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Do Satellite Contract Get More Difficult?

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I'm a little way into a Career game, having just landed my first batch of tourists on the Mun, and seem to be having a tougher time with satellite contracts. Do you need to be more precise in reaching the correct orbit as the game progresses?

I ask as, early on, I noticed that a couple of contracts completed (after the 10 second delay to show the orbit is stable) whilst I was setting up a maneuvere node to refine the orbit. There was enough difference between the current and desired orbits that I could see a space between the orbital indicators. But today I spent over an hour making tiny burns to tweak an orbit without success. It was only by zooming in that the slight error became visible (which usually seems to put the "handles" of the maneuvere node out of view!)

Or, is it simply that the larger orbits of later contracts exaggerate any slight deviations?

Finally any hints or tips to share about matching orbits for these contracts?

Cheers :)

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The most likely culprit is you're orbiting the wrong direction. The orbit visual in the map view has little dots moving along that show the direction you need to orbit in. You should also be able to see the orbital inclination required in the details of the contract. For example a normal equatorial orbit would have an inclination of 0 degrees, but if the orbit goes the other direction, then the inclination is 180 degrees instead.

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They do get more exacting to a certain degree. Later contracts are more apt to specify exact coordinates of apoapsis or periapsis, or different inclinations; and as you visit more moons and planets, you get contracts for those as well. So, there is a bit of a progression of difficulty, but it's not an even one.

(You also have to watch when they throw something extra into the mix, like having a thermometer or materials bay on board; if you glance past it, you won't complete the contract without that/those items...)

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In addition, the contracts will specify (qualitatively) the degree of accuracy required in the orbit. For example, a one-star contract may ask you to establish an orbit with "reasonable deviation" from the supplied parameters. More difficult contracts --- which also pay more --- will ask for "minimal deviation" or something similar. (I forget the exact wording.) The latter require you to match the orbit more precisely before the contract is considered fulfilled.

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