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odd behaviour from tt-70s

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I wonder whether anyone can help me with this.

I am having some odd behaviour from the TT-70 decouplers.

When I try to fix my kickbacks onto them, they don't sit on top of the decouplers. The tt-70s kind of get buried inside of them. See picture

What am I doing wrong?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Edited by Clear Air Turbulence
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When I see that it's usually that I've placed the kickback (or other booster) so that it's not actually on the decoupler, but rather directly attached to the side of the core. Grab the kickback and slide it up/down the core a bit - if that's the problem, you will see the kickback shift away from the core when it's properly on the decoupler. I've seen this with hammers, too.

This is easier to see with 3x or more symmetry, as you can more easily see the boosters bounce away from the core when properly on the decouplers.

Once you have the booster actually attached to the decoupler, grab the decoupler (with attached SRB) and place/set symmetry as desired.

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You've held your mouse below the actual attachement area and attached the booster to the tank instead.

I don't think so in this case, you can see clear space between the booster and the core stack.

I think this is more to do with Kickbacks having a collider that doesn't match well with the visual mesh. All parts attached to them sink in a bit (e.g. strut ends disappear completely), so I think that's what's happening here. Judicious use of the offset tool remedies it nicely.

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