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Low-Part Count X-37B


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Hey guys! I had a little X-37. After seeing Majorjim's X-37 (which, by the way, is awesome, but a bit part heavy), I decided to fix mine up, and release it. Orbiter is only 89 parts, with launcher, about 180.

Disclaimer: Tested on stock aero, not FAR. Re-attachable cargo bay inspired by Majorjim.

Note: X-37 comes with half empty fuel tank. Works with a full tank too. Launcher has severely drained fuel tanks, this is by design.

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1. Liftoff

2. Start gravity turn at 250 m/s, turn 5 degrees away from prograde, let it catch up, then continue

3. Stop at around 50 degrees. Once you get your current Ap close to your desired Ap, turn lateral, and burn until your Ap reaches your desired Apoapsis.

4. Separate, use Centaur second stage to circularize. It is capable of getting into a 150 x 150 km orbit, but is probably capable of more.

5. Decouple cargo bay door, then re-attach with included probe (fine controls suggested)

6. Do secret stuff with the probe.


8. Re-enter, with a trajectory slightly past the Island runway. If you overshoot KSC, roll over, and pitch down so the belly is still the part mainly exposed to the flames. Press 1 to make it eaiser for your nose to go up. Re-enter at about 30 degrees off prograde.

9. Land


11. Recover


Edited by TronX33
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