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FAR Fighter Challenge BD Armoury AI: 2!!

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Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery; here is my new entrant into the challenge. The Faukker Dr-4A.


This will I believe be the last time I try mounting a GAU-8 on a fighter.

SpaceplaneAddict. Let the contest go all they way to 2/3 fights please.

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OK, challenger list sorted & in the right order. I'll update the video playlist too.

EzBro ( your nick is a pain in the ass :P ) I'll give your updated plane a few fights to see if it's picked up randomexploditis. The last one was fine so I'm expecting the same from this one. I'm glad I put together a new craft already though...

Edit: seems fine, and extremely vicious! Thankfully I should have something to fight it if I can get stability issues sorted, but oy that's pretty nasty.

It appears that my planes do not use their canards if they have ailerons, for some reason...

Usually because all your surfaces are trying to do everything at once - right click one and look at the sliders, they're all set to 100 which means the surface is trying to deflect for pitch *and* roll *and* yaw ( they're the inputs from the bottom left of the flight window ). So if it's trying to pitch up and yaw left, the total input is zero. Set the inputs for your pitch controls to zero for anything except pitch and it will work better. Just load one of our craft up & right click the control surfaces to see.

Edited by Van Disaster
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WOAH, TrainEngie, Fire Interval of 60?????? For now, I'll just set that down to 15, because that would ake your plane become a runner, not a fighter

Two questions:

Why exactly do the bigger-winged planes have a higher turning radius?

If 60 makes a plane a coward, does 1 or 15 make it more likely to shoot?

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Two questions:

Why exactly do the bigger-winged planes have a higher turning radius?

They don't, it's a matter of control authority ( which is to some extent wing shape too ). I have what you'd probably call a big winged craft which can turn with EzBro's plane.

If 60 makes a plane a coward, does 1 or 15 make it more likely to shoot?

It's the fire interval for missiles. If you set it to 1 it'd just shoot the lot off at once. I've not found anything that affects shots with the gun, taking random shots with that really does seem random.

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I'd recommend using this instead of hyperedit - just hit alt-P, WASDQE to move the plane & then hit alt-P again. Just move left or right from the runway spawn & turn the heading to 270, there's no point being *that* precise :) until this turned up I just drove one craft off the runway & turned it round.

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Hi all,

Testing the next thing after K-191, I ran some fights against Kerolev FS-17 and GG HRF-12 yesterday. I also played with in-game video recording (never did that before). So here are two vids:

How do you use the in built recording?

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How do you use the in built recording?

With in-game I meant recording any game at all. It didn't even occur to me tat there might be something built into KSP or Steam. Instead, I downloaded LoiLo Game Recorder. It makes the game crash every time I go back to the hangar, but it does it's job once everything is ready on the runway.



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You could try MSI Afterburner also ( I haven't but it's been mentioned to me ). UE4 keeps telling me to try some Microsoft encoder I'd never heared of.

Tempted to suggest allowing vertical launch with SRBs, given how fun they end up looking :)


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Unfortunately I've not managed to work out how to auto-stage it - I think possibly you could put everything including group switching in the initial stage group, but I've not found a way to do it for *both* craft yet. There might be some action group mod that'll do it, I'll keep looking. I can at least get the craft to ditch the boosters automatically.

( and that fight showed just why we want radar... )

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Those are the tightest turns I've ever seen. The P.112.9VL gonna keep 1st place for a long time...:confused:

It's a prototype ( hence P.xxx rather than name ) and has some quite horrible stability issues that eat momentum - I made it by pulling the Swallow in half & sticking a new bit in the middle :P However it *has* to turn like that to keep up with EzBro's products, I think that's probably where we're at right now.

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It's a prototype ( hence P.xxx rather than name ) and has some quite horrible stability issues that eat momentum

Aren't some fighter jets inherently unstable just to make quick turns?

Oh, and btw, I'm going to make a basic jet version of this challenge when I get some free time (in about a week?)

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Aren't some fighter jets inherently unstable just to make quick turns?

Yes, but they have better flight envelope control than we can do with just DD and FAR; being unstable works fine in KSP until you stall, and then you find you can't unstall because the plane wants to nose up. We don't have any way of telling flight surfaces that we're about to stall ( or what the dynamic situation is generally other than the AoA at the current time ). That prototype is very unstable in yaw which can be caused by a bunch of things, and it just saps velocity & gets it killed sometimes.

Oh, and btw, I'm going to make a basic jet version of this challenge when I get some free time (in about a week?)

If it shares the same rules and format couldn't we run it as a class in here? I guess you don't have a useful post at the top of the first page to edit though.

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