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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Anyone else's autopilot in general seem to just not control pitch/yaw/roll randomly? I also noticed it needs to be disabled and enabled if I turn RCS on/off. It's really annoying, it starts executing a node I made then randomly drifts off target and regains control after as much as 5-7 seconds. It doesn't touch the controls during that time at all, it's not that my ships aren't maneuverable. Happened in 2.0.8-68 and the latest 69. Didn't see it in the 2.0.8 on the front page.

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Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to KSP and I want to try out MechJeb as I've heard it can help make things a bit easier. Now I've installed everything the way it should (the .dll is in the Plugins folder and the MechJeb2_AR202 folder is in the Parts folder). I can see the module in the "Control" tab when I'm building a ship, so I put that on my ship. Then I proceed to the launch and I'm expecting to see a window or something on the right side of the screen, but there's nothing.

I'm new to this stuff so am I missing something here? Like do I need to install any other stuff to get MechJeb to work? The part seems to be in the game the way it should, but the windows aren't there. I've also checked the Alt-F2 debug window and I see nothing special there (no errors or anything like that).

Again I'm new, so I'm sorry if this is a common newbie question/mistake. I couldn't find anything on it though (only more people with the same question that got no answer either).

Edit: Well it appears to be working now. I'm not sure what I did to fix it, but I believe it was some security software that was interfering with KSP (I set KSP to run as admin and I made sure it was set to "trusted program" in my anti-virus to make sure it doesn't get "sandboxed"). Though I've also tried other things between yesterday and now which might also have helped (I made a fresh install, installed MechJeb into the GameData folder instead of the separate Parts and Plugins folders, etc.).

tl;dr: I solved my issue, even though I don't know exactly how I did it.

Edited by whythisname
I solved my issue.
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Yeah, it does. I played with it. Gotta first use "transfer to another planet" and make sure I at least have a wide enough orbit around Kerbin, since it'll be a long wait 'till the next Transfer Window. Then I use "fine tune with target" which sets up the encounter.

It's a semi-autopilot, but it got me to Duna three times, perfect orbit. Just need to do my capture burn, then tighten my orbit, then rendezvous with my Space Station. Very nice and takes the stress out. :)

As much as I love MechJeb its really not so good at planning interplanetary injections. I'm still using protractor for the main burn. MJ does make the mid-course correction ALOT better. Does everything but the main injection better. But last time I tested I was still getting tranfers with much lower Dv used with protractor.

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Well, i have the first version of MechJeb Eye. It is only the Part for MechJeb 2.0.

You need to install Mechjeb to make this work.

And i cannot contact anyone of the project Mechjeb to have more info about changing the light red/green, so, mine only have Green Lights always on.

And the core ball keep spinning. :)

I hope you like it!


p.s: i'm having a minor bug in Unity or KSP or Maya 2014 that i cannot put the Y up the right way, so, when you put the part, you have to rotate it manually.




Edited by Climberfx
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Hey, any idea when the new release of Mechjeb will be?

I took a KSP break after 0.18, and I wanna rebuild my stations, but I kinda love the old parts and I don't want to get started with 0.19.8 if the new one is getting here soon.

edit: btw i love your eyedea Climberfx :)

Edited by RHodeidra
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Unlike many here, I'm loving the Rendevous and Docking autopilots; they've definitely improved from how I used to use them in older versions to the current latest dev build. But the problem I'm actually having is that Mechjeb finds it impossible to complete the circularisation burn for this long rocket...


It used to be able to fly it, using either just the gyros or the RCS on the upper stage, but the only way I can complete the manoeuvre after a standard launch is by jettisoning the rear tanks, and the fuel that's still in them. Adding RCS at the end of the central core hasn't seemed to help. Even when it gets near the blue target pip, the pip either keeps sliding away and thus time never speeds up for the burn, or it wobbles about constantly so the ship doesn't think it's pointed at it.

The problem after much testing is, I think, the RCS Balancer. Mechjeb seems to assumes it's on during an automated Ascent, even if the green text isn't visible under options to indicate it is. Once ready for the circularising burn, it's still in Balancer On mode and the RCS doesn't have enough thrust to move the ship about... however disengaging autopilot, then turning RCS Balancer on then off again gives it the required turn ability.

Can you try with this patch?


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I'm running into problems running 2.0.8 with KW Rocketry, When I try to run these two mods the game doesn't load all of the parts from either of the mods. Individually they both load just fine. Any idea on what could cause this?

I am not running any other mods, its a fresh install via steam.

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So I got another problem... really getting sick of these problems.

In my KAS post, of the two things gone, I HyperEdited a new Lander to Duna, and tried to use the Landing Guidance to get near the rover. It's repeatably correcting itself between "Coasting towards final burn" and "Performing course correction".

Also, my lander controls seem sluggish without RCS, like I have no control over it, yet I have a Remote Guidance Unit on, that is set to "Control From Here".

Without RCS and with or without Landing Guidance Autopilot, my lander slowly spins around, as if it has no control.

I've seen this before with my other lander, when it came to trying to get a orbit around Duna, the controls were sluggish and stuff. But what happened with that, the rover went missing, which had the probe with it. This makes sense, since it only has the shielded docking port as a control. What is happening now, isn't.

I'm running MechJeb 2.0.8, KSP non-Steam. I tried quitting and restarting, the problems persist.

It's almost if, without its rover, it doesn't want to have anything to do with me. It works fine with the rover attached. But without it, it's so.. sluggish. I don't have any RCS Thrusters on the rover. I just don't get it.

It's like the rover serves as a counter-balance, or something.

By the way, that update up there didn't help me, unfortunately. It's even happening when I take off with this thing from Kerbin. It very slowly moves over to the Delta V marker to do its Circular burn. It's not even trying to use the RCS Thrusters.

Edited by Benie
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You can circularise yourself to avoid the nodes running away. As for lander, use RCS to make it maneuverable in space, or does this only happen in Duna orbit because that wouldn't make any sense. If it's larger than a pod, fuel and engine use RCS to move it.

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Ok. Allow me to explain. Since I got MechJeb, I've been playing with the Assent Guidance and Landing Guidance. Never once did it need to use RCS. When it turned around to reached the node, it did so quickly as if time was being accelerated, but it wasn't.

But without the rover, it's not doing it anymore. And as I said, the Landing Guidance is having trouble now trying to get it to land. It keeps correcting itself constantly. Never did this before.

Point is, it was fine before, now it's not unless the rover is attached.

Edited by Benie
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Hey, any idea when the new release of Mechjeb will be?

I took a KSP break after 0.18, and I wanna rebuild my stations, but I kinda love the old parts and I don't want to get started with 0.19.8 if the new one is getting here soon.

edit: btw i love your eyedea Climberfx :)

Thank you RHodeidra. There a way to keep using the old parts with new mechjeb. i'm using the 2.0.8 build 69 with the Raf changes on it. (For roll fix)

And waiting for Ramon return for the part i made...



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I'm running into a problem where no matter what mod pack I use, it seems like MechJeb doesn't want to work. If I run MechJeb by itself though, it works fine. Some examples of the mods I'm running...

KW Rocketry

AIES Aerospace

B9 Aerospace

It seems like when I load up MechJeb with any of these, none of the parts from MechJeb show up, and only some of the parts from the other mods show.

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I'm running into a problem where no matter what mod pack I use, it seems like MechJeb doesn't want to work. If I run MechJeb by itself though, it works fine. Some examples of the mods I'm running...

KW Rocketry

AIES Aerospace

B9 Aerospace

It seems like when I load up MechJeb with any of these, none of the parts from MechJeb show up, and only some of the parts from the other mods show.

I run all those mods and do not have a problem with things not showing up..

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I've noticed a minor peculiarity with MechJeb and Romfarer's missiles:

Issue: Missiles may automatically fire when installed on a craft with MechJeb

Reproducing the issue:

Add both MechJeb 2.0.8 and Romfarer's Lazor Guided Missiles into KSP

Modify all command pod configs to use MechJeb

Attach missiles to any vessel, staging them individually and separately from any engine stage

Scenario 1

- Using spacebar to activate engines of initially launches craft

- Moments later and without any user intervention, missiles automatically fire

Scenario 2

- Map engine toggling to action group key

- Use action group key to activate engine

- Moments later and without any user intervention, missiles automatically fire

Current Workaround:

According to a post in the Lazor System thread, if MechJeb is present and auto-stage is enabled under Ascent Guidance, the missiles would auto-fire (even if the Ascent Guidance module is not enabled for the current vessel). Untickingauto-stageallows missiles to be launched manually.r4m0n, do you think you might be able to look into why auto-stage is (apparently) active even if its parent Ascent Guidance module is disabled?

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That auto stage thing is reportedly fixed in the last couple of dev builds. Look at the first post to get a link to the latest dev build (build 69) and there is now an ascent guidance specific autostage, as well as a global autostage and global autostage Once option, in the Utility window

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I run all those mods and do not have a problem with things not showing up..

Weird, I've tried dumping the entirety of my KSP folder and having Steam rebuild it from scratch, then dumping the mods back in again. Same problem. Is there a log file or something that I can look at to figure out where the problem might be stemming from?

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So here's an amusing little quirk. "Magic pod steering torque" has always bothered me, so I sometimes play without it, by setting rotPower = 0 in a pod's part.cfg.

Doing so causes MechJeb to go crazy in an interesting variety of ways. The most consistent one seems to be that the ascent autopilot simply does nothing at launch. It gives no control input whatsoever.

If I set rotPower = 0.001, MechJeb works normally. But that amount of steering torque is so small that it's effectively zero, so that's my workaround for the time being.

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It seems like when I load up MechJeb with any of these, none of the parts from MechJeb show up, and only some of the parts from the other mods show.

MechJeb 2.0.8 has only one part.

Folks, you've got to quit running 1.9.8, and remove it just to be sure. The latest version is superior in just about every way.

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Weird, I've tried dumping the entirety of my KSP folder and having Steam rebuild it from scratch, then dumping the mods back in again. Same problem. Is there a log file or something that I can look at to figure out where the problem might be stemming from?

Well the easiest way to find out what is happening, is to do a clean install, then install ONLY mechjeb, try it and see if it is ok, if it is, add ONE more mod, try it, if thats ok add another one, and so on and so on until it breaks, that way you will know what's causing the problem..

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MechJeb 2.0.8 has only one part.

Folks, you've got to quit running 1.9.8, and remove it just to be sure. The latest version is superior in just about every way.

There's pros and cons. I just love the new translation control. Either way, 90% of people's issues are that they seem to be having a hard time understanding how to correctly install and maintain mods in the .20 setup.

Edited by Good_Apollo
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