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Rover testing area

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put Kerbals into external seats from SPH

External seats are incredibly overpowered. They are 16.8 times lighter than a conventional Mk1 cockpit, meaning that you need a 16.8 times smaller rocket, and 16.8 times less cash. I use them in career as often as I can. Not being able to start them manned is a kind of nerf, but that won't stop me from putting the kerbal in from a later decoupled and recovered cockpit. Starting seats manned could be even more overpowered for rockets. But if the rover tester was an enclosed area, and you couldn't launch planes and rockets from there, that would be excellent an place for testing rovers, and starting with manned seats.

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Yeah would be nice, it could be also used as landers testing ground, since planets are not perfectly flat ;)


also would be nice to use something more than just wheels, since we are going to explore different planets we could use more advanced configurations


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