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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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starting tech is indeed called "start"

OK in my version , i changed all the TechRequired to flightcontrol , same for unlockTech

If you want the AR202 available from the start find all entryCost and set them to 0. all Techrequired and unlockTech to start.

Should work.

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  lekkimsm2500 said:
This is just stupid.

Now 5-6 different Mechjeb's shows up in the R&D thing, and whenever i research them, they still don't show up for purchase.

... Could this have anything to do with parts catalog interfering?

Look at my post #7096 on page 710.

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  sebi.zzr said:
Look at my post #7096 on page 710.

You could just link it, you know.

Even with that said, I don't think that's the answer that was sought. @lekkimsm2500, could you post a picture of your Gamedata, MechJeb2 folders and a screenshot of where the "5-6 different Mechjeb's" are in the tech tree? It sounds like you might have installed it incorrectly, I think.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Has anyone tried installing the latest update along with FAR? Both seem to conflict with each other, and the game crashes when you try to load a world.

Edit: This problem only seems to appear once I install KSP Interstellar. Strange :mad:

Edited by Muny
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  lordyod said:
In the latest update, running latest version of MechJeb and Toolbar, when I look at the list of available toolbar buttons MJ isn't showing up. Any clues?

I had the same problem, and for me it was old detritus from a previous MechJeb installation. I had ancient MechJeb files in the Parts and Plugins directories. Once I cleaned those out, adding the AR202 module worked for me in both sandbox and career mode. I also had two AR202s in the Control menu; one must have been from the old install.

I think I have a few ships flying with the 'bad' AR202, since they don't bring up the MechJeb menus, but if I build a new ship it works fine.

Edited by sekullbe
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I ran into a bug in the latest version on Linux.

It seems the keypad no longer works for inputing numbers.

The type-through bug in Linux (upstream in Unity, but there may be a workaround) is also still present.

Also, is there a way we could get integration with the Integrated Plugin API toolbar as well as Blitzy's Toolbar Plugin. (No rush!)

I'll check if each of these are in the Github bug-tracker yet, if not I'll submit them. I just thought I'd submit them here so people know these bugs exist for other users. :D/

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
You could just link it, you know.

Even with that said, I don't think that's the answer that was sought. @lekkimsm2500, could you post a picture of your Gamedata, MechJeb2 folders and a screenshot of where the "5-6 different Mechjeb's" are in the tech tree? It sounds like you might have installed it incorrectly, I think.

No, there are supposed to be multiple MJ in the tech tree. each one represents a different part to be unlocked.

edit clarification. Not all of MJ is fully functional early in your career like it would be in sandbox. for instance you have to unlock translatron, which looks like another MJ but it just represents a more advanced MJ feature and is not supposed to represent an actual part.

Edited by Starwaster
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Has any one had luck with the latest MechJeb2 working with Firespitter?

Getting KSP to crash either in the SPH/VAB or shortly after loading when I have both of these installed. I'm using Snjo's preliminary 0.24 build of, https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll?raw=true

Removing MechJeb allows me to load just fine.

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  helldiver said:
Has any one had luck with the latest MechJeb2 working with Firespitter?

Getting KSP to crash either in the SPH/VAB or shortly after loading when I have both of these installed. I'm using Snjo's preliminary 0.24 build of, https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll?raw=true

Removing MechJeb allows me to load just fine.

For me its perfectly fine in 32bit but same crashes as you in 64bit. Mechjeb works fine in 64bit on its own.

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No crashes here when using the preliminary .24 firespitter with mechjeb. Running 64bit just fine.

I have it installed in this format:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll"

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I'm cross posting this from the Toolbar thread as it also involves MechJeb...

Still plugging away at my Win x64 career and thought this latest little hiccup may be of interest.

First time in SPH. Added MechJeb to an all stock craft, up popped the default toolbar button, moved button to top left-ish of screen, clicked button to select 'Edit Buttons' and crash.

Why interesting? Not much was happening, also a nice error log entry...


[LOG 23:05:41.317] mumech.MJ2.AR202(Clone) added to ship - part count: 14

[LOG 23:05:41.317] stage count is: 4

[LOG 23:05:41.318] mumech.MJ2.AR202(Clone)(Clone) added to ship - part count: 15

[LOG 23:05:41.318] stage count is: 4

[LOG 23:05:41.371] [MechJeb2] Adding button for Custom_Window_Editor

[LOG 23:05:41.371] [MechJeb2] Adding button for Settings

[LOG 23:05:41.372] [MechJeb2] Adding button for Delta-V_Stats

[LOG 23:05:41.372] [MechJeb2] Adding button for Vessel_Info

[EXC 23:05:41.374] ArgumentException: Getting control 0's position in a group with only 0 controls when doing Repaint


Anyway, some files...



Once again this may mean nothing but all news is good news ;)

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I just updated ksp to .24 and downloaded the update for mechjeb. Now i cant get mechjeb to work, in its downloaded form i grab the mechjeb2-2 folder and drop it into gamedata. I get the warning when starting ksp that mechjeb is not installed correctly specifiying that the .dll file in not in the right location

i change the folder title to "mechjeb2" to match the .dll file and i dont get the warning anymore, but the parts arent loading in the techtree or in the basic parts load when starting a new career.

i had mechjeb working fine on the last version of ksp, installed exactly the same way. Am i missing something?

i have other mods installed also, which i tried removing. Interstellar being the one i removed. Still no change.

any suggestions out there?

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  Pstarsr said:
I just updated ksp to .24 and downloaded the update for mechjeb. Now i cant get mechjeb to work, in its downloaded form i grab the mechjeb2-2 folder and drop it into gamedata. I get the warning when starting ksp that mechjeb is not installed correctly specifiying that the .dll file in not in the right location

i change the folder title to "mechjeb2" to match the .dll file and i dont get the warning anymore, but the parts arent loading in the techtree or in the basic parts load when starting a new career.

i had mechjeb working fine on the last version of ksp, installed exactly the same way. Am i missing something?

i have other mods installed also, which i tried removing. Interstellar being the one i removed. Still no change.

any suggestions out there?

I have the same problem in both installs with x64 KSP.exe and 32-bit. My suggestion would be to TRY doing a vanilla install and see if mechjeb works. If not, it's the build that's to blame.

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Ok mechJeb (MechJeb2- on .24 X64 and X32 Run fine in Sandbox mode but crashes in either Science or Career mode. I have no other mods installed. Same Goes for most of the MODS I have tried. I am uninstalling KSP (Steam Update) and reinstalling. anyone want the error logs let me know.

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I have the same problem in that I have the new mechjeb installed. The parts load but the plugin doesn't seem to show up. I have removed all other mods and the problem persists in both 32 and 64 bit modes.

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Hi R4m0n and Sarbian,

firstly, been using Mechjeb since I started using mods and I love the system. Ironically, I don't really use it for the autopilot, but use it as a "on board computer" to create nodes and assist in various other things. Played the game for about 8 months before starting to use mods, so having functionality like this was a great time saver. A question about the Landing Guidance, and perhaps a feature request.

Akin to the "follow the blue target node" on the Launch Assist would it be possible to have one for the Landing Guidance? Or, even better, have MJ plot the nodes so you can perform the burns manually? I can land fine without MJ's help, but it is REALLY nice if I want to hit a particular piece of terrain. Manually, I'd probably land within 2km of my proposed target (without a lot of fiddling and hopping along the surface to correct my landing site). Letting MJ do the landing its of course dead on, but it would be nice to have the nodes created to allow for a manual descent.

Not that I've used it much (or at all I don't think) I assume the Rendevous Planner creates maneuver nodes for a manual RV, so maybe the same kinda thing for landing?

Thanks for your time if you get round to reading this, and any comment would be great! Please keep up the great work with your mods, its nice to see that you get stuck in when it comes to updating for newer versions of KSP :)

Edited by Lei07
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717 pages, so apologies for not reading all of it.

Feature request:

1) "Match orbit with target" - something that will put you into an identical orbit with the target, but not in the same place in the orbit. Basically, needs to match perhaps is op and apoapsis, both in altitude and longitude.

2) "Change location in orbit" - move to a different point in the orbit, probably via a resonant orbit, but when done the orbit should be the same.

Obviously, this is for setting up relay constellations for things like microwave relays in Interstellar, or comm relays, or whatever.

If there's already a way to accomplish this in mechjeb, I'd love to know how.


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  Korthan said:
717 pages, so apologies for not reading all of it.

Feature request:

1) "Match orbit with target" - something that will put you into an identical orbit with the target, but not in the same place in the orbit. Basically, needs to match perhaps is op and apoapsis, both in altitude and longitude.

2) "Change location in orbit" - move to a different point in the orbit, probably via a resonant orbit, but when done the orbit should be the same.

Obviously, this is for setting up relay constellations for things like microwave relays in Interstellar, or comm relays, or whatever.

If there's already a way to accomplish this in mechjeb, I'd love to know how.


It already has a thing to establish an elliptical resonant orbit so you can put the apoapsis at stationary orbit altitude and release your satellites there and have them stay put. Time warp to get to each spot you want to release a satellite.

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  wizisi2k said:
I have the same problem in both installs with x64 KSP.exe and 32-bit. My suggestion would be to TRY doing a vanilla install and see if mechjeb works. If not, it's the build that's to blame.

Just redownloaded the installer ( originally just downloaded the .24 game ). Still had to change folder name from "mechjeb2-2" to "mechjeb2" to stop error on loading.

Mechjeb is showing up on tech tree, have to unlock it to test.


ok tested, its working. But a bug surfaced. When using toolbar mod by blizzy, modules for mj show up as "viewable buttons" when they havent been unlocked on the tech tree yet.

For example, accent control shows up. But wont do anything because the tech isnt unlocked. It wont control throttle, it will steer, and set maneuver nodes but wont excecute.

keep that in mind if anyone is wondering why things arent working.

if you click on the mj tab ( usually docked on the right of the screen) you will see the actual unlocked modules for your given tech tree location.

Edited by Pstarsr
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  Pstarsr said:
ok tested, its working. But a bug surfaced. When using toolbar mod by blizzy, modules for mj show up as "viewable buttons" when they havent been unlocked on the tech tree yet.

For example, accent control shows up. But wont do anything because the tech isnt unlocked. It wont control throttle, it will steer, and set maneuver nodes but wont excecute.

I'm having a similar problem, but with modules I've unlocked. Modules are appearing and disappearing from the toolbar, and the MJ menu. Usually quicksaving, and reloading will solve the problem for a while.

On edit: I can't see anything obvious in my log. This is what I'm using for my ModuleManager config:

name = MechJebCore
MechJebLocalSettings {
MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl }
MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl }
MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience }
MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

Edited by lincourtl
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You bet wrong because MJ pulls the value from the game.

When you say "to the east" you mean 20 meters or km ? The stock parachute have a problem and they give less drag than they should, so the ship is slowing down less than MJ simulation expect.

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