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How to not break space-time when clawing asteroids?

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I started to get asteroids contracts, but once in the past I clawed one and the asteroid stayed still forever while warping.

I'm afraid to try to get any more asteroids.

Was the bug fixed? Does stock bug fix modules mod help?

Can you avoid the bug? Can you quicksave and quickload a save of a ship that is clawing something?

EDIT: what about modded claws, like the ones from KAS?

Edited by Thegamer211
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Yes, you can avoid the bug. The way to avoid it is to never use the claw for anything, ever. It's hopelessly broken, has been since forever, and I've never seen anything from Squad to indicate that they have any specific plans to fix it any time soon.


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The claw isn't broken for everybody but if you've had a problem it may be best to avoid it or at least save the game before docking with it. I've only ever had one issue with it after bringing a craft back from Duna and docking at the Mun station. Much spontaneous disassembly was had but I use it quite a lot and every other time it's worked fine.

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The claw isn't broken for everybody but if you've had a problem it may be best to avoid it or at least save the game before docking with it. I've only ever had one issue with it after bringing a craft back from Duna and docking at the Mun station. Much spontaneous disassembly was had but I use it quite a lot and every other time it's worked fine.

A backup is a good idea.

And saving before docking. (er clawing?)

Much better advice than never using it. Thanks!

EDIT: I tried some potentally save breaking experiments in sandbox (loading a quicksave while clawed to an asteroid, hyperwarping after that, etc) and I had no issues.


I have claw's stock bug fix modules.

Edited by Thegamer211
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The ModuleGrappleNode fix part of Claw's stock bug fix mod

Padishar is quite right. ModuleGrappleNode is the folder you need (from StockBugFixes) if you want to fix some of the claw bugs. Among others, it specifically fixes a bug with quickloading and entering warp, which causes part of the craft to stick in place and rip itself apart.



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