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Has anyone tried the Rich Purnell Maneuver already?


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I've searched the forum and didn't find anything...

The Rich Purnell Maneuver would be:

Have a craft (the "Kermes") flying home from Duna to Kerbin.

Kermes does a swing-by around Kerbin, going back to Duna.

- during this swing-by, it needs to rendezvous with a probe launched from Kerbin.

Kermes does a swing-by around Duna, going back to Kerbin.

- during this swing-by, it needs to pick up Mark Kerman, freshly launched from Duna.

If anyone could provide a save game with the Kermes in flight, Mark Kerman waiting on Duna, in a configuration that allows all this, I'd be happy to play it...


PS: And did anyone notice the layout of the Ares V launch stage during the epilogue? That sure looked like an orange-tank-asparagus-setup :-D

Edited by heng
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I have accoumplished a rendezvous with a vehicle that was going a bit faster than escape velocity.

how to perform the first burn that alters your trajectory t meet Kerbin and swing back to Duna is very hard because there are many possible starting scenario's. It is still something I'd like to do.

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  Melonfish said:
Serious Challenge Material this. Big time.

Just finished reading The Martian I really enjoyed it tbh, the Mcguyver aspect really came through, if only NASA had sent more rubber bands and paperclips up with them ;)

Challenge Award:

forum badge "kerbal-eyed-missile man" :-D

McGuyver? Well, they _did_ build a working bomb in the kitchen... and - I am not chemist - it sure sounded like it would be possible (though VERY(!) unstable)...

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Challenge has 3 parts, first is the slingshot who sends you back to Duna. Yes you are allowed to burn in addition but far less than the the burn needed to go to Duna if launched from LKO say 250 m/s, you must also be able to return to Kerbin but this is not an hurry. Fallback is to ditch ship and do an landing in pod mun return style.

Second is to launch probe from Kerbin who intercept the ship. This might be launched to LKO first.

last is the launch from Duna and intercept with ship, this is not allowed to go into Duna orbit. it has to go directly to the ship.

Yes you could use an probe in duna orbit to figure out then to launch.

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  heng said:

McGuyver? Well, they _did_ build a working bomb in the kitchen... and - I am not chemist - it sure sounded like it would be possible (though VERY(!) unstable)...

I am a chemist. And I concur. Very possible, very dangerous and unstable.

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I did something similar with the mission of the Macbeth 1 asteroid tug, way back in 0.23.5. Sent a tug out to meet the asteroid in solar orbit, and set up a Kerbin>Duna gravity assist. Met it with a whole bunch of stuff during the Kerbin flyby.

But I've never attempted the really hard part, which is the launch directly to escape speed and rendezvous with a craft flying by, I made orbits.

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