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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  crazyewok said:
Bit of help, where the mecjeb auto docking?

Take a look at the disclaimer at the bottom of the MJ window, where it says "Some modules are disabled until you unlock the proper node in the R&D tree."

If you're playing in Sandbox Mode and still don't have that module, then that's an issue.

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  LameLefty said:
Take a look at the disclaimer at the bottom of the MJ window, where it says "Some modules are disabled until you unlock the proper node in the R&D tree."

If you're playing in Sandbox Mode and still don't have that module, then that's an issue.

How far up the tec tree is it?

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  NathanKell said:
Those are clearly from ksp.log, not KSP_Data/output_log.txt, as sarbian requested.

The latter are from ExsurgentEngineering (B9) anyway.

Sorry, didn't realize there was a difference. Saw that in the B9 thread and removed the EE DLL, hopefully will fix that error. Still haven't been able to reproduce the NaN error though. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

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Could it be that last dev build has remotetech2 conflict? I've launched several identical sats, on some MJ works fine, but on some using any of its SmartASS functions just keeps sat deadly stable (like SAS). At the same time RT2 flight computer performs well with prograde, retrograde and other commands (it has some problems with node execution though).

Another problem - crafts on stock SAS are swaying forth-back all the time. Using kill rotation option either from MJ or RT2 reduces sway, but it persists anyway. It gets even worse when I get on EVA. And it also persists on manned crafts. Any ideas why this happens? BTW, changing RT2's signal delay option doesn't affect any of above cases.

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You know what would be a great little feature for MechJeb2? A toggle in the Utilities panel to set the SAS back to the same state it was in before engaging MechJeb. For example, if I'm in orbit, with SAS on, and I use MechJeb to raise my apoapsis, it would be nice if it turned SAS back on once it relinquishes control.

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  Mystique said:
Could it be that last dev build has remotetech2 conflict? I've launched several identical sats, on some MJ works fine, but on some using any of its SmartASS functions just keeps sat deadly stable (like SAS). At the same time RT2 flight computer performs well with prograde, retrograde and other commands (it has some problems with node execution though).

Another problem - crafts on stock SAS are swaying forth-back all the time. Using kill rotation option either from MJ or RT2 reduces sway, but it persists anyway. It gets even worse when I get on EVA. And it also persists on manned crafts. Any ideas why this happens? BTW, changing RT2's signal delay option doesn't affect any of above cases.

I don't think this is a problem with RT2 or last dev build of MJ2, I'm not using either, and the 'use stock SAS' feature seems to freak out for me as well.

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  Castun said:
I don't think this is a problem with RT2 or last dev build of MJ2, I'm not using either, and the 'use stock SAS' feature seems to freak out for me as well.

Err, is this option related to problem? Haven't tested it yet.

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Here is a bug report with the landing guidance I can reproduce consistently:

I'm orbiting the Mun in a nice circular orbit and I want to pick target on map. I do this, the map view appears and I can mouse around looking for a landing site. All is well and functioning as intended so far.

I want to land near another landed craft so I click the craft that is on the surface (still in map view). When I click the craft on the surface, MJ gets the lat/long and puts that in the target co-ordinates (again, as expected). Here's the trigger: because I clicked on a craft, the natural stock game behavior is to show a pop up window "Set as target" (or something). If I ignore that - MJ is fine and there is no issue. However, if I click that stock pop up option and set that craft as a target then MJ slows RIGHT down. Its like its doing a million calcs per second or something.

Short version - if I click the normal "set as target" option in the map view when choosing a target site with the mouse then MJ freaks out and slows everything down. Happy to elaborate if it helps.

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Sounds like a conflict of some sort going on for sure. MJ will lock in landing coordinates anytime you target a landed craft, so it could be fighting with itself over which coordinates to use now. Maybe post your output_log?

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  togfox said:
Here is a bug report with the landing guidance I can reproduce consistently:


Short version - if I click the normal "set as target" option in the map view when choosing a target site with the mouse then MJ freaks out and slows everything down. Happy to elaborate if it helps.

What version are you using? I landed two craft last night at my growing little Laythe colony/base and didn't have anything like that happen at all. Both of them put down less than 15 meters from their targets under parachute control (thanks, codepoet and Sarbian!). In fact, the second lander almost put down right on top of the first; I used RCS to push it off a few meters laterally during terminal parachute descent. As far as I can tell, MJ wasn't slowing anything down unusually.

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Read my post again. Hard to explain. I can get mj to land on a dime but one must avoid clicking the set-as-target when choosing a location to land.

Latest mj version, unless a new one was released in the last two weeks. Will dbl check.

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  togfox said:
Read my post again. Hard to explain. I can get mj to land on a dime but one must avoid clicking the set-as-target when choosing a location to land.

Latest mj version, unless a new one was released in the last two weeks. Will dbl check.

Well, I DID read your post again. I use "set as target" to land all the time and it works great. Sometimes too well, as I have to try to avoid crushing my target on final descent (there's a whole couple-page discussion about that a week or so ago, in fact). Sarbian has been pushing out dev versions pretty regularly, sometimes a couple times a day, even. Try the latest dev version and see if your problem persists. He's really great about trying to track down specific problems and making fixes.

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I don't use dev versions because, well, they're dev versions. Perhaps this has been fixed but if this was never a problem with you then maybe its a none issue anyway. Do you set-as-target whilst using the MJ 'move-to-map-mode-and-click-on-the-surface-to-get-lat/longs' feature?

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  togfox said:
Do you set-as-target whilst using the MJ 'move-to-map-mode-and-click-on-the-surface-to-get-lat/longs' feature?

Not quite sure exactly what you mean. What I do is I go to the Map view and then select the target at which I want to land on the surface - a flag, an earlier lander, whatever it is. I then go to the MJ Landing Guidance module and select Land at Target. The lat/lon display fills in automatically. After that it's just a matter of waiting out the landing sequence: high deorbit burn, which does any plane change necessary as well, course corrections if necessary, atmospheric entry if applicable, parachute deployment if applicable and/or final descent burn to landing velocity. Easy peasy.

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Okay - we do it differently then - and I think my way has picked a bug. I set-as-target AFTER (or during) using the MJ "Pick target on map". I think that resolves in MJ having a fight over the real target.

The version I use is whatever is linked at the start of this thread.

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Well, the last official release is... less than optimal in many ways. The dev versions released since have fixed many things and added features, including working with the career mode tech tree.

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  Galane said:
Well, the last official release is... less than optimal in many ways. The dev versions released since have fixed many things and added features, including working with the career mode tech tree.

No doubt. Perhaps my 'bug' has been fixed but I wonder if its always been there and I wonder if its been reported at all. The OP suggests this link to report bugs:


I shall check if its been reported and list it if this is a new discover. Thanks.

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I have an issue where I install the plugin (latest stable dev), I see the part in my tech tree, but no tab appears on the right side of the screen. Anyone have any pointers. My steam install is already being launched with admin permissions. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit fully patched and up to date.

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