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Youtube series


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Hello,good,people. First off, i know i have series in the works, but, i was wondering, what game playthroughs wouldyou like me to,do,on youtube? Please note, that all ideas will be considered EXCEPT for anything in the horror genre or anything that borders it. So, NO Five Nights at Freddy's.


Also, all games,which need to be bought need to be available through steam.

Computer OS to be,used , is,windows,7

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KSP with RSS and Realism overhaul. Or just normal KSP. Or planetfall. Or some minecraft mudpack with the Galacticraft mod. Or Civilization: Beyond Earth. Or Fate of the World. Or Space Engineers. Or Star citizen.

Really any of these will do.

Also, can you provide a link to your channel?

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That might eliminate the

series and the
series; definitely Undying. There is always the Portal series. (Yeah, these are not new but they are classics). Speaking of classics, there's
. Then there is the Myst series (that would be a puzzle spoiler for sure). Or Bungie's Marathon series. Anything older than these might be a challenge getting to run on modern OSes.

Edit: Of course Portal and Myst are available at reasonable prices for both major computer platforms. Unreal will run on OS X and Linux machines using Wine or Wine related products such as CrossOver. Looks like it runs on Windows 7. The Marathon trilogy and 3rd party "mods" are available free for the 3 major computing platforms since the Aleph One engine is open source and Bungie released the Trilogy for free distribution in 2005.

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