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Hi guys and girls

Just signed up on the forum, I've been a casual KSP'er until recently when my computer blew up on me:mad::( (mind you I was using a Whackjob rocket at the time:wink:). I'm currently saving for a games rig and waiting for 1.1 to come out like the rest of you, so I thought I'd get my KSP "fix" on the forum.

I'm looking forward to being part of this great community.

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Hello Star-Eagle, and welcome to the forums!

Here's hoping your new rig comes sooner rather than later. Although, from the sounds of it, I think we still have a bit of time before 1.1 drops.

Nice username, BTW.

Happy landings!

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I'm glad you like the name the other one I was considering was Star-Knight but I've already used that on another forum.

@Starhawk, It'll be a while before I get my rig, I've got enough for a decent machine right now but I'm thinking of saving a bit extra and going all out on a great rig.

@Dman979, I can't recall if I downloaded an actual whackjob rocket or a whackjob scale rocket from someone else, though to be fair my machine was a few years old and it wasn't exactly a top of the line model ether.

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