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Mongoose 1 interplanetary manned probe

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This probe built in 1.0.4 is manned so you can fix stuff and do science till the cows come home. It has enough delta v to reach anywhere in the kerbol system. Just be gentle in the lower atmosphere on the throttle, as the probe in the fairing is about as light as a brick skyscraper. Once you get above 30,000 meters feel free to go full throttle, just watch for deflection of the fairing. Kerbin escape is possible before exit of atmosphere. Docking port means you could in theory dock two of these together or some such doings and send each to a different target with the trusty low thrusty ion engines (9 total). A word of warning: do not attempt to turn this ship in the lower half of the atmosphere, the fairing will break off as the probe is very tall and heavy. I tried lowering the center of mass on the probe toward its aft end mounting point to the rest of the rocket, but it's still huge and heavy and can break apart inside the fairing if you're too rough with the throttle or steering on ascent.






- Andy

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If you build a frame around the outside of the fairing, then strut from the cargo to the frame, then take the frame away the cargo will remain strutted to the fairing.

Remember it may not attach to the fairing straight away. You may need to load it in game first. When you return to the vab/sph they will have attached.

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