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[1.12.x] USI Core (Reactors and Kontainers)


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Whoopz :D

it looks like there is an issue with the round tanks (at least 3.75m size) - maybe other tanks have been contaminated?

I had this logisitcs base on Kerbin's surface. It had two 3.75m size round tanks, golden texture, containing Monopropellant.

After updating to from ... (?? no version number found in the old "Kontainers" folder), the monoprop was converted to Karborundrum (even though I don't have Karborundrum installed) and the texture switched to the black version, instead of the golden version.

When comparing RndTank_02.cfg files I noticed you added Karborundrum (and others) in the MODULE{...} sub:

New version:

name = FStextureSwitch2
textureNames =
objectNames = Tank
textureDisplayNames = Karborundum;Xenon;Argon;LFO;Water;Chemicals;Organics;Mulch;LH2;LiqudFuel;MonoPropellant
useFuelSwitchModule = true
fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10
repaintableEVA = true
nextButtonText = Next Cargo
prevButtonText = Previous Cargo

Old version:

name = FStextureSwitch2
textureNames =
objectNames = Tank
textureDisplayNames = LFO;Water;Chemicals;Organics;Mulch;LH2;LiqudFuel;MonoPropellant
useFuelSwitchModule = true
fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7

Looks like the modifications you did scrambled the order of the resources...

Well, it's no big deal, I'll correct my logistics base by hand...

My other tanks ("5m Kontainer tank" with LFO, "5m Kontainer" with RocketParts) are OK.

Edited by SnakyLeVrai
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Hm, wierd, something seems to be interfering with the reactors and making them not work. I'll have to check it out in the morning, NFE might be a culprit, but I made sure I removed the plugin for the reactors in there and the reactors themselves.

Edit: Maybe it's the NFE config. I'll try that in the morning. Edited by smjjames
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Since water is now useful as ballast for balancing seagoing vessels, is there a way we can get a water pump part included with this to pump and filter water from bodies of (mostly) water into tanks, and then pump water out of the tanks when we no longer need it?
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[quote name='Ruedii']Since water is now useful as ballast for balancing seagoing vessels, is there a way we can get a water pump part included with this to pump and filter water from bodies of (mostly) water into tanks, and then pump water out of the tanks when we no longer need it?[/QUOTE]

Wellll, Karbonite already has an oceanic pump (node only and has to point downward, which might make for awkward configurations) which does take water. It doesn't pump out though.

FTT doesn't seem like the right place to ask for that kind of thing though. Edited by smjjames
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[quote name='smjjames']Hm, wierd, something seems to be interfering with the reactors and making them not work. I'll have to check it out in the morning, NFE might be a culprit, but I made sure I removed the plugin for the reactors in there and the reactors themselves.

Edit: Maybe it's the NFE config. I'll try that in the morning.[/QUOTE]

It's NFE. Already a known issue.

[quote name='SnakyLeVrai']Whoopz :D

it looks like there is an issue with the round tanks (at least 3.75m size) - maybe other tanks have been contaminated?

Likely a breaking change if your version predates the move to core for the kontainers.

[quote name='Ruedii']Since water is now useful as ballast for balancing seagoing vessels, is there a way we can get a water pump part included with this to pump and filter water from bodies of (mostly) water into tanks, and then pump water out of the tanks when we no longer need it?[/QUOTE]

Log a github issue - usual deal, no guarantees, but at least it gets it on the radar :)

[quote name='smjjames']Wellll, Karbonite already has an oceanic pump (node only and has to point downward, which might make for awkward configurations) which does take water. It doesn't pump out though.

FTT doesn't seem like the right place to ask for that kind of thing though.[/QUOTE]

Good thing this is not the FTT thread :D
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[quote name='RoverDude']It's NFE. Already a known issue.

Likely a breaking change if your version predates the move to core for the kontainers.

Log a github issue - usual deal, no guarantees, but at least it gets it on the radar :)

Good thing this is not the FTT thread :D[/QUOTE]

Lol, I don't know why I thought I was in the FTT thread, tired I guess and yeah, it was the NFE config that I left in there screwing it up.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good question - normally people recycle it since this is supported in UKS, etc., though I expect one could also make a kind of waste dump by transferring it to a rocket, etc. and destroying it, etc. (we try to avoid having nuclear waste lying about).

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i just sent a 2.5m reactor up to my station, and i cannot get it started?  the start/stop button just isnt there, never had this problem before.

after some testing, i can bind the start/stop to an action key on a new vessel, but that doesnt really help the one ive already orbited to my station :(


Edited by TK421d
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  On 12/1/2015 at 10:41 PM, TK421d said:

i just sent a 2.5m reactor up to my station, and i cannot get it started?  the start/stop button just isnt there, never had this problem before.

after some testing, i can bind the start/stop to an action key on a new vessel, but that doesnt really help the one ive already orbited to my station :(


For better help, please post your mod list.

From experience, it's probably NearFutureElectrical. It doesn't work with 1.0.5. Get a hacked DLL here, if this is the case.

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Yep, looking at that pic, it's not working because you have NFE installed and NFE is not working in 1.0.5 last I checked.


Given the amount of support issues this is causing me, I'll be pulling out the NFE config next patch and just having it as a separate download for folks interested in it.

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  On 12/2/2015 at 2:00 PM, Domfluff said:

The hacked .dll seems to fix the reactors for NFE compatibility, but a separate download is probably the sensible way to do it - there's no reason why you should be supporting someone else's mod.


Actually, there is.  It's just being neighborly, and not that uncommon.  This just happens to be the first case where we've had it cause a major issue - not through stuff on my end, but due to people insisting on using an outdated mod and being surprised when stuff does not work.

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i do use NFE, but since 1.0 i've pruned out the reactors and the .dll, and just kept the batteries.  i'm not sure whats left of the cfg's would interfere?

i do run a lot of mods however, ill try to see if there's something elsewhere conflicting this weekend

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  On 12/2/2015 at 2:00 PM, Domfluff said:

The hacked .dll seems to fix the reactors for NFE compatibility, but a separate download is probably the sensible way to do it - there's no reason why you should be supporting someone else's mod.


Just to be clear: the patched dll allows reactors to be started and stopped.  Reactors generate power and heat, but there's something off about heat generation during timewarp (reactor equilibrium temp during higher warps is significantly higher than at 1x speed; radiator configs that avoid overheat during long NEP burns are not sufficient to prevent the reactors from getting explody at 100x warp..).  They're also not yet using the new "core temp" mechanism that was added to 1.0.5.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was playing my (mostly) stock career save tonight and got irritated with some power requirements.  I decided to drop in USI_Core for the reactors and they show up fine.  However, I did discover Kontainers don't show up at all.  As currently configured, they still require USITools to put them in their own tab.  This is not a big issue for me as I simply made a MM patch to put them into Utility.  New users may find this confusing and be unable to fix it themselves if they aren't using any other USI mods that include USITools.

So I was wondering if this was intentional or just an oversight?  I realize the tanks are mainly useful for USI resources but can still be helpful in stock.  I can think of a couple of solutions such as including USITools with the download, adding a quick blurb to the first post about needing USITools to be able to use the Kontainers, or just adding in a MM patch similiar to what I made for myself. 

I'm willing to make up a MM patch to move them around the stock tech tree nodes, hide the KIS Kontainers if KIS is not installed, etc if you would prefer to go that route.


Edited by Mynar Moonshadow
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  On 12/2/2015 at 7:20 PM, billkerbinsky said:

Just to be clear: the patched dll allows reactors to be started and stopped.  Reactors generate power and heat, but there's something off about heat generation during timewarp (reactor equilibrium temp during higher warps is significantly higher than at 1x speed; radiator configs that avoid overheat during long NEP burns are not sufficient to prevent the reactors from getting explody at 100x warp..).  They're also not yet using the new "core temp" mechanism that was added to 1.0.5.


Note that Nertea is currently furiously hacking on NFE, so we might see a fixed release sooner than later. However, there seems to be some frustration on his side.

Could RoverDude's core temp wisdom help him, questionmark?

Edited by Kobymaru
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I'm having a problems with switching the texture and resource type on the spherical and cylindrical kontainer tanks, and attaching them with symmetry. Basically attaching them with symmetry (or just having symmetrical ghost parts appear from mousing over a part while holding a tank) will change the tank resource to match the index of the colour texture...
For example, place a single 1.25m tank, change the resource and leave it gold. Then pick it up and place it radially with symmetry, and the resource will change back to LFO (gold and LFO are both the first options for the texture switches). Then try it again, leaving the tank set to LFO this time, but change the colour to copper, and then attach radially with symmetry, and the resource will change to H20 (copper and H20 are both the second options for the texture switches, so it seems the resource switch is changing to match the colour switch index).

Trying to switch stuff on a part already in a symmetrical set also causes weird problems, and attaching radially without symmetry doesn't.

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  On 12/17/2015 at 6:17 PM, Kobymaru said:

Note that Nertea is currently furiously hacking on NFE, so we might see a fixed release sooner than later. However, there seems to be some frustration on his side.

Could RoverDude's core temp wisdom help him, questionmark?


We've been chatting :)

  On 12/18/2015 at 12:56 AM, Rodger said:

I'm having a problems with switching the texture and resource type on the spherical and cylindrical kontainer tanks, and attaching them with symmetry. Basically attaching them with symmetry (or just having symmetrical ghost parts appear from mousing over a part while holding a tank) will change the tank resource to match the index of the colour texture...
For example, place a single 1.25m tank, change the resource and leave it gold. Then pick it up and place it radially with symmetry, and the resource will change back to LFO (gold and LFO are both the first options for the texture switches). Then try it again, leaving the tank set to LFO this time, but change the colour to copper, and then attach radially with symmetry, and the resource will change to H20 (copper and H20 are both the second options for the texture switches, so it seems the resource switch is changing to match the colour switch index).

Trying to switch stuff on a part already in a symmetrical set also causes weird problems, and attaching radially without symmetry doesn't.


Github issue please - will likely be a Firespitter fix or a config issue

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