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"Jumping" surface Mun Base

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There was a thread about this problem - but it was 2,5 years ago. Maybe something has changed.

My base jumps a few hundred meters up when I dock something new. Is there any solution for this problem ?

Edited by Stigy
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200+ meters is pretty impressive. I've never seen anything even near that, even on light moons like Minmus. Maybe you could do that on Gilly.

Does your base have landing gear or wheels, or are the parts sitting flat on the ground? KSP doesn't like regular parts sitting flat on the ground.

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it's not like 500m more like 200. Usually it's 20-50. But still.... Doesn't matter how high it jumps when it's not constructed for jumps.

Yes - My base is on struts. Now it's jumping even when I'm not attaching anything. Plus it also moving - 0,3-2 m/s but the movement is unnoticeable.

Some photos of base and one of it's low jumps:


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When a vessel is loaded, physics can act on it in such ways that make things bend and sag. While not terribly noticeable this is happening to your base as well. However when it is unloaded, the game doesn't remember this bending, instead it remembers the base exactly as it would look had it been put together in the VAB and the orientation of the root part. So when you unload and reload the base it jumps because some of the parts are slightly underground due to how the game remembers craft.

Short of making the base more compact there isn't really much you can do about the jumping.

EDIT: I'll come back with a visual example of what I'm talking about.

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Thank You for reply. It's fact that it jumps during loading. But the biggest problem are jumps during docking. It destroys base, struts and rover wheels. I thought there is a way to do something about it ? If not maybe the best solution is to divide base for segments, not connected to each other.

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Thank You for reply. It's fact that it jumps during loading. But the biggest problem are jumps during docking. It destroys base, struts and rover wheels. I thought there is a way to do something about it ? If not maybe the best solution is to divide base for segments, not connected to each other.

AFAIK when two ships dock the game has to rewrite the craft tree since there can only be one root part, so when it does this it reloads the entire base. If making the base more compact doesn't work then dividing the base may be the only solution.

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Maybe not perfectly flat surface is the problem. I think it could be a little wavy...

P.S. Now i checked than when i dock from the bottom of one of modules (i got two types of construction rovers: 1-docking from bottom of parts 2- docking from the side) base doesn't jump ! So why is that ?! i don't understand it anymore....

Edited by Stigy
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I'm afraid I don't have anything helpful to add, but back in 0.19.1, after a while I could never load my refinery or this would happen:

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I got a lot of use out of this fuel refinery, resupplying both Minmus and LKO ships. I was sad to see it die, as spectacular as it was.

Edited by Yasmy
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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod might help. Amongst it features:

Physics Easing

  • Slowly dials up external forces (gravity, centrifugal, coriolis) when on the surface of a planet, reducing the initial stress during loading
  • All parts and joints are strengthened heavily during physics loading (coming off of rails) to prevent Kraken attacks on ships


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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod might help. Amongst it features:

Physics Easing

  • Slowly dials up external forces (gravity, centrifugal, coriolis) when on the surface of a planet, reducing the initial stress during loading
  • All parts and joints are strengthened heavily during physics loading (coming off of rails) to prevent Kraken attacks on ships


I tried this one. Didn't help... I think we must wait for future updates. For now the only solution I see is to divide our bases for small parts.

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If docking is the major issue, have you tried KIS/KAS? You can connect with either a rigid pipe, or a flexible winch/hose, which might work around the problem. You can add the attachment points with KIS tools to the existing base with an EVA engineer.

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Haven't used these mods yet but they are on my "give it a try" list. My goal was to build a base without mod parts. But i did it and i'll try some new parts soon. Still docking is only one part of the problem. Drop of FPS is another. Every new part causes huge drop of performance.

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