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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Sarbian and Duck,

In spite of the "moments of irritation" with various AP's and such, KSP with MechJeb still finds ways of mesmerizing me with events that work better than I ever imagined they could be. Thanks for all your hard work!

Case-in-point: Tonight I was finishing up placing a class-C asteroid into 1600 km circular orbit with a new "Asteroid Grabber", and to keep the debris count low, I always try to de-orbit the probe. So I get away from the asteroid, and do a burn that goes from 1600 km to -200 km. Guaranteed splat. As the probe enters the atmosphere (pro-grade) I notice the entry angle is very steep, so I fully expect my solar panels to shred, which they do. But I'm screaming in at well over 2600 m/s, and seconds later, the whole ship breaks apart at the major seams! This is, like, four large chunks each (briefly) with their own plasma trails, plus about a dozen batteries which politely separate from one section, but maintain their radial orientation to each other. One piece explodes (which is where the batteries came off of). If you remember the video of Mir coming in over the Pacific Ocean, that's what this sequence looked like.

The remarkable thing about this is, I don't use Deadly Reentry. This broke up from FAR dynamics and simply exceeding the joint stress limits.

It was pretty, in a macabre sort of way. NOTE: No Kerbals were sacrificed in this death plunge.

I managed to get three shots of the re-entry, including one with the explosion of the central tank section. FOLDER LINKY

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Is there any way to turn off individual functions of the maneuver planner?

For example, I never tend to use these:

-change both Pe and Ap

-change semi-major axis

-resonant orbit

-change longitude of ascending node

and I get tired of clicking through them with the left and right arrows.

note:I do use the blacklist to turn off individual modules that I don't use such as the Rendezvous modules. But, I don't want to turn off the whole maneuver planner module... just a few functions of it.

Alternatively, what are the chances of adding a drop down select list so the desired function can be immediately selected?

Also, thanks for the wonderful add-on... its hard to imagine playing KSP without it.

I will add, by the way, that there is an additional (but implicit) reason to do something like this:

In Linux, the ever-present keyboard/mouse focus UI detection bug means that those of us who quickly click the left or right arrows, looking for our desired function, are also quickly clicking the scene rendered behind the MechJeb UI. This double click causes you to select No Target. In this case, it means I often (pretty much every time, until I notice and stop myself) will set the target, click to get to the right manuever type, and then have to re-click the target.

It's not a strong reason, but it is a reason.

(I also have all of the following keys unbound, because typing with them falls through: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,.,] and maybe a few others. :(

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Hi, I use latest mechjeb version (240 I think) but no matter if I use this one or the one from kerbal space port I cant get it to work. I have AR202 case attached to ship and it is right clickable, in editor and in flight too. Problem is that no matter if I have unlocked plugins or I play sandbox mode I have absolutely no mechjeb interface available so I can't use it....

anyone knows why? I was unable to find answer to this anywhere.

KSP version is of course latest available from steam.


If you're on Windows, right click KSP.exe then click Properties, then the Compatibility tab. Check the Run this program as an administrator tab. (You'll need to know your Administrator password if one is set.) Even if your user account has administrator rights, you're not running *everything* will full access unless you're logged in with the Administrator account.

Doing that fixed MechJeb not working, the toolbar not working, the invisible crew (they are in there, I managed to kill the orange suited trio while attempting to figure out WTH was going on) and not having a staging icon stack with the stock ships.

If you're on Linux or OSX, try running KSP as superuser (SU command).

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please read the last few post. Galane post just above your may resolve your problem ( related to Windows patch that got out last week )

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OK, found that file.

Both logs have been stored HERE .

The thread move so fast I missed your reply. Had a look at the log. I think a vessel did not initialized properly ( loading, or EL problem ) and then MJ went mad while trying to run on that ship.

technogeeky & OrbitalDebris : I replied to the other thread you opened for the RPM trouble.

technogeeky : keep reminding me of that Linux UI trouble until I give you something, so I don't forget :)

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And yet, you should still try closing the radiators to see what effect it has. If closing the radiators corrects the bounding box, well, we know more about the problem.

Sorry I didn't get back sooner. Spent the weekend at Penguicon.

Took a look at the bounding box with radiators extended and retracted on the mother ship....

It doesn't seem to have made a difference.


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Sorry I didn't get back sooner. Spent the weekend at Penguicon.

Took a look at the bounding box with radiators extended and retracted on the mother ship....

It doesn't seem to have made a difference.


You seriously should post a full list of parts for that craft or maybe the whole craft file and list of mods it requires.

Edit: Yeah, no seriously, I'm taking a look at the source code that generates the bounding box and it seems straightforward enough. Either one of the part's on that ship has a stray vertex out in the middle of nowhere or it's got a stray transform sitting out in the middle of nowhere.

Edited by Starwaster
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What versions of mechjeb2 are compatible with ksp .23.0? the version history seems to say 2.1.1 is the version I am looking for, but I get a message saying "incompatible version" at the main menu and a few crash bugs.

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Anyone else having issues with Auto staging the last few builds? Build 236 would immediately stage any boosters I had loaded but worked normally once that happened (or perhaps it just staged once immediately upon launch). Build 240 is just running non-stop through the staging leaving me to my last module only seconds after launch.

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Anyone else having issues with Auto staging the last few builds? Build 236 would immediately stage any boosters I had loaded but worked normally once that happened (or perhaps it just staged once immediately upon launch). Build 240 is just running non-stop through the staging leaving me to my last module only seconds after launch.

Not me. What other mods do you have.

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Install Module Manager then just unzip this and drop it in the mechjeb 2 folder


Module Manager


as for the toolbar there is a check box in the MechJeb settings for that

Was busy, just had a chance to check on this...thanks for the update!

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Anyone else having issues with Auto staging the last few builds? Build 236 would immediately stage any boosters I had loaded but worked normally once that happened (or perhaps it just staged once immediately upon launch). Build 240 is just running non-stop through the staging leaving me to my last module only seconds after launch.
Not me. What other mods do you have.

I'm only running two other mods, TAC Fuel Balancer V2.3.0.2 and Kerbal Alarm Clock V2.7.3

Edited by Jean Deaux
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Okay, I skimmed through several pages here but I can't find anything on this. With the introduction of the asteroid recovery stuff, I suddenly find myself in the position of needing to capture something on an only parabolic orbit through Kerbin's SOI. But the Rendevouz autopilot just has a fit when I try and misses, drastically.

Is there a trick I'm missing here? :(

Using, of course, Version 2.2.1

Edited by Tassyr
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Okay, I skimmed through several pages here but I can't find anything on this. With the introduction of the asteroid recovery stuff, I suddenly find myself in the position of needing to capture something on an only parabolic orbit through Kerbin's SOI. But the Rendevouz autopilot just has a fit when I try and misses, drastically.

Is there a trick I'm missing here? :(

Read my reply to your question in the Questions forum. MJ can't really do it, at least not in one burn. Wait 'til the object is in Kerbin's SOI. Launch into plane. Manually plot a reasonably close intercept (a few hundred kilometers is probably as close as you'll get in the first burn). Once en route, use MJ to fine tune the approach to about 100m. Dock as usual. I've done it this way multiple times.

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Read my reply to your question in the Questions forum. MJ can't really do it, at least not in one burn. Wait 'til the object is in Kerbin's SOI. Launch into plane. Manually plot a reasonably close intercept (a few hundred kilometers is probably as close as you'll get in the first burn). Once en route, use MJ to fine tune the approach to about 100m. Dock as usual. I've done it this way multiple times.

Sadly I'm just not good enough to do it manually as listed in your other post. I've tried, but I'm far more engineer than pilot. I'll try again though, using this one.

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Sadly I'm just not good enough to do it manually as listed in your other post. I've tried, but I'm far more engineer than pilot. I'll try again though, using this one.

It's tricky but you can do it - just be patient. Use MJ where you can - for instance, you CAN use MJ to launch into the object's plane. You CAN use MJ to fine-tune that plane once you've reached orbit. You CAN use MJ's maneuver node editor to play around with that first big intercept burn until you at least get an intercept within a couple hundred km's. You CAN use MJ's maneuver planner to execute that manually-plotted burn, and you CAN use it again to plot and execute a fine-tuning burn to get within a few hundred meters once you're en route. Once you're close to the target, you CAN still use SASS or any other module you want to help with the approach.

Personally I set the Navball to display the Target data, then just point retrograde at the target and slowly "brake-steer" my retrograde marker onto the target marker until I'm about 100m away and approaching at about 5 - 10 m/s. Then I'll rotate prograde and use RCS to make the final approach and capture.

Anyway, it might take practice but Quicksave is your friend. Once you learn to do it, it's no harder than anything else in KSP. :)

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Read my reply to your question in the Questions forum. MJ can't really do it, at least not in one burn. Wait 'til the object is in Kerbin's SOI. Launch into plane. Manually plot a reasonably close intercept (a few hundred kilometers is probably as close as you'll get in the first burn). Once en route, use MJ to fine tune the approach to about 100m. Dock as usual. I've done it this way multiple times.

And NOPE. I tried several times, the 'fine tune closest approach' option seemed to think that 100m and 9km-27km were the same things. It just whiffs right on by. Any new advice? :(

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