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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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I thought "Force Roll" always came with a text entry field near the check box where you could enter the roll angle you wanted, so 180 degrees if you want "heads-down." If I'm wrong and that's only in Smart A.S.S., it would be a good thing to add to other occurrences of "Force Roll".

Made me look...

The AGAP only has a "Force Roll" checkbox, no text input box. There is a "Limit angle of attack to" text box under it.

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Rendezvous autopilot does a matching velocity maneuver as part of the approach from hohmann orbit. You shouldn't have to do anything but let it finish it's closest approach and shutdown.

If you're having trouble with Match Velocity in maneuver planner the issue is you are already too close to the target vessel for the TWR of the maneuvering vessel. This is not an issue with Mechjeb, just bad estimation on your part. start the maneuvers from farther off.

Not Really, Autopilot was started on LKO and target was on KSS orbit, so everything was in hands of Mechjeb. Also similar situation happened to me when I was for example 10km away from target with relative velocity 0. Randezvous autopilot decided to accelerate to 100m/s and than had troubles to decelerate - I guess that problem is in case that ship have very low TWR...

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I'm having an interesting problem with MechJeb. The node planner is consistently underestimating the amount of dV needed. I was attempting to put a satellite in a 30Mm orbit. The first time I executed the node to raise the apoapsis to 30Mm, it raised it to 1.87 Mm. I tried executing again, and it raised it to 24Mm. I had to execute a couple more times to get close enough to 30Mm to satisfy me. I've had to do pretty much the same thing every time I use the node planner. Now, there are a lot of things that could be an issue. I am running quite a few mods, and I'm running the 24.1 version of MechJeb on KSP 23.5. Have there been any changes since 23.5 such that MechJeb would miscalculate the dV?

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I just merged a bunch of patch into dev

- xytovl combobox are now used more. Give feedback

- sanedragon improved the SmartASS SURFace mode. The non aligned buttons are giving me nightmare but I ll fix it soon :)

- my patch for the stock gimbal roll. I replaced my complex math with something and it works as well

- some change on how torque is handled. it should work better with gimbaled engines that don't throttle down to zero (SRB and engines in RO/RSS)

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I know, I'm just trying to ascertain whether something had to be changed from 23.5 to 24.1 that could cause this. Obviously, if it works, I'd like to use the most recent version, but if something was changed in the way things are calculated, I'm willing to go back to the 23.5 version if that would fix it.

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Hey sarbian,

Don't you wish you worked for SpaceX? It'd be a lot easier to write a mechjeb for a single rocket configuration than trying to pin down every possible combo this game allows.

In fact, I wonder if any of their guys peek in on the mechjeb code out of curiosity?

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I doubt loops going thru all parts would help the SpaceX bunch much and I m sure they use proper algo for flying how they want. I have a book about those, I should open it one of those days :D

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Fixed. Thanks :)

No problem.

I have been looking at the definition of the interface IDescentSpeedPolicy and have drawn the conclusion that class CoastDescentSpeedPolicy and class PWBCoastDescentSpeedPolicy should always return the value double.MaxValue. Both of these classes try to define the speed policy that should be used if the atmosphere is doing the braking and the ship's engines are not to be used. Presumably the reentry simulation switches to a different policy at the appropriate time.


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guys for some reason in his career, during the docking errors. After produced overlapping of orbits and velocities - choose the function approximation, for a distance of 200m. But he draws the trajectory beyond the solar system.

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Hey guys, bit of a strange problem.

I've been running mechjeb fine for months now, with no issues. I had it running fine on ver 24.2 with a handful of basic mods, then one day *poof*, it just stops recognising the mechjeb mod. I figure it's a conflict with some mod or something, so do a clean install with mechjeb version 2.3.1 on a clean install of KSP 24.2 and... still nothing. No other mods installed, installed as per instructions. No new parts in the parts list in any game mode (new save files), no inkling of the scripts running. I do two full, clean re-installs, cleaning out the KSP install folder fully and using both the latest main release and Dev releases, but still no sign of the mod even being recognised. Even made an attempt where i purposefully ignored the installation instructions and slapped copies of mechjeb all over the folder in random directories, just to see if it would do something. Nada (save for that time it complained about things not being where they're meant to be).

I didn't change any computer settings prior to the mod ceasing to work; I just hadn't played KSP for a few weeks. It's a kind of strange one. Any suggestions?

(should I post a log? Since I've been deleting the entire directory with each install and there's been no actual errors showing, I don't think it would show much, but I'm an amateur, so dunno).

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Hello to all. I am running #301 and I am having an issue with some of the 'drop down' menus... For instance, when in Maneuver Planner and you want to select a new maneuver type, the drop-down list is super-imposed on the original menu and difficult to read / see / make sure you have correct info. This is on some of the other menus as well...

other than that, looking great.... As Mechjeb always is.....

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#302 has less transparent drop down menu. They won't honor the GUI style but I won't change it more since it's such a pain to do something that seems so simple.

(should I post a log? Since I've been deleting the entire directory with each install and there's been no actual errors showing, I don't think it would show much, but I'm an amateur, so dunno).

Yes you should. See that post for info on which log is useful.

For the other be aware that I'll soon move all MJ2 support to the new "Support (modded installs)" sub forum in a thread I'll try to open today.

Edited by sarbian
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Well, the main problem seems to be that MJ is not installed since your log show not trace of the DLL or the part.

You just have to get the zip and unzip it into gamedata, so you get a <KSP>/Gamedata/MechJeb2 folder

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guys for some reason in his career, during the docking errors. After produced overlapping of orbits and velocities - choose the function approximation, for a distance of 200m. But he draws the trajectory beyond the solar system.

Translation: Sometimes the MechJeb 2 docking autopilot will thrust in the wrong direction. And it keeps on doing it long after it has achieved escape velocity (out of the entire solar system??? FOR REAL???)

platooner: By now you should be able to get a feel within the first 5 seconds whether or not the docking autopilot is doing the right thing. If you think it is not, turn the autopilot off then immediately right back on. Do that as many times as it takes. Sooner or later it will dock correctly.

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Translation: Sometimes the MechJeb 2 docking autopilot will thrust in the wrong direction. And it keeps on doing it long after it has achieved escape velocity (out of the entire solar system??? FOR REAL???)

platooner: By now you should be able to get a feel within the first 5 seconds whether or not the docking autopilot is doing the right thing. If you think it is not, turn the autopilot off then immediately right back on. Do that as many times as it takes. Sooner or later it will dock correctly.

I was having a similar problem assembling my new for .24.2 Eve ship. (Due to parts changes borking the old one and to take advantage of the new parts + my updates to ReStock.) I brought up all four 'sidesaddle' boosters in a single launch to dock then decouple individually to swing around and dock side to side.

Unless I used SASS TGT+ to at least get them started towards the ports being aligned, DAP kept trying to take the boosters around to the opposite side of the ship from the target port and one time it wanted to back up about 500 meters despite the safe distance override being set to 5 meters.

On the other hand it flew the two Kethane scanner satellites over quickly, directly and perfectly. Only had to decouple the port node, set control and target ports then engage DAP with distance override set to 5 and force roll on.

Edited by Galane
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Well if one of you has a quicksave with a mostly stock ship that does that every time I m all in. But so far I never manage to duplicate that one when I want to, and bug you can't duplicate are hard to fix :(

I'm sure that in the end it will enf up to be a stupid typo/mistake in the code, but I did not find it so far.

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Well if one of you has a quicksave with a mostly stock ship that does that every time I m all in. But so far I never manage to duplicate that one when I want to, and bug you can't duplicate are hard to fix :(

I'm sure that in the end it will enf up to be a stupid typo/mistake in the code, but I did not find it so far.

I'll try to get one.

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Well, the main problem seems to be that MJ is not installed since your log show not trace of the DLL or the part.

You just have to get the zip and unzip it into gamedata, so you get a <KSP>/Gamedata/MechJeb2 folder

It-... seriously?

Well, that's kinda embarrassing.

Yeah, worked. Awesome troubleshooting on my part - the whole time I'd been installing to the wrong folders. Whoo my skills.

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Build #305 seems to have something quirky in the ascent autopilot. I confirmed it's the autopilot by reverting to #297 and launching the rocket with the same ascent parameters. It seems to wobble back and forth (not normal steering over-correction, it actually has a sort of positive-feedback behavior). I turned on the navball ascent node and confirmed that the autopilot in #305 is not attempting to follow that target.

EDIT: BTW, the addition of the "force roll" command is AWESOME. I'm not sure what the rules are for when it triggers, but I now, intentionally, launch my rockets rotated 90-degrees just to watch the roll program execute!

Edited by FlexGunship
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Build #305 seems to have something quirky in the ascent autopilot. I confirmed it's the autopilot by reverting to #297 and launching the rocket with the same ascent parameters. It seems to wobble back and forth (not normal steering over-correction, it actually has a sort of positive-feedback behavior). I turned on the navball ascent node and confirmed that the autopilot in #305 is not attempting to follow that target.

EDIT: BTW, the addition of the "force roll" command is AWESOME. I'm not sure what the rules are for when it triggers, but I now, intentionally, launch my rockets rotated 90-degrees just to watch the roll program execute!

I can confirm the wobbly wockets pwoblem in 305. I also confirm that force roll is awesome! I back-revved and the earlier version is fine.
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