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Qualifying to become an astronaut might not be as hard as you think. Also, NASA is hiring.


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This one is for all our American forum friends who are passionate about space: NASA recently made a post on their tumblr account debunking a couple of myths and incorrect preconceptions a lot of people have about becoming an astronaut. They also posted what the actual requisites are. And really, they're not as strict as you'd think. A bachelor in a scientific field, 3 or more years of experience and passing the physical test is all that is really required. (Also, you need to have the American nationality, but that seems rather obvious if you want to work for the US space agency)

Tumblr post can be found here:


NASA is also hiring new astronauts. For those interested in applying, go here:


With all the space nuts on the KSP forums, there must be at least some people who qualify for this. Heck, if I were American, I would totally sign up.

Get out there KSP-ers! Chances that you will be selected are of course slim, but definitely not outside of the realm of possibility! And if just one person makes it, you will carry the hopes and dreams of the rest of us with you.

Good luck to those who make the attempt :)

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When you read the book from Chris Hadfield you will notice that the realy hard part comes after the initial application. You have to be someone who dedicated his entire life into becoming an astronaut, just like becoming a worldchampion in sports...

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of course becoming an astronaut is hard. As mentioned, it takes years of dedication. I just wanted to point out that you qualify to be one is actually not outside the realm of possibility at all.

Chances of actually becoming an astronaut after you apply: very small (but not impossible)

Chances that you are qualified to apply to be an astronaut: probably higher than most people think.

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of course becoming an astronaut is hard. As mentioned, it takes years of dedication. I just wanted to point out that you qualify to be one is actually not outside the realm of possibility at all.

Chances of actually becoming an astronaut after you apply: very small (but not impossible)

Chances that you are qualified to apply to be an astronaut: probably higher than most people think.

Ahhh got it. I think your use of the word "qualifying" is what threw me off. If you had said "applying" instead, I would have got the message loud and clear. To me, to qualify implies that you achieve all necessary goals and make it to the end. Which is strange because I know this is not even necessarily true. For instance, I am a big NASCAR fan (go ahead and judge) but the same is true of most automotive races. The entrants must first qualify for the race and then those that do race for the win.

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yeah, semantics are a female dog, especially since English is not my native language. I do apologize if I got people confused or got their hopes up in vain.

Still though, I thought that the requirements for application were a lot stricter than they are (I thought that a certain number of flight hours was pretty much mandatory as well as at least a master's degree or higher).

I'd totally sign up for application if I lived in the US. :)

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to183.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Maker

could also work with Richard Dean anderson and a swiss knife. Mutlipass Multitask. @Tex kinda agree each time i applied for something i wasn't supposed to get qualified to i used to be hired in the end anyway ; ) so believe and face yourself in the mirror and do it is always the best approach.

Sure thing is being an astronaut is kinda a "priesthood" and "all earth kind devotion" before anithing else.

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Yep, being an astronaut is my dream. I plan to get at least a bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (ideally a Masters or a PhD). Then I just have to find some way to get 1000 hours flying time in jet aircraft, and then I can apply. I guess I had better start working on the physical requirements too. It's never to early to start, is it?

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I'd love to, providing NASA doesn't mind waiting for me to finish my maths and physics degree, nor if they mind waiting a few years for me to get a visa, find a job, move to the US before applying for and getting American citizenship first. Much obliged.

Although, joking aside, if ESA could hold off a couple of years before they start their next recruiting round, it would be very much appreciated...

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Hum, I'm too old, too unhealthy and too not a US citizen to apply ;)

OTOH I would like to see the day where space agencies would have a serious need for field biochemists ( I'm a biochemist by formation ). That would be a very good sign :D

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I could totally be an astronaut if I were a little older, had some flight hours, were fit, knew anything about flying besides aerodynamics, and the list goes on.

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Want to? Absolutely. But no way am I ever going to be qualified.

I'm in the same boat.

If I were 20 years younger and had a Ph.D, I might have had a shot. ;) (I know, they talk about equivalent experience... but really, not having a higher degree closes a lot of doors, even when people say it doesn't)

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