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Capt'n Skunky

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My first Minmus mission- a mapping satellite.


Minmus 1 crossing the terminator on its first active mission day.


Jeb yet again swearing painful vengeance upon the design team.


The beauty of overengineering... to Munar orbit in one stage.


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iWork925, that's a perty looking heap right there! What are some of the mods you used? I'm already wondering about the scale of the rocket you used to get that thing into orbit!


Thanks took me a while to build but I was pretty bored. The mods you can see in the picture are Bace, TrussPack, and MMI. Its the trusses that really sell it I think. I used 7x 2m Liquid Fuel Tank/Rockets and unbreakable joints (because of .16 problem) to get it up then used disposable rockets attched to the sides for the gravity turn. The station also has its own supply of fuel for moving, not sure what real stations use but I digress...

The worst thing about it is that the resolution of the image is too low to be used as a wallpaper... ;.;

The station itself, epicly impressive.

Naw :'( Since you asked so nicely... http://i47.tinypic.com/24m84u1.png

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Perhaps not that awesome yet, but it's the start of a potential awesome project. Expect bigger constructions with giant hoops to fly through, canons and catapults, and kerbals being launched from several kilometers distance and performing dangerous precision landings. This rocket was just to test if such a construction would be able to land on Minimus. The pilot even made it back home.


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Perhaps not that awesome yet, but it's the start of a potential awesome project. Expect bigger constructions with giant hoops to fly through, canons and catapults, and kerbals being launched from several kilometers distance and performing dangerous precision landings. This rocket was just to test if such a construction would be able to land on Minimus. The pilot even made it back home.


Am I the only one who thought of stargate?

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