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Big ol' secret part easter egg!


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There's a secret part/easter egg in the game. It's a class-b asteroid that you can just attach to your ships.

You've probably seen this easter egg before, but if you haven't, here's how to find it:

-in the editor, enable advanced building mode (click the arrow at the top of the parts bar

-click the filter by cross-section profile tab

-Go to the surface attach tab, and there it is! The potato-like rock.

So now you have as many class b asteroids as you want.

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It's how the game handles the asteroids, there's this placeholder part. I believe it has a part module that makes it be replaced with a "real" asteroid in flight.

It's not meant to show in the VAB, but sometimes some oddity of your setup might make it appear.

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This part exists in the stock game but will not show up in the parts listing no matter how you search for it. It is likely that one of the mods will enable this part to be searchable but in a clean build you will need to edit the part.cfg file. To do this change the "TechRequired" parameter from "Unsearchable" to "1", restart the game and it will show up.

The part.cfg file is located in the following folder: KSP -> GameData -> Squad -> Parts -> Misc -> PotatoRoid


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Not true in my case. I have a clean stock install and it shows up for me in the VAB but not the SPH if I follow the OP's instructions. Perhaps this is only in sandbox. I haven't dug into it that far.



Well I have a clean build and my parts listing looked exactly like Rtsom's in both the VAB and SPH in sandbox. Editing the config file was the only way I could see it. Maybe it depends on the build version of the game.

As to why I'd want one of these? To test out my Asteroid capture devices of course. Why wouldn't anybody want a PotatoRoid anyway?


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Trying to fathom why I'd want a Potatoroid for a 'part' ... unless it's something akin to building a model rocket and launching an egg? lol

Egg Lofting

15-20 years ago, when I was more into model (and high power) rocketry, I was a member of the NAR Section 113, The Columbus Society for the Advancement of Rocketry (CSAR). At one of our regional meets, one of our junior members (under 18) managed to snag an eggloft duration record - his egglofter was in the air over 18 minutes. Used a 36" mylar chute. He's now a trustee on the NAR admistrative board.

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Hmm... curiouser and curiouser.

I guess it must be version- dependent. I'm running 1.04.861. Perhaps they noticed this bug and closed the loophole?



I've got the exact same version so I'm not sure what's going on. Editing the part config worked for me so it's no biggie. Chalk it up to one of those mysterious things that may never be understood... like women! LOL


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When I first saw this thread I could not find the potaoroid in the VAB. This morning I can confirm MoeslyArmlis post. Send a craft to the launchpad. Revert to VAB. Now search the surface attach tab - Potatoroid will now appear.

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