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Your worst crashes! (That you survived)


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My worst "crash" was when Jeb attempted to steal some more science by EVA-ing at the upper atmosphere before reentry. Slipping away from the capsule almost immediately he soon found himself burning though the atmosphere at terrififying speed. He turned his helmet into the airstream in a last attempt to survive, and MADE IT! Then the next problem was the ground, rapidly approaching. He bounched off! Thinking he had finally made it, the second hit sadly turned him into a puff of smoke...

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Was re-entering my MK2 SSTO, when, like others, I pitched up too hard and tore off my right wing and engine. Now, with assymetric thrust and a plane that want's to spin like a top, I somehow managed to get it pointed and spinning aornd 5-10 degrees off prograde, and slowed down enough to lithobrake, so that the crew cabin and cockpit survived.

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During reentry I relesed my parachute too early and it disintegrated so at 2KM I decided to EVA and jump. Jeb hit the water very hard and looked dead to me floating on the water. It wasnt until I returned to the Space Station that I saw he could be recovered! Somehow Jeb survived :)

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