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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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I've also had several occurences of "tell MJ to go to Duna, okay, it's half a year away, time accelerate half a year to the node, reset the manoeuvre 'cos they go screwy if you leave them that long, oh great, apparently the window was yesterday and now the new manoeuvre node is again half a year away". Aaargh.

I launched my "for real" Eve mission last night, starting from a 750KM Kerbin orbit for maximum warp because the window was nearly two years away. I just watched until the timer got to a bit over a day left then I kicked it down to normal speed. After that I let auto warp take over and it worked fine.

Yes, I've been taking a ton of screenshots for the mission album. :)

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I launched my "for real" Eve mission last night, starting from a 750KM Kerbin orbit for maximum warp because the window was nearly two years away. I just watched until the timer got to a bit over a day left then I kicked it down to normal speed. After that I let auto warp take over and it worked fine.

I don't autopilot; I just use MJ to avoid having to fight with over-fiddly manoeuvre nodes when I'm setting things up, and auto-warp isn't involved. Even using Kerbal Alarm Clock and setting a warp-stopping alarm a day before the planned node doesn't always work; if you set them up far enough ahead, the inaccuracy by the time you get there can still put the window behind you. And, often, I don't want to wait for the window, whether or not MJ catches it right; I've got schedules of things to do that can't wait, and I'd rather burn the extra ÃŽâ€V and go immediately.

It's not the end of the world; I can always just set the nodes manually. But it'd be nice not to have to; it's a chore.

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I've also had several occurences of "tell MJ to go to Duna, okay, it's half a year away, time accelerate half a year to the node, reset the manoeuvre 'cos they go screwy if you leave them that long, oh great, apparently the window was yesterday and now the new manoeuvre node is again half a year away". Aaargh.

Basically gave up on using MJ for interplanetary stuff after that.

(note to Sarbian: as always, hugely grateful for your work and I appreciate that you're busy getting ready for .25. I think that the rapid response to my post shows that I'm not alone on this one, though)

That does suck, but when it happens to me, at least I know that MJ is wrong and I can still make the window. I just set up the transfer manually. (or do a direct launch-to-transfer ... obviously we'd never do it IRL but it's fine for KSP)

7773 Posts and the search function for the forum blows goats. So simple question...

Is there a toolbar button (for the standard toolbar, not the blizzy78 toolbar) for MJ which removes the slide out tab on the right?

It's in MJ's settings. Accessible either through the sidebar or as a toolbar button (if you enabled it in toolbar)

IIRC the option is to hide the sidebar.

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I don't know if this has already been requested, but can we please have FAR/NEAR support?

I think the angle of attack limit is to help with those, to prevent Ascent Guidance from turning too sharply to where FAR will cause the rocket to come apart in an unplanned fashion.

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there's also a plugin for actual far/near support for the dev version.

Edit, question:

So i have an asteroid in Kerbin's SOI on an escape trajectory, practically at its periapse. Now, i can usually just launch in the same plane and make a Hoffman transfer to it, but i wanted to try the launch to rendezvous except i'm derping like no derp has derped before.

What i've tried:

- launching at periapse alt within the same plane, reverting then launch to Re.

- launching at same alt randomly, reverting then launch to Re.

- launching at higher alt (by the time i get to the periapse alt, 6 days have passed and the asteroid is at a higher altititude.

i've tried variations of the examples above, most with bad results, orbits in diferent planes, opposite side of the orbit, etc.

my question is: is MJ actually capable of calculating a LtR for an object that doesn't have a circular orbit?

Edited by Poofer
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It's in MJ's settings. Accessible either through the sidebar or as a toolbar button (if you enabled it in toolbar)

IIRC the option is to hide the sidebar.

Only if you have Blizzy's toolbar - which I don't have, and don't particularly want at this time. Under settings all I get is the compact transparent gui, the regular transparent gui, or the opaque one. No option for a toolbar button, or to hide the menu bar. And you can't move the menu bar in the VAB with the right mouse button.

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I've been using Mechjeb for quite sometime and appreciate all the work that goes into it. But, I've run into a problem using it since the last KSP update (Steam x64 and x86 versions)- when I launch using it, I lose *all* keyboard functionality- manually jettisoning stages, manual RCS and rotation- and it'll indicate that I'm under thrust when circularizing and I'm not. I've removed and reinstalled it, but it continues to lock out. This includes new and presaved rockets

Mods I'm running-




Module Manager



Ship Manifest

Magic Smoke Industries

Extraplanetary launchpads

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I've been using Mechjeb for quite sometime and appreciate all the work that goes into it. But, I've run into a problem using it since the last KSP update (Steam x64 and x86 versions)- when I launch using it, I lose *all* keyboard functionality- manually jettisoning stages, manual RCS and rotation- and it'll indicate that I'm under thrust when circularizing and I'm not. I've removed and reinstalled it, but it continues to lock out. This includes new and presaved rockets

Mods I'm running-




Module Manager



Ship Manifest

Magic Smoke Industries

Extraplanetary launchpads

Interesting. I have a similar behavior of my Planes/Rockets. Sometimes I lose the wsad keys for example and in shipview there are no stages/fuel (left of screen) shown up. Then this is logged:

Look rotation viewing vector is zero

. Quicksave/load helped sometimes to regain control. Going to Spacecenter and back in this situation kills ship(falling to nowhere) and game. Looking at your modlist comparing to mine I thing it could be an Firespitter(6.3.5) issue also.

I have to test more, so atm I`m not sure MJ is involved.

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KSP 0.24.2 X32 DEV #321

ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint

at UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.BeginLayoutGroup (UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options, System.Type LayoutType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleAscentGuidance.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

i get this every time i use AscentGuidance to launch into plane of the target (satelite in Kerbin Orbit) once the automatic launch is used by MJ this error pops up

launching the rocket manually (without using AscentGuidance) does not throw this error

here are the logs


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Autopilot disengaging every time I try to execute a node.

No message on a screen and in the logs, node just disappears and nothing else happens.

This suddenly started yesterday. I used developer build and it worked [mostly] perfectly, but then in the middle of the mission it stopped executing the nodes.

After this started, I upgraded first to a stable 2.3.1, then to developer build. This happens with old and new saved games and with 32- and 64-bit KSP 0.24.2 and with different ships.

Also this happens with Launch assistance: it works during vertical accent and gravity turn, but when it creates circularization node, node disappears and Accent Assistance autopilot disengages.

May be some configuration file is corrupt? I did not changed any settings before this started.

Update: it was probably my fault. I've noticed that Tolerance value in maneuver planning window was set to some high value. I probably did it by error trying to activate action group when window was active.

But I still think it is an usability issue.

Edited by fatbrother
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I have a problem. Mechjeb can not land on Tylo with any reasonable accuracy. I have tried circular orbits of 160 km and 220 km. Position errors was 50-100 km. I had not stagings during landings and TWR was about 1-1.3 at start and much more at landing. Landing prediction shows error of less than 1 km after deorbit burn, but during braking burn the error increases to tens of kilometers.

I had this problem with some version (maybe about 0.20), but then it was corrected and I got many successes. Now every landing (3 attempts) goes to wrong place. Mechjeb have worked well on Laythe, Vall, Dres, Mun, Eve, and Kerbin.

I play 32 bit Windows version of 0.24.2 and have some other mods. MechJeb is 2.3.1.

Is this known thing and is there any way to land such that MechJeb works?

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I'm on #321 and since #319~ I've had a problem with MJ's autolander on the mun, it does the de-orbit burn and then burns to slow down when you're 10km~ from the surface, even if your TWR is single digits, ie nowhere near early enough to slow down. Says the DV needed to land is 0.

The strange thing is that the dv/twr calculator is spot on in the D-V Status page.

Edited by K3|Chris
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Landing on Gilly is an issue all its own. Over much of the surface the target hovers quite a distance up in the "air" and Landing Guidance will take the craft down to zero vertical speed and sit there hovering and burning fuel. Have to disengage the auto and let the craft drop below the target then hit land somewhere.

Is there a way the landing coordinates can conform closer the the surface like the Kethane hex map does?

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Is there a way to make mj ascent not cut the throttle when disabled?

Open Ascent Guidance and uncheck the terminal velocity limit, which is always active when checked, with or without the ascent autopilot engaged.

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