer without any form of player interaction? That' interesting.

Not exactly "no interaction" but more limited. You build a craft and get it into space, you don't want someone to come along and wreck it when you aren't even on the screen with it.

  Bloody_looser said:
Yeah, some kind of friend-only coop is the only viable option IMO.

It certainly is not the only option

  Bloody_looser said:
Hopefully MMO won't be imposed upon us, that'll be utter disaster. But even in coop I hardly imagine any activities to play with. Anyway, we'll see.

They already said it is going to be similar in nature to Minecraft. No MMO.

  Bloody_looser said:
I just genuinely believe that not every single game needs multiplayer.

I agree, but this is one of them that does. In general, most 'open world creative' games need some form of multiplayer. You take all the time to build these enormous creations and you want to show them off rather than keep it to yourself. Posting pictures is one thing, but letting people go see it for themselves is way better.

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Maybe I lack imagintation, but still don't think KSP is made out of multiplayer game material. Can someone give me any examples of how it could be interesting and enjoyable without mods like BDArmory?

I played the DMP and it was more like "OK, feel free to add a module or two to my space station while I'm away" and not much else.

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  Talavar said:
Seems like after the game was released as 1.0+ the devs just poke and prod at it now...

The first update after 1.0 hasn't even come out yet...

Give them time to actually do something before complaining that they haven't done anything.

*hotfixes excluded

- - - Updated - - -

  Veeltch said:
Can someone give me any examples of how it could be interesting and enjoyable without mods like BDArmory?

Here's a few examples.



Edited by klgraham1013
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  Veeltch said:
Maybe I lack imagintation, but still don't think KSP is made out of multiplayer game material. Can someone give me any examples of how it could be interesting and enjoyable without mods like BDArmory?

I played the DMP and it was more like "OK, feel free to add a module or two to my space station while I'm away" and not much else.

Well it depends on your approach I guess. If you go and do your own thing with no collaboration at all then yes, not much point.

On the other hand, despite it's bugginess and short lived nature, this video series shows how it can work. If you watch the whole series, it demonstrates multiple types of missions that could be done with a working multiplayer.

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Personally I couldn't give a damn about a multiplayer universe, nor the implications of such a situation. It would be handy for a few group challenges, but like every nearly online multiplayer game, it generally gets ruined by immature idiots that seem to think that destroying everything is the way to go, same with trolling and general gameplay sadism.

Multiplayer? Keep it, don't want it. You want it, fine, but you won't see me on it. I have far better things to do.

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  DocMoriarty said:
I don't think KSP is a good game for multiplayer, mainly due to it's necessary time compression feature. So adding MP to KSP would probably lead to compromises that are not good for the game. So I'm all against MP in KSP. Not every game needs to be MP!


i think mp is an unneeded complication. Especially when you look at disparate systems and how high part counts bog stuff down

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