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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Hi! Is there any way that Mechjeb can not use the rcs thrusters but they are turned on and still used by manually? bad english sry

I mean i want to turn on the rcs but dont let mechjeb use it...

I would like this feature too. When trying to dock with a ship you could set smartass to orient towards target. With rcs on mechjeb will just blow out all your monopropellant. With rcs off you just can't steer your approach.

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Another feature request here: can you stop MechJeb from rolling the craft when aligning to a node or bearing? I feel this may help with some of it's odd corrective tendencies. I've noticed that if the node isn't too far of where you're already facing, it doesn't roll much if at all, but when it has to make a significant adjustment it always wants to keep the roll angle of the craft at a certain angle, and it doesn't seem to be a constant either. This also means that rather than making a straight adjustment from your current angle to the needed angle is almost always a curved line instead of being straight, so tends to not be the most efficient, particularly if you're using RCS.

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Hello, can anyone confirm this or explain why when using MechJeb the frame rate seems to be capped at 30 whilst without it well... sky's the limit. I just find it a bit odd is all and I was wondering if it was by design. The previous 2.07 caused weird sound bugs and a constant 2 second lag spike.

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I am using KSP 0.19, and MJ 1.9.3

I can see and use the Mechjeb parts, however I still cannot access the mod's tab that supposed to be on the right side. It also seems like after launch and I nearly hit Kerbal orbit the ship disappears, which I suspect to be because of MJ not working properly.

I bought the game a week or two ago, downloaded 1.19, then .20 when it was released. I have noticed that when I unzip KSP there is not any Plugin folder. I have made one and placed the MJ dll in inside.

Also is there any autopilot mods that can help me reach orbits and helps stability so I do not have to keep correcting the path.

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Possibly the noobiest question here, but i did have 1.9.8 and now wish to use 2.0.8 How do I "upgrade" it? I'm a bit worried about destroying my precious little victories in KSP.

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Not sure if this is a bug or if I just have conflicting mods but I am running the latest MechJeb on 0.20 and my windows are clear and refused to be moved around. Is this a known issure and is there a way to fix it?

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Possibly the noobiest question here, but i did have 1.9.8 and now wish to use 2.0.8 How do I "upgrade" it? I'm a bit worried about destroying my precious little victories in KSP.

Install it :)

Thats it actually. Both 1.9.8 and 2.0.X will play nicely together in the same install. "legacy' jeb parts will keep 1.9.8, and the new (smaller) AR202 case will contain MJ 2.0. Your current Legacy MJ parts will still function with legacy Jeb.

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Has/Is anyone using MJ 2.0.8 to land the Buran from Bobcat? I can't figure out how to go from orbit to the KSC runway using Autoland and/or Space-plane guidance. The MJ 'manual' seems less than helpfull here...:huh:

Did a thread search for 'buran' and didn't find anything, so sorry if this has been discussed before, but I did try looking!

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I am using KSP 0.19, and MJ 1.9.3

I can see and use the Mechjeb parts, however I still cannot access the mod's tab that supposed to be on the right side. It also seems like after launch and I nearly hit Kerbal orbit the ship disappears, which I suspect to be because of MJ not working properly.

I bought the game a week or two ago, downloaded 1.19, then .20 when it was released. I have noticed that when I unzip KSP there is not any Plugin folder. I have made one and placed the MJ dll in inside.

Also is there any autopilot mods that can help me reach orbits and helps stability so I do not have to keep correcting the path.

I'm confused...are you still using 0.19.1 or did you upgrade to 0.20? If you're still using 0.19.1, you can't use the latest version of MJ2 because it was updated for 0.20 support. You would have to go with 2.0.7 or earlier, I think. If you want the latest version of MJ1, I think 1.9.8 was actually the last version.

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Has/Is anyone using MJ 2.0.8 to land the Buran from Bobcat? I can't figure out how to go from orbit to the KSC runway using Autoland and/or Space-plane guidance. The MJ 'manual' seems less than helpfull here...:huh:

Did a thread search for 'buran' and didn't find anything, so sorry if this has been discussed before, but I did try looking!

Yes I have. It... didn't go well. Thankfully, noble test Kerbal Bob (flying solo on the demonstration flight) turned out to be a good swimmer, and the Buran's command pod turned out to be more durable than I expected.

The aerodynamics of the Buran are unusual (in KSP terms) because of some design considerations that BobCat had to incorporate to get it to fly at all. (There was a discussion of that in the BobCat Soviet pack thread that was lost in the Great Forum Apocalypse of 2013.) To make a long story short, MechJeb does not do (and has never done) a good job flying it. I've wanted to see if, with time, I could figure out whether adjusting the glide slope would help things, but I haven't had time to experiment.

EDIT: Specifically, the spaceplane autopilot comes in way too high whenever I use it with Buran. Like, still at about 5km altitude while over KSC high. Also, I'm not entirely sure when to changeover from the landing guidance to the spaceplane guidance, so I can't rule out that (user error) as being an issue.

It doesn't do a good job flying the Kliper, either, for the record...

Edited by daver4470
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Has/Is anyone using MJ 2.0.8 to land the Buran from Bobcat? I can't figure out how to go from orbit to the KSC runway using Autoland and/or Space-plane guidance. The MJ 'manual' seems less than helpfull here...:huh:

Did a thread search for 'buran' and didn't find anything, so sorry if this has been discussed before, but I did try looking!

Sure. It's quite easy. Use the normal landing autopilot for the breaking burn. Just turn on the spaceplane ILS autopilot short before entry into the dense atmosphere. As daver4470 said, the Autopilot comes much too high over KSP runway after reentry. So I just keep flying some time in my current direction by ordering the flight autopilot to keep it's current course and drop to say 2-3000 meters, then I turn on the ILS landing autopilot again. The Buran turns slow as a whale, so you need some distance. Use the RCS too. Then you're on your glidepath. The autopilot tends to land right before the runway, so I use a little throttle to keep it flying, turn off the engines when I pass the runway and it softly glides down. Touchdown! Brakes on and parachute when speed has dropped. And we're home again.

Edited by Uli_Stoiber
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Sure. It's quite easy. Use the normal landing autopilot for the breaking burn. Just turn on the spaceplane ILS autopilot short before entry into the dense atmosphere. As daver4470 said, the Autopilot comes much too high over KSP runway after reentry. So I just keep flying some time in my current direction by ordering the flight autopilot to keep it's current course and drop to say 2-3000 meters, then I turn on the ILS landing autopilot again. The Buran turns slow as a whale, so you need some distance. Use the RCS too. Then you're on your glidepath. The autopilot tends to land right before the runway, so I use a little throttle to keep it flying, turn off the engines when I pass the runway and it softly glides down. Touchdown! Brakes on and parachute when speed has dropped. And we're home again.

OK, so let me make sure I understand this:

1. From a circularized orbit, 0 degrees inclination, use the regular MJ Auto-land, as if I was bringing in a Pod based craft. (With KSC set as the target)

2. Once I hit the dense atmosphere (the middle shade of Blue, between the Dark Blue and Lighter blue?) do I:

-2a. Turn off the regular Landing Auto Pilot, and engage the Spaceplane guidance Auto-land (with the "Show ILS" option checked?)

-2b. Leave Landing Autopilot on and also engage the SpacePlane Gudiance Auto land? It appears that both can function at once.

3. Once in sight of KSC, it's expected to be at ~5k meters altitude (I've had this happen several times as well). Continue on course, while commanding MJ to drop to ~2.5k meters.

4. Fly over KSC, descend to ~2.5k Meters

5. Once at that altitude and now having overshot KSC, turn 180 degrees, and make a westward approach/landing?

Well, I'll give it a try. Thanks :)

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I have a version with a box to force the Roll in the ASAS and Docking Autopilot ( and other change ). It works but you get strange manoeuver when you change the roll for more than ~60° ( the unmodified MJ2 does the same when you use the surf control ).


( src : https://github.com/sarbian/MechJeb2/tree/raf04_sarbian )

I did not upload the right version earlier ( it was an old .19). It's fixed now.

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1. From a circularized orbit, 0 degrees inclination, use the regular MJ Auto-land, as if I was bringing in a Pod based craft. (With KSC set as the target) check.

2. Once I hit the dense atmosphere (the middle shade of Blue, between the Dark Blue and Lighter blue?) do I:

-2a. Turn off the regular Landing Auto Pilot, and engage the Spaceplane guidance Auto-land (with the "Show ILS" option checked?) check. Plane turns into flight direction making reentry look phantasic (and very much needed when later reentry heat will be added).

-2b. Leave Landing Autopilot on and also engage the SpacePlane Gudiance Auto land? It appears that both can function at once. nope.

3. Once in sight of KSC, it's expected to be at ~5k meters altitude (I've had this happen several times as well). Continue on course, while commanding MJ to drop to ~2.5k meters. check. Turn off ILS landing autopilot and engage spaceplane autopilot - stay on course and drop to 4.

4. Fly over KSC, descend to ~2.5k Meters check. 2000 might be possible too.

5. Once at that altitude and now having overshot KSC, turn 180 degrees, and make a westward approach/landing? check. Turn on ILS autopilot again. It will correct the course and turn 180 degrees. It will need some distance for this course correction to line up with the runway.

6. Just remenber, that ILS autopilot tends to land right before the runway, so use a little throttle to keep speed at ca 60-90.

7. Happy landings.

Edited by Uli_Stoiber
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I did not upload the right version earlier ( it was an old .19). It's fixed now.

Many thanks, will try it out :) - for some reason the parts I am taking up seem to be at different roll angles than 0 lol - gonna make things interesting to say the least...

Update: Well I gave it a quick try, but alas you seem to be missing the one thing I really use in mechjeb (the Rendezvous autopilot) - either it been hidden in your version or been taken out, either way it not there :(

Edited by Simplicity
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Check the dev builds and read through the commentary/bug reports there instead of through the forum. Its an easier read, and things that are typically fixed are hidden after a while. Link for the dev posts are in the first post.

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alright, I've got a bit of a complaint with the docking module. I've had multiple ships with 2M docking ports, and I get within docking range without an issue, however when I actually tell it to dock, the docking system invariably lets the ship spin up to 90 degrees before correcting. I've even gotten the ship within five meters of the docking port, and told it to dock via mechjeb, and it invariably backs away to a distance of almost thirty meters before going into the same spinning pattern that it does before. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the docking ports or what, but it's incredibly difficult to put together a space station using the docking system. I've had to do it manually almost every time now.

More interestingly, I notice that mechjeb is turning RCS on and off rapidly, in much the same way as it does SAS using any other module; this may be a coding error where instead of toggling SAS to keep the shuttle pointed forwards it's accidentally toggling RCS and getting zero results, so it keeps trying to toggle it until it detects SAS is active.

Anyone else able to verify this?

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Bit of an annoyance, everytime i set mechjeb the task of landing on the mun it gets to approx 1-2metres and decides it wants to flip upside down. quite annoying really.

other than that it executes the maneuver perfectly.

Much like the above post, I believe the SAS and RCS are to blame... it is however beyond me why.

Edited by ManFlu
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For docking, I make sure to select the port I want to use is set to "control from here", the receiving port set to "target". Works flawlessly everytime for me.

The only time I have had a problem landing on the Mun is when the ground is uneven, then it freaks out.

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