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Araym's KASA - Kerbal Administration of Space Adventures - THE COMICS - Ep. 7 - Page 18


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Kerbal Administration of Space Adventures



I already started, some time ago, some story-telling during mission reports of a MIR space station replica construction...

... in those days, I was thinking about, also, about a story-telling "Career Mode", possibly going (almost) in line with real life space exploration...

... then it came Kuzzter! Then Parkaboy! Then many more (even little Kuzzter's son!!! :wink: Great kid, Kuzz!)...

... so I was enlighted to "How could be awesome to put together 2 of my passions": drawing (and comics) and KSP.

I dunno my ideas will be so successful like anyone else, mostly because I'm not english-native, so I should put a LOT of thinking in dialogues...

But... It Started!!!


I hope you will enjoy it.


During writing, all episode's panels will be updated on the same post in which it started, adding then a little update reminder in the thread, to give a notice to it...

1- A New Beginning (... again...)
2- An orbit is halfway to everywhere
3- Interlude 1
4- Explorations... but not Space
5- The Race for Exploration
6- Not always "Big"...
7- What's program goin' on?

- - - Updated 24/12/2015 - - -
- - - Episode 7, page 18 - - -













... this should be the "First Episode"!

Soon more of them... I hope...



As I'm just collecting launches, I tried to add some more mods to add "difficoulties" and "depth" to the story (I'm still in "Year 1, day 4", after the whole chapters added)... but my poor laptop is already dying (I was trying to use " Kerbal Construction Time ", but I have no more RAM free :P)...

So, at least to "act" some time-development, I made some rules for me:

1- Every "rocket launch" need 2 Kerbin's day of preparation for every 10000 Kredits it cost (meaning easy, simple, rockets could be launched more frequently than bigger ones) if done by the Launch Pad.

1b- Standardized rocket launchers that have some "recovered parts" (like the future Elon Musk's Falcon 9, or a Space Shuttle) could "discount" 0.5 Kerbin's days for every 10000 Kredits recovered, if the same launcher will be used for another launch. Added boosters/stages are counted under rule 1 (like any payload on it)

1c- I must track of a "recovered parts' storage": if I wanna launch a rocket from a "standardized version project", BUT I have not "refurbished parts" available, only rules 1 applies.

1d- ALL the "launch time counts" are rounded upwards to a full day (example: a rocket that cost from 15001 to 20000 Kredits needs 4 Kerbin days, from 20001 to 25000 it needs 5 kerbin days... etc etc). "Recovered time" from recovered stages/spaceplanes are rounded upwards too, but to an "half day" value, but with a cap of at least 5000 Kredits recovered from a single mission (multiple boosters/parts stack): from 5001 to 10000, 0.5 kerbin day discount; from 10001 to 20000, 1 kerbin day discount; from 20001 to 30000, 1.5 kerbin days... etc etc
(Kerbin's day definition: 6 hours)

2- Atmospherical planes already used and launched by the Runway does not follow previous rules, simulating like there should be a complement of researched planes available at the KSC, aside from the "first launch" of a "model" (... very same airplanes, previously flew, considered just "refueled"...).

2b- Never flown Planes (first flight) or EVERY SpacePlanes that achieve orbit, even if launched by the runway with atmospherical engines, HAVE to follow all Rules 1 (... just considering the stress to be orbital and reentry) divided by half: it needs 1 Kerbin's day of preparation for every 10000 Kredits of cost.

2c- SpacePlanes could utilize the actual "bonus" for recovered part, if the same design would be utilized as a previous one recovered, as Rules 1b/1d (making, actually, cheaper in time unlike rockets, having initial lower time-cost and more part recovered): 0.5 Kerbin's days x 10000 Kredits recovered.

2d- Atmospherical transport planes that differ in loaded cargo (like a C-130 or a C-5 Galaxy) have to follow rules 2b/2c, but after "first flight", only for the cargo value (meaning that the cargo must be prepared, using days, but the plane is considered just "refueled" for free, in terms of time).

3- 30 days of "cooldown" for any building, R&D or launch facility upgrade (R&D Center, VAB, SPH, Runaway and Launch Pad). It means no launches in those periods, if launching pad/runway or VAB/SPH is under recostruction, or no more nodes-parts from R&D center, if during cooldown. No malus from Mission Control, Administration Building or Tracking Station (they are "utilities building" just needed to play).

3b- I'm allowed to upgrade to the next tier only if ALL the building have the same tier (example: if I want the tier 3 VAB - the final one - i MUST have upgraded ALL the KSC buildings already to tier 2)

3c- Damaged facilities follow the Rule 3 (30 days cooldown if prescribed): exceptions are "cosmetic damage" on destructible (example: destroying the Old Pod memorial does not prescribe the use of the VAB... destroying the main VAB building does; but destroying a single section of the runway BLOCK ALL the runway)

3c- SpacePlanes or Planes already on mission during a runway rebuilt can land only at Island Base

4- I will allow myself to build "christened" recoverable spacecraft: like there was a "flottilla" of Space Shuttles (Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour), even if based on the same building project, they are counted as "separated vehicles" with specific refurbishing periods.

4b- If a christened vehicle is "heavily damaged" away from KSC (meaning it broke during a landing away from KSC or Island Base), is lost forever, even if it has some recoverable parts. (I could rebuilt it... but it loose any "recovering bonus" and the next flight must be considered as a "first flight")

4c- If a christened vehicle is "heavily damaged" AT the KSC or AT Island Base, it could be reused, but the recovering time bonus is considered only for parts still attached to the MAIN "control parts" (it means that a debries field, even if recovered, does not count for the recovered time bonus: they are "debries"!!)

4d- exception of rule 4c: "exact broken in half" - In the case of a "pod" broken away from a full vehicle that could be, aside the pod/control part, considered intact, or any combination of a craft that (in theory) could be reassembled by 2 perfectly survived halves, means that the christened vehicle could be "recovered" (exceptional crash with pilot skill that -almost-save the assets; a case of some sort of "ejection option"; a misclick by a kerbonaut using a KIS device that divide in half a vehicle - it happened to me :P Damn Bill experimenting his "engineering skills" in a sandbox-simulation-testing mode :D).

4e- "Minor damages": landing gears/wheels lost/broken does not count for "heavy damages". Parts loss are also considered "minor damages", if not structural impairing (a wingtip could be repaired... an aileron could be repaired... an engine could be repaired... some collections of "cosmetic parts" could be repaired... an entire, single structural part - example for the stock bigger wings, or a big procedural wing - is NOT "minor")

5- "Part tests" at launch site, if NOT LEAVING IT, cost, rounded, 1 day per part tested (Example: just a random "test run" click on the launchpad for 2 parts costs 2 days... etc etc)

6- Crew rotation: Any KASA Kerbonaut need to recover from activities. Any Kerbonaut could fly only once per day in an atmospherical plane. If any flight last more than 4 hours, kerbonauts involved have "1 day off" from any activities. Sub-orbital spaceplanes flight have 1 day-off policy, even if have less than 4 hours duration (stress to use an hi-performance plane??? :P).

Kerbonauts involved in space activities for less than 6 hours (example: a sub-orbital rocket launch, or a fast orbit and-reentry) need 2 Kerbin's days off. For any Kerbin day spent in space more than 6 hours, any Kerbonauts have an additional 0.5 Kerbin day off (Example: 30 days in orbit = 15+2 Kerbin days out of duty = 17 Kerbin day unavailable - mimic holidays, medical tests, crew rotations etc etc)

7- "Building" Programming: using Kerbal Alarm Clock, I could program building crafts ahead, 1x tier value of building facilities. It means I could build in advance 2 rockets, if VAB is tier 2, and 3 launches when it will be tier 3.
This will be just for "build the rockets": any launch from LaunchPad, could take off at +1 Kerbin day from the last, to allow to be rolled out.

7b- SPH is "free" for atmospherical planes: I could program any number of already launched atmospherical planes, as they will be rolled out and launched like airplanes do in an airport, even one after another. Atmospherical planes that could reach "space" by chance, but are not able by any means to have fully space-capable features (only air breating engines), are considered like Hi-performance atmospherical planes, so no limitation. Any "rocket planes" that eventually graze the limit of space, and have Not-airbreathing engines (fuel+oxidant, xenon, nuclear engines) are free up to "space happens by chance and we don't planned it"... then will be put -by "safety board"- to the "sub-orbital spaceplanes" limits.

7c- SPH, beside, is NOT free for "SpacePlanes": there lies the limitation, like the VAB, for spaceplanes or "first flight" planes. They need "room" inside the SPH to be prepared. Max 2 vehicle at tier 2, then 3 at tier 3. "First flight" atmo planes, also, need time to be "built", and be scheduled, like a Spaceplane.
Sub-orbital planes that could constantly be "sub-orbital" by design (... uhm... like the USA's X-15...), or "Wanna-be-orbital" planes that fail to orbit, but tried it, are considered "SpacePlanes".

8- "Variations" on existing (and "first flight tested") planes: I'm allowed to change/add scientific equipments (those falling in the specific tab) with no "penalties" to wait building time. My planes are meant to be used as "scientific vessel", like fighter planes (in real life) could change ordinances on pilons.

8b- Other, and ONLY, surface attackable parts are allowed "for free", up to some extend I have to test (a couple of batteries more could be tollerated... change a ladder... add lights... not changing a surface attackable air-scoop for engines, neither new types of landing gears...). Adding "additional surface attacked complements" (like suspended additional fuel tanks/parts mounted on a decoupler or on a new pilon) could be considered also as free. Programmed but not tested a fair amount of Kredit variation cap, before call it a "new airplane", rather a variation.

8c- Structural changes: tweaks on already mounted parts could be tollerated (little heights variation on landing wheels... mostly because I'm also using tweakable landing gears, or a little misplacement of parts) until the overall plane is not changed. Any change of "structural parts" (wings-ailerons-tails-control surfaces-engines) that will be consistent needs a "new model" that must be "first flight" tested.

9- Rovers/wheeled vehicles on Kerbin: are considered like atmospherical planes.

9b- Rovers/wheeled vehicles loaded as payload inside another airplane: after the "first ground test", are free like any other plane (imagine a wheeled vehicle just boarded, by ramps, on a cargo airplane)

9c- Rovers/wheeled vehicles loaded as payload on a rocket or spaceplane: are not free even if already "first tested" (safety measures calls)

I'm not using "retroactively" this time-rules, up to Episode 5. I was thinking about it, but I'm not intended to do some weird backward-in-time math... :P

Edited by Araym
Episode 7 - Page 18 update
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... and we have panel 5 and 6, up to boosters separation.

A smooth flight, isn't it? :D

(... and it was, indeed: I found a pretty stable R-7 rocket analogue, mixing some old - a little edited, lowering fuel to more "stock" values: previously were a little too much cheat-ish - and new Tantares parts...)

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  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Yay! Another comic! Subbed. I like how you're using tantares for it. Just a quick suggestion: Increase the text size. It's a bit hard to read, especially in Bill's text.

Thanks for the idea: I noticed the "too pale green" for Bob's baloon, and I already worked a more darken tone (if imgur could let me update the changes, I have all the episode 3 done and ready)...

... for the text dimension... well... a bigger one could be probably implemented from episode 4... (testing some different stiles :P)

... obviously, as soon I figure "WHAT" will be "episode 4" :D

Edited by Araym
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  Thegamer211 said:
How I managed to don't see it for 10 days?



  Starhawk said:
Wonderful stuff. I can't believe I didn't see this before now.

Very nice graphics, and very good writing as well.

Happy landings!

... ih-ih... KSP forum is like the sea: too vast to know it completely...

... and it's easy to be lost in it :P

  Kuzzter said:
Excellent work, wow! Looks like we have yet another talented writer/artist on the Forum I can watch and learn from. :)

Did-you-prize-me? :confused: Oh-Godly-Monkey:


... I totally stolen by you a lot... :blush:

- the croaky comms with ground and tower control

- Mortimer's *KA-CING* when he got money from missions

- more and more inspiration to kerbal-to-kerbal relationships (Bill and Bob close friendship, for example)

- the (in)famous (:P) "Every landing that you are walking away..."

- the same chorus idea (multiply the same ballon) as you show it in the latest EO0 (the drunk group on Eve singing :P)

- more (probably) ideas in the future

... I'm learning from you: at the moment, I'm just a padawan, compared to you, "master" :cool:

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  Kuzzter said:
Ah, but I stole that one from Parkaboy :D

:blush: Oh?!? :blush:

... plagiarism-in-chain??? LOL

I should also admit a lot of ispiration from Parkaboy too...

... but Parkaboy's story is giving to me a different problem: how to put in mine the "anomalies" presence.

Because I will surelly go to visit them, during future (a LOT future) episodes, but clearly I do not wanna enter too much in the same "realm" like "Plan K"...

(I hope that nothing dramatic will happens in KASA's 3rd year X°D)

... or maybe... this could be "another timeline" not shown in his stories...

DUNNO... we just passed, here, the "Sputnik 1" mark... it will be a long road... :P

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  Araym said:
... plagiarism-in-chain??? LOL

This might be a better topic for the "writers talk about writing" thread, but I think there's a world of difference between picking up a visual technique from someone and 'plagiarism' (which I don't think you meant to be confrontational, but that's not a word you want to throw at another writer even if you're kidding :)) For the record I don't think what you're doing with my stuff is plagiarism either. We're all adding to an open source fanon, and if my characterizations resonate so well that you can't help but use them in your own Kerbalverse, I'm honored.

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  Kuzzter said:
  Araym said:

... plagiarism-in-chain??? LOL

[...] but that's not a word you want to throw at another writer even if you're kidding :) [...]


Totally it was not meant to be a "negative comment" :blush:

Sometime I'm just fighting against my knowledge of "english", and if I do not find a word, I should start an hunt on italian-english dictionaries :blush:

Probably it could fit better the idea of "inspiration-in-chain"...

... because, surelly, Parkaboy's and your works are the cause of my decision to move on the "comic-style mission report", and, indeed, you two are my source of ispiration...

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  Araym said:
the same chorus idea (multiply the same ballon)

... plagiarism-in-chain??? LOL


I made something like multiple kerbals saying the same bubble...


...way before Plan Kappa even started... :blush:

But almost no one saw my comics and I am still waiting for 1.0.5 so I can continue the plot (and fix my space station without crashing while docking)

Maybe fixing my signature would work...

Does anyone know a Subforum for technical issues and help?

The forum is very buggy nodaways :huh:

Ah well...

Moar comics! :D

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  Thegamer211 said:
I made something like multiple kerbals saying the same bubble...

I did notice that when you did it and thought it was a good solution. The visual with the multicolored stripes just didn't work for me though. Prior to seeing Parkaboy's solution I did "multiple voices" by joining all the balloons into one and just making it white rather than my usual branch-of-service differentiation scheme.

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