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Full KSP Grand Tour

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I asked on the forums not that long ago asking if it was possible to explore the whole Kerbol system with one ship only. Turns out its difficult, but not impossible. So, here it is:

I want to challenge you to make a full exploration of the Kerbol System, according to the rules below, and you will be scored on the following system. Make sure you read all the rules and scoring.

NOTE: If you want to use multiple crafts that do not dock in LKO here is a more suitable challenge: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136742-THE-SOLAR-SYSTEM-EXPRESS%28es%29-CHALLENGE


  • You must visit every celestial body in the Kerbol System
  • You must use ONLY one ship. A refuelling lander is allowed, but it wont get any extra points, and must be built-in unless specified below:
  • Constructing in orbit is allowed, but again, wont get any extra points.
  • SSTOs and space planes will earn so much more points.
  • You don't have to land, only enter the SOI.
  • Mods that are allowed:
    • MechJeb (I'll explain later)
    • Kerbal Engineer Redux
    • RealChute Parachute Systems
    • B9 Aerospace for those people still on 0.90.0
    • New Planet Mods

    [*]Mods that are not allowed:

    • Anything that adds in new fuel tanks/engines except B9
    • Anything that changes physics except FAR and DRE, not that it does so


Point System:


  • Have kerbals on your craft: 100 points per Kerbal (extra 10 if one's controlling it)
  • Use a probe: 10 points
  • Have a refuelling lander: 0 points
    • The reason for this is that it is practically a must for most ships trying to do this anyway, but you still can use it.
    • Not having a refuelling lander (only with kerbals): 20000 points - extra 1000 for a refuelling SSTO (thank you, tseitsei, for pointing out the difficulty of this)

    [*]Collect Science: 1 point/1 Science - this means about 14000 points in a brand new save and all collected

    [*]Use an SSTO: 20000 points - as in Kerbin SSTO, not an SSTO for other planets

    [*]Use a spaceplane: 5000 points

    [*]Return to Kerbin: 5000

    [*]Survive an Eve descent: 10000 points

    • Cool, Right?
    • Return to orbit from Eve: 40000 points
    • Use an SSTO: 20000 extra

    [*]Land on everything but Jool and the Sun: 30000 points, not including previous for Eve, extra 30000 if return to orbit

    [*]Land on Jool: To be decided (rules: you must stop with no velocity (use KER for checking thisor acceleration, and must have landing gear/legs deployed and no parachutes deployed (impossible))

    [*]Not on Sandbox: 1000 points

    [*]Time taken: 1000 points per day for remaining time to 10 years mark

    [*]Style+Size of Rocket: Ill determine that


  • Use mods:
    • Part mods: only those that don't add engines or fuel tanks, list all mods in your craft/install if you have them
    • FAR: 2000 points
    • DRE: Depends on the G-Force effects
    • TACLS: 1 point for every day that a Kerbal does not die. After one does, point collection will stop. Say the date that a Kerbal dies to make it easier for me.
    • MJ2:0
      • Because it's hard to get Tranfers


      [*]Any stat mods:0

      [*]Placement helpers:0

      [*]Autopilot: kOS: 10000 other: 0

      [*]New planets: Ill decide with the mods that add them.


[TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: center]






[TD]1. EvermoreAlpaca[/TD]

[TD]137592 (first person) (points lost due to not being a fresh campaign)[/TD]



































I'm done with that, so, any questions and Ill answer them!


Have you done this yet?

Look at my signature. Less than a YEAR and I haven't done manned interplanetary yet. :(​​​​​​

EDIT: I JUST LANDED ON DUNA! And returned. And overshot. And crashed into the moon.

Whats the similarity with the newer challenges posted on the forum?

People just don't look through older posts before posting new challenges on the forum.mIf you bothered to read them you will have noticed that I posted on the newest thread repeating this.

Why is this hard?

Thats the point.

- - - Updated - - -


Edited by RA3236
Giving a link to another challenge to suit people
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I want to do this with a single ship that goes everywhere and can also leave kerbin in single launch (single stage probably also). Because you can pretty much do anything if orbital assembly and seperate lander(s) are allowed.

I have some questions on the scoring though.

What does using SSTO mean?

I have been planning a ship that can SSTO everything but eve and can get back to eve orbit with staging. Would that award me 20000 points for "use an SSTO" since building an eve SSTO is pretty near impossible?

The ship will (hopefully) be able to SSTO to and from everywhere (but eve) and the whole ship will land to everywhere (but eve). The ship has ISRU on board and it will refuel itself. Would that count as "not having a refueling lander (I refuel but I don't have a seperate lander that does the refueling)?

I also hope to be able to return to kerbin by leaving ISRU unit with atomic engine on eve orbit and using that as a return vehicle :D

This is a long time project and KSP dream of mine that is finally beginning to look reasonable. It has taken countless hours to build up my experience on spaceplanes, orbital mechanics and piloting to be able to plan and hopefully execute this :) Probably will still take a few months before I'm ready though...

Edited by tseitsei
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Eve must be landed on. SSTO usage means no orbital assembly, runway takeoff, all planets take off and landing with an Kerbin SSTO (it can dispose of stuff to get to the other planets - only needs to be SSTO for Kerbin). Actually I might change the scoring a bit to suit people's needs tomorrow. It's 9pm where I live (Australia) so I have all night.

Edited by RA3236
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Actually doing it now

- - - Updated - - -

The ship will (hopefully) be able to SSTO to and from everywhere (but eve) and the whole ship will land to everywhere (but eve). The ship has ISRU on board and it will refuel itself. Would that count as "not having a refueling lander (I refuel but I don't have a seperate lander that does the refueling)?

Anything that refuels without a separate lander counts. I like your idea, gonna actually try to do that one day...

- - - Updated - - -

This's been done before in different versions - search for 'KSP Grand Tour'.

With ISRU and new atmo it's even easier.

I'll say this: that was not part of a challenge involving this.

- - - Updated - - -

Minor updates to scoring done.

Edited by RA3236
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Okay one more question.

How do you define spaceplane?

Does it need to take off horizontally?

Does it need to have airbreathing engines for atmospheric flight?

Does it need to land like a plane (horizontal glide)?

Or is it just enough that it looks like a plane to you?

My ship can take off both vertically (from launch clamps) and horizontally from runway. I don't know yet if it can ssto after hrunway takeoff since vertical takeoff is more fuel efficient.

My ship doesnt have any airbreathing engines. Only mammoths and nukes and one lv-909 for eve last stage.

My ship can land like a plane and will land like that to laythe and eve. On non atmospheric bodies it will land tail first and brake with mammoths and turn itself horizontally using vernors to land on landing gears.

And my ship definitely looks like an aeroplane.

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Okay one more question.

How do you define spaceplane?

Umm... a spaceplane is something that land horizontally on Kerbin, because the Space Shuttle was technically a spaceplane. And no, it doesn't need airbreathing engines - its just a glider/aircraft/plane/fighter that goes to space and lands like a plane

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Landed a manned science rover on every moon and planet in one launch. Could in theory take the rover to each biome, I didn't bother since I wasn't playing a fresh campaign, and it would take quite a long time.

Damn, score for you as follows:

Kerbals: 200

Use a Probe: 10

Eve Landing +acsent: 50000

Land on all bodies: 30000

Career: 1000

Return To Kerbin: 5000

Refueling Lander: 0

Science: Sorry, I need to see the total science to give me a hand. I'm not expecting any more than 50000 for this..

Total (Not including Science points): 96210 points! (plus 10000 points for the first person and the smallest rocket that isn't a ion probe)

Give me some Science totals and time taken so I can update this. Wasn't clear.

Overall, Great Job!! Better than anyone Ive seen Before!

Edited by RA3236
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Sadly it was not a fresh campaign, and I was too lazy to do all the potential biomes on the landings as a result. Could of been much much higher =(


43382 counting the subtracted points from the admin building. Note on the screenshot that many of those data retrievals had already been done =0

P.S. There is extra points for being an SSTO yes?

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