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A Couple Questions about the game.

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*I'm going to start out by saying, I do know basics about the game, building rockets, landing rovers, I've gotten to mimmus, and the mun.

But, Here are a few questions I needed to ask.

1. What is Ablator?

All I know is it's some resource in a heat shield, That's it. I don't even know how

to pronounce it, so if someone could tell me, Thanks.

2. What is Reputation?

In career mode, What is it? It seems it has it's uses, with stratigies and stuff, But, Is there any punishment

for low reputation?

3. I don't know how to build a plane whatsoever.

I know how to fly, there you go.

Explain away.

If you can anwser one of these questions, Thank you.

Edited by Dcseal
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1. What is Ablator?

All I know is it's some resource in a heat shield, That's it. I don't even know how

to pronounce it, so if someone could tell me, Thanks.

That's pretty much all there is to know about it. :) "Ablator" is just the amount of protective shielding you have left in that shield. Once it runs out, the shield doesn't protect you anymore.

2. What is Reputation?

In career mode, What is it? It seems it has it's uses, with stratigies and stuff, But, Is there any punishment

for low reputation?

As I understand it, Reputation just affects how "prestigious" the contracts you're offered are. High Reputation will offer you missions to other planets, low Reputation will limit them to missions within Kerbin's sphere of influence. It's not that important of a resource, I usually just turn it all into science or funds.

3. I don't know how to build a plane whatsoever.

I know how to fly, there you go.

Explain away.

There are a lot of guides on this subforum that can answer this question way better than I can. ;)

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An ablator is a material, usually some type of resin, that burns away during atmospheric entry. As the ablator burns and vaporizes, it cares away with it the unwanted heat. The remaining ablator also insulates the spacecraft.

Having a high reputation means that you are offered more lucrative contracts.

Edited by OhioBob
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