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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Thanks for this cool Plugin!

I think I just came across a bug. The delta-v stats do not work for me:

9063866_ksp-2013-05-29-22-16-57-87.jpg 9063867_ksp-2013-05-29-22-17-03-29.jpg

As you can see TWR is being calculated. Delta-v not so much. Any ideas?


Its an issue at my end.

Made a fresh installe and used only MechJeb. Works like a charm there. Have to figure out which plugin breaks MechJeb. Hooray!


Edited by Rusk
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That's not a bug. If your TWR is below 1.0, then you're not going anywhere. Therefore, 0 delta-V.

Every ion and electric engine ever built and launched would like to have a word with you....

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I've had delta-V bug out occasionally. My ship will actually be accelerating through space (proving I obviously have some) while MechJeb is insisting I have zero. Hard to reproduce, however. Just seems to happen rarely and randomly...

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I haven't read through all the pages in this thread, so excuse me if this has been talked about before, but I'm a bit interested in Ferram Aerospace Research together with MechJeb. I've read a bit about MechJeb working suboptimally with FAR in atmosphere because of the different drag model.

- To those who have tried these two mods together: how big is this issue? Negligible/unplayable/somewhere in between?

- Are there any current workarounds or modifications to MechJeb to make it work better with FAR?

- Are there any plans to have MechJeb working optimally with FAR in the future or will you/they wait until a drag model is implemented in vanilla KSP before changing anything?

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The problems I've seen:

MechJeb will do full throttle ascents, since it doesn't see any air resistance. You can get around this by playing with the max accelleration value, I think.

MechJeb will have problems with reentry predictions, since again, it isn't seeing any air resistance.

MechJeb can have problems with non-aerodynamic craft. Well, to be honest, people can too. If you turn too far off of prograde with a craft that has to much drag up front, the craft will try to flip around. The ascent profile in 2.0.X looks like it would play nicer with FAR, at least.

As to 0.20, I can't speak for the 1.9.X branch, but yes, 2.0.8 claims to work with 0.20

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I find 2.0.8 with FAR to be a complete nightmare. To the point that I have started just using the "navball guidance" and do ALL the rest of the ascent by hand.

Sure it got terribly tedious launching 50+ satellites and other parts into LKO but given that FAR + 2.0.8 = Crash under 20km every time, it became the only option for me. I just found that the instant 2.0.8 tried to gravity turn, it wouldn't countersteer against the air resistance so the rocket would ALWAYS nose over and point down. Also, full throttle ascents are sometimes fuel inefficient.

I use jeb for guidance purposes and to help plan manoevres as I'm actually almost incapable of working out how to do transfers to other bodies and don't really understand protractor after watching the youtube videos six times or more. Joy.

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The problems I've seen:

MechJeb will do full throttle ascents, since it doesn't see any air resistance. You can get around this by playing with the max accelleration value, I think.

MechJeb will have problems with reentry predictions, since again, it isn't seeing any air resistance.

MechJeb can have problems with non-aerodynamic craft. Well, to be honest, people can too. If you turn too far off of prograde with a craft that has to much drag up front, the craft will try to flip around. The ascent profile in 2.0.X looks like it would play nicer with FAR, at least.

As to 0.20, I can't speak for the 1.9.X branch, but yes, 2.0.8 claims to work with 0.20

I've had no problems using the 'limit to terminal velocity' in the ascent guidance / throttle control.

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I find 2.0.8 with FAR to be a complete nightmare. To the point that I have started just using the "navball guidance" and do ALL the rest of the ascent by hand.

Sure it got terribly tedious launching 50+ satellites and other parts into LKO but given that FAR + 2.0.8 = Crash under 20km every time, it became the only option for me. I just found that the instant 2.0.8 tried to gravity turn, it wouldn't countersteer against the air resistance so the rocket would ALWAYS nose over and point down. Also, full throttle ascents are sometimes fuel inefficient.

I use jeb for guidance purposes and to help plan manoevres as I'm actually almost incapable of working out how to do transfers to other bodies and don't really understand protractor after watching the youtube videos six times or more. Joy.

With FAR your best option is to start your gravity turn at around 200m with a nice and easy turn shape. It will not tumble that way, unless your rocket has poor center of thrust/mass.

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Originally Posted by marius86000

Hi! Is there any way that Mechjeb can not use the rcs thrusters but they are turned on and still used by manually? bad english sry

I mean i want to turn on the rcs but dont let mechjeb use it...

I would like this feature too. When trying to dock with a ship you could set smartass to orient towards target. With rcs on mechjeb will just blow out all your monopropellant. With rcs off you just can't steer your approach.

Just asking again.

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Hi there!

first message on the forum regarding an issue I have with the landing autopilot (mechjeb).

I tried to land on target on the Mun and evrything is fine until the surface velocity reaches 0m/s (final descent stage).

Just after that it looks that mechjeb wants to keep following the retrograde mark on the navball and the result is that the ship starts spinning and everything finish in a big bang on the ground...

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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I think they just need to disable roll control entirely in MechJeb (or at least let us do that) because MechJeb can't properly handle it. I don't remember this ever being a problem in MJ1. When I build my ships, I pre-rotate them in the VAB 90° so I have to pull back on the stick to gravity turn, and keeps the ground 'up' from my POV. But as soon as I tell MJ2 to turn to a node or a particular facing, it rolls it back 90° so it's sideways. More and more I'm finding myself using KillRot mode just because it doesn't want to spin itself.

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How activate RCS auto dock?

What problem are you having with it?

1) Rendez-vous with your target

2) Right-click the target's docking port and Select as Target.

3) Engage the docking autopilot.

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I think they just need to disable roll control entirely in MechJeb (or at least let us do that) because MechJeb can't properly handle it. I don't remember this ever being a problem in MJ1. When I build my ships, I pre-rotate them in the VAB 90° so I have to pull back on the stick to gravity turn, and keeps the ground 'up' from my POV. But as soon as I tell MJ2 to turn to a node or a particular facing, it rolls it back 90° so it's sideways. More and more I'm finding myself using KillRot mode just because it doesn't want to spin itself.

You're right: MJ1 was working prefectly for landing. I can't count the number of times I launched the rocket, rover, base module manually, then bring it to a stable orbit around the mun and let MJ do the landing part. I was even not in front of my computer for the descent...

My idea was to rebuild a mun base and testing concepts but I couldn't bring a single stuff on the mun.

Waiting for an answer or a fix I will continue playing with my space station...

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I've had no problems using the 'limit to terminal velocity' in the ascent guidance / throttle control.

I should have been more specific, those were problems I had seen with MJ in conjunction with FAR. Without FAR, MJ doesn't exhibit any of those problems, with FAR, the first one was quite consistent, though I haven't tested recently.

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Hello!! I'm new with KSP and I MechJeb it's been so far my first mod. I downloaded the last version available (I think it's 2.0.8 or sth like that, don't remember well) and I think I did everything well when installing it (it's just unzipping things in proper location, right?). My surprise came when I started the game, went to one of my in progress flights, and there was no MechJeb tab on the right side of the screen!! :( I tried to launch a new vessel, too, but it didn't appear there neither. Am I doing sth wrong?? Thanks!! ^^

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if you installed it in

<ksp top folder>\Gamedata\Mechjeb2\Parts

<ksp top folder>\Gamedata\Mechjeb2\Plugins

AND you deleted any and ALL other versions of MJ from any and ALL other places you may have loaded it in the past,

Then yes, you installed it correctly.

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Hello!! I'm new with KSP and I MechJeb it's been so far my first mod. I downloaded the last version available (I think it's 2.0.8 or sth like that, don't remember well) and I think I did everything well when installing it (it's just unzipping things in proper location, right?). My surprise came when I started the game, went to one of my in progress flights, and there was no MechJeb tab on the right side of the screen!! :( I tried to launch a new vessel, too, but it didn't appear there neither. Am I doing sth wrong?? Thanks!! ^^

Did you add the MechJeb part to your spacecraft in the VAB?

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