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Add "icon display color" as an option for ship naming

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Currently, a craft "name" has two components: the actual name itself, and the icon used to display it (with the default icon being chosen based on what type of probe core or command pod it contains).

However, all icons are just displayed as simple white (well, okay, yellow for the targeted craft).

My suggestion: add a few more color options. It could default to white, but you could change the color in the "change name" dialog where you currently set the name and icon. You could also do this in the tracking station UI for the currently active vessel.

Don't need a lot of colors, just give a few basic ones (say, red/blue/green).

The tracking station would not only allow assigning colors, but would also have checkboxes for filtering by color, the way it currently allows filtering by icon type.

Reason I want this feature: In games where I have very large numbers of ships, it's awfully hard to keep track of them all, and they clutter up the UI miserably. I'd like a way of categorizing them based on role or situation, rather than physical ship type. If there were color-codable icons, I could use that color as a categorization system.

For example, when I'm playing RemoteTech, I have a large number of communications satellites. Would love to be able to mark them all "red" (or whatever) so that I could turn them all on or off in the map display.

Or, for example, I'll have a large number of ships that are in their final situation (they've landed, or achieved orbit around the target planet)-- these are the large majorityy. But there will be a small number of ships that are en route and I need to remember to keep an eye on them so I can do the necessary maneuvers at the right time. Would love to have a category I could put them in, so I could turn off everything except them when I want to keep an eye on "how many balls do I have in the air."

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I like:)

A colour option would be a good, simple and effective method. Maybe a few more icon styles too.

Also how about an option to add say a 2 or 3 character 'tag' which could be used as a filter in the same way. A drop down menu next to the icon bar at the top could list the tags you have assigned. Much more versatile and not colour blind sensitive.

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