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Where do I go on the tech tree next?

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I'm playing 1.04 and Science mode. Slowly I'm collecting my science points--just got my first bunch successfully from a Mun orbit: mystery goo, science jr., thermometer, crew report, and an EVA. The link shows you where I am on the tech tree and I'm wondering what you'd advise me to choose next.


Thanks in advance

Edited by JackBush
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Aye, in science mode you don't have to fund your programme via contracts, so usually the quickest way to progress through the science tree is to prioritise the nodes in the bottom branches that unlock new science parts. That way you don't have to repeat missions just to run a new experiment. It's handy to have as many science parts as you can before you land on the Mun and Minmus. You don't have to go all-out, though. As suggested, it depends what you want to do next. There's plenty of science to be had in the system, so feel free to unlock whichever parts interest you the most.

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I think I'd pick Aviation, with the landing wheels. Then you can make a jet (or rocket) propelled rover and drive around KSC getting science from all the facilities, easily making back the science you spent and more.

After that, there's a strong case for a lot of the nodes, but I think my highlights would be:

General construction gives struts, obviously useful if you want to make rockets of any noticeable size. I think you'll already know if you want this or not.

Electrics is a requirement for any probe work.

Space Exploration gives you new experiments.

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You can never go wrong with unlocking more science experiments - they help you get through the tech tree faster (do it right and you can have the tech tree maxed out in a hundred game days or less). Once you have OX-STAT strap-on solar panels and Fuel Ducts, I'd get all the 45-point tier techs unlocked and then move along the bottom of the tech tree to gain access to more experiments. The gravioli detector is a particularly nice one to gain access to at the earliest opportunity. You might also consider a few along the top - Heavy Rocketry for example. You can get a lot into orbit on Skipper engines.

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What I did prior to my first Science campaign was to identify specific parts I wanted to use (e.g., nuclear rockets or rover wheels), and then determine which steps I needed to research in which order to get there. Once there, I went back and "cleaned up" the techs I'd gone past.

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I run for planes as quickly as possible, personally, because I like to do as much as I can with spaceplanes.

I'm not recommending this as a course of action, though. Puts me in a couple sticky spots, usually.

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One thing that I've sometimes done: Let a bit of science accumulate, then decided what my next mission is going to be, and unlocked parts to support that mission.

I almost always do it like this. While sitting in the bus or sth I come up with some crazy *** mission plan and then I spend the next few days 'building' craft in my head, trying to figure out a solution to the more complicated construction aspects. Once I have a rough idea of what everythings gonna look like and which parts I'll need I fire up ksp and check what parts I have available to me and unlock anything I don't have. I currently have like 2250 science points sitting around unused xD

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