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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Hey Serbian excellent work!! MJ is the first mod in my list on every installation. I love to build space stations and re-supply missions, it is too tedious to do ascent and docking manually so many times.

Can I make a suggestion? May be is easy to implement; because of the new aerodynamic model if you use ascent autopilot the rocket will go tumbling out of control, the game now simulates Max Q (maximum dynamic pressure) who stresses the hell out of the rocket, my workaround was to limit maximum acceleration to 35% - 45% (depends on the rocket) and after MAX Q (around 22 Km) release throttle to 100%. Can you make an option to release acceleration until a configurable altitude is reached? When you select the % of maximum throttle a small box opens to enter desired altitude to hold it.

Thanks and congratulations for the good work!

Edited by Drakenex
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MJ has a very hard time to ascent to orbit. Is there design constraints for MJ to do it or is it a autopilot you need to work on ?

I noticed the Kerbal-X succeeds, but rockets with SRB on first stage fails (speed is too high the MJ waits too long to fire second stage and the rocket nearly falls. May be I should not activate limit to terminal velocity or terminal velocity is too low. Hard to tell.

Some hints on design ? Some ascent profile hits ?

NB : the rocket goes to orbit manually nearly following prograde.

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Hey sarbian, you seem a little edgy these days so I thought I'd write this. I'm the type of guy who posts in the forums maybe once every 6 months, which is to say, almost never, but I've been playing KSP for years. I tell you this at the outset because I feel like you're getting a misrepresentation of the community's feeling towards Mechjeb by reading the forums. And even the forums are much more positive than not when it comes to the work you've done. I tell you this, again, so you realize there's a BUNCH more players like me than you think, you just don't hear from them. And I feel pretty confident that most of them would agree with the following.

Mechjeb is one of the best, most useful, and most liked mods there is.

I'm sure there's a large "stock-only" group out there, but they won't have an opinion regarding Mechjeb, anyway. I did a quick search on Google for "ksp best mods". Here's a representative sample:






Guess what mod makes every one of those lists.

It's gotten to the point where I just download it with every new KSP version. I personally like a challenge, but dislike needless repetition. I usually do a few unassisted landings, a few unassisted rendezvous/dockings , etc. every version just to keep my mad skillz up, but then I go full force Mechjeb. Who wants to spend 15 minutes docking after the first few manual successes when building a station, especially after it gets big enough to start tanking the FPS? So I just wanted to say, thank you very much for your work on Mechjeb. You have only increased my enjoyment of KSP which was already one of my favorite games of all time. You have done so for literally thousands of players. Take it easy, brother.


Edited by Pestilence
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Hey sarbian, you seem a little edgy these days so I thought I'd write this. I'm the type of guy who posts in the forums maybe once every 6 months, which is to say, almost never, but I've been playing KSP for years. I tell you this at the outset because I feel like you're getting a misrepresentation of the community's feeling towards Mechjeb by reading the forums. And even the forums are much more positive than not when it comes to the work you've done. I tell you this, again, so you realize there's a BUNCH more players like me than you think, you just don't hear from them. And I feel pretty confident that most of them would agree with the following.

Mechjeb is one of the best, most useful, and most liked mods there is.

I'm sure there's a large "stock-only" group out there, but they won't have an opinion regarding Mechjeb, anyway. I did a quick search on Google for "ksp best mods". Here's a representative sample:






Guess what mod makes every one of those lists.

It's gotten to the point where I just download it with every new KSP version. I personally like a challenge, but dislike needless repetition. I usually do a few unassisted landings, a few unassisted rendezvous/dockings , etc. every version just to keep my mad skillz up, but then I go full force Mechjeb. Who wants to spend 15 minutes docking after the first few manual successes when building a station? So I just wanted to say, thank you very much for your work on Mechjeb. You have only increased my enjoyment of KSP which was already one of my favorite games of all time. You have done so for literally thousands of players. Take it easy, brother.


I also never post and his quote sums up my feelings as well.

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Hey Serbian excellent work!! MJ is the first mod in my list on every installation. I love to build space stations and re-supply missions, it is too tedious to do ascent and docking manually so many times.

Can I make a suggestion? May be is easy to implement; because of the new aerodynamic model if you use ascent autopilot the rocket will go tumbling out of control, the game now simulates Max Q (maximum dynamic pressure) who stresses the hell out of the rocket, my turnaround was to limit maximum acceleration to 35% - 45% (depends on the rocket) and after MAX Q (around 22 Km) release throttle to 100%. Can you make an option to release acceleration until a configurable altitude is reached? When you select the % of maximum throttle a small box opens to enter desired altitude to hold it.

Thanks and congratulations for the good work!

This works!

Thank you Serbian and thank you Drakenex.

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Ha, Pestilence, you sound just like me! Do a few manual ascent/circularizations, rendezvous/docking, etc., just to satisfy the "But can I do it myself?" need, then let MJ handle it from then on.

Sarbian, I know these praise posts following a derpy post might seem like some sort of mechanical, "counteract the bad feels" reaction, but for me, I'm completely serious when I say I can't really play KSP in the later game without Mechjeb. To say it's essential is a vast understatement. Just wanted to echo the sentiments of appreciation.

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Serbian, Wanted to post and say that I appreciate all the work you've put into MechJeb. Ever since discovered it in the forums, it's been the FIRST mod installed after an upgrade. Could I play KSP without MechJeb? Yes, I could. Do I want to? *%#$^ NO! It helps keep the game flowing without all the repeated docking, rendezvous and course corrections. My sincerest thanks for keeping MechJeb up to date and working in all the various updates.


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Hey sarbian, you seem a little edgy these days so I thought I'd write this. I'm the type of guy who posts in the forums maybe once every 6 months, which is to say, almost never, but I've been playing KSP for years. I tell you this at the outset because I feel like you're getting a misrepresentation of the community's feeling towards Mechjeb by reading the forums. And even the forums are much more positive than not when it comes to the work you've done. I tell you this, again, so you realize there's a BUNCH more players like me than you think, you just don't hear from them. And I feel pretty confident that most of them would agree with the following.

Mechjeb is one of the best, most useful, and most liked mods there is.

I'm sure there's a large "stock-only" group out there, but they won't have an opinion regarding Mechjeb, anyway. I did a quick search on Google for "ksp best mods". Here's a representative sample:






Guess what mod makes every one of those lists.

It's gotten to the point where I just download it with every new KSP version. I personally like a challenge, but dislike needless repetition. I usually do a few unassisted landings, a few unassisted rendezvous/dockings , etc. every version just to keep my mad skillz up, but then I go full force Mechjeb. Who wants to spend 15 minutes docking after the first few manual successes when building a station, especially after it gets big enough to start tanking the FPS? So I just wanted to say, thank you very much for your work on Mechjeb. You have only increased my enjoyment of KSP which was already one of my favorite games of all time. You have done so for literally thousands of players. Take it easy, brother.


+1 - have lurked for a long time, created an account just to say thanks!

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Like Pestilence, I am one of those guys too. In fact I'd go and say I would have NEVER gotten to the point where I am now without MJ. And I have learned soooooooooooooooooooooo much about everything space travel related playing this game its not even funny..even though I will never gain anything in real life with this information and knowledge, I may impress someone here and there ^^

The fact of the matter is, I almost gave up on this game because it was brutally hard to learn to do anything cool....or do anything, when I started. MechJeb allowed me to get to space the easy way, even though I now dont use the lander autopilot or any autopilots, this mod alone teached me more than any youtube tutorial or HowTo post, just enable and observe was what I did, I learn the best that way. I owe it to this mod that I still play it today, and in fact without this mod and that it enabled me to enjoy the game while learning, I would never have bought the game (yes im one of those who pirate & buy later, sue me).

Take a moment and smile. And keep doing what you've been doing. It matters, even though its harder to see sometimes.

And thank you for MJ and everything else <3

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Yeah, don't mean to clog up the thread with a semi-pointless post, but just want to add to the "Thank you"s to Sarbian.

This is the mod. It gets rid of the repetition and lets me focus more on the things I enjoy most in the game.

It's always the first mod I look for after an update, and I've always been amazed at how fast and regularly you keep up with the updates. As KSP has been updated with new features, my mod list keeps shrinking, to the point that this mod is currently the only one I need and have installed.

I would gladly donate something to you for your time, to tell you to keep up the excellence, you've earned it. edit: I see your Curse DL page has a donate button for you, so I'll go that route.

Edited by Masetto
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jonrd, my point exactly. I'd bet there's 1000's of players like us, but who never post at all.

Count me in as well. I'm no Rocket Scientist :P, nor do I have an excess amount of time to become one, so MechJeb makes Kerbal very playable for me, so a very belated Thanks!

That said, I did notice a msg ("This command module is facing the wrong way. It must have the same rotation as the root part or it may result in a misaligned navball.") in the Engineers Report that may be related to/caused by MechJeb. I posted about it in this thread. Another poster thought you'd be interested. Thanks again...

Edited by steve58
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I loves me my mechjeb. I can fly, but it's fun to let the computer do some of the heavy lifting sometimes, or to see how it responds to crazy conditions. And the info it provides is invaluable!!!

Thank you!

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Hey sarbian, you seem a little edgy these days so I thought I'd write this. I'm the type of guy who posts in the forums maybe once every 6 months, which is to say, almost never, but I've been playing KSP for years. I tell you this at the outset because I feel like you're getting a misrepresentation of the community's feeling towards Mechjeb by reading the forums. And even the forums are much more positive than not when it comes to the work you've done. I tell you this, again, so you realize there's a BUNCH more players like me than you think, you just don't hear from them. And I feel pretty confident that most of them would agree with the following.

Mechjeb is one of the best, most useful, and most liked mods there is.

I'm sure there's a large "stock-only" group out there, but they won't have an opinion regarding Mechjeb, anyway. I did a quick search on Google for "ksp best mods". Here's a representative sample:






Guess what mod makes every one of those lists.

It's gotten to the point where I just download it with every new KSP version. I personally like a challenge, but dislike needless repetition. I usually do a few unassisted landings, a few unassisted rendezvous/dockings , etc. every version just to keep my mad skillz up, but then I go full force Mechjeb. Who wants to spend 15 minutes docking after the first few manual successes when building a station, especially after it gets big enough to start tanking the FPS? So I just wanted to say, thank you very much for your work on Mechjeb. You have only increased my enjoyment of KSP which was already one of my favorite games of all time. You have done so for literally thousands of players. Take it easy, brother.


What he said and then some! I don't make much use of MJ's auto-piloting functions but the informational displays and Smart-A.S.S. are features that I choose not to play KSP without.

Know that regardless of the occasional (or all too frequent) demanding / ungrateful post, there's a LOT of us out here who appreciate the work you do no end. Your work on MechJeb makes KSP playable for SO many.

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jonrd, my point exactly. I'd bet there's 1000's of players like us, but who never post at all.

+1 from me

I tend not to post very much because I am very happy with things the way they are

You will find dissatisfied people post a whole lot more - which may skew ones perspective a little

Keep up the great work sarbian :-)

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I'm not that dissatisfied with it, I'm actually largely satisfied with it and I'm just trying to help by reporting bugs.

MJ is one (actually, pretty much THE one) mod that I wouldn't play KSP without.

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What he said and then some! I don't make much use of MJ's auto-piloting functions but the informational displays and Smart-A.S.S. are features that I choose not to play KSP without.

Know that regardless of the occasional (or all too frequent) demanding / ungrateful post, there's a LOT of us out here who appreciate the work you do no end. Your work on MechJeb makes KSP playable for SO many.

Completely agree...

Speaking for those of us, who are both clumsy and have partially melted and broken keyboards, Kerbal space program wouldn't be the same without mechjeb. :)

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What he said and then some! I don't make much use of MJ's auto-piloting functions but the informational displays and Smart-A.S.S. are features that I choose not to play KSP without.

Know that regardless of the occasional (or all too frequent) demanding / ungrateful post, there's a LOT of us out here who appreciate the work you do no end. Your work on MechJeb makes KSP playable for SO many.

Hear, hear!

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This is the first time I have ever posted on a forum.

What I like to say is, that MechJeb is the most important KSP mod I use.

Please keep on making the best KSP mod out there!

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I totally understand MechJeb devs being a bit overwhelm by the work needed to adapt their baby to the new functions of KSP 1.0.

I have tried to recompile MechJeb myself to work with KSP 1.0.2

... and miserably failed. my dll is 1MB while the orginal is 2.6MB, i'm probably missing something.

That being said, i have loaded my save file without mechjeb loaded and KSP deleted all my ships fitting the case. I'm doomed.

I guess i'll wait for any dev to have time to update the mod. I'll learn later, because i'm very willing to help.

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Since the update, the vehicle tends to tip over an excessive amount when hitting 7K altitude - often so far that it becomes unrecoverable. Not sure why this is.

Also, let me add that I've been using this for a long time, and wouldn't play without it, but... the main MJ slide-out panel is not in a good place. It covers up most of the flight information when it's out. I know this has been brought up before... many times... and I just don't get why it has to be right there, where it is usually in the way. Can't you at least move it down about 40 pixels?

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Since the update, the vehicle tends to tip over an excessive amount when hitting 7K altitude - often so far that it becomes unrecoverable. Not sure why this is.

Also, let me add that I've been using this for a long time, and wouldn't play without it, but... the main MJ slide-out panel is not in a good place. It covers up most of the flight information when it's out. I know this has been brought up before... many times... and I just don't get why it has to be right there, where it is usually in the way. Can't you at least move it down about 40 pixels?

You can right click on it and drag it to where you want it. also, if you've got the toolbar mod (once it updates for 1.0.3 of course), you can turn off the slideout panel and instead add a MJ button to the toolbar that will do the same thing.

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Since the update, the vehicle tends to tip over an excessive amount when hitting 7K altitude - often so far that it becomes unrecoverable. Not sure why this is.

I've been seeing that as well and assuming it was 1.0's new aero model in action. I've been adding fins.

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