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Procedurally generated solar system

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I dont know if this is even possible and Im guessing its a huge, huge ask, but it would be cool if each time a new game was created an entire new solar system was generated. I do a little programming myself so I know this would be a monumental undertaking, but WOW that would be cool. Kerbin the ksc and the mun would always be there but the rest of the planets and moons is what Im thinking could be random.

Knowing how the meshes and texture works in the game I know this would be tough but you can always dream right!


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  • KSP's planet engine is already highly procedural.
  • Procedural =/=Random.
  • Devs have stated that they are keeping the solar systems the same so that everyone's planets are the same, even if their ships and other experiences aren't.
  • It would actually be pretty hard to do a pseudo-random procedurally generated system that is different every time, because it would have to build every planet's PQS map and then scaledspace textures. You'd probably have to rebuild the entire planet terrain system. It would technically be possible with the current planet/terrain system, but you'd end up waiting a good 20 minutes for the system to generate and it would probably be rather boring to look at without being carefully crafted.

Edited by GregroxMun
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

GregroxMun I know what your saying as a said it was a big ask. On waiting 20 minutes for the system to generate I think it would only have to be done when you first create the save game. Load time after that would be normal.

Which I think answers your question Ayylmao. The new planets would only be generated when you create the new profile. You would play with the same generated system every time you loaded that save.

But like I said its a big ask. I think there could possible be as much code dedicated to this one feature as there is in the game so far. As long as I'm dreaming though thats something I wish for.


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E: Sorry, this was snarky. I hear what you're saying, but I actually tend to agree with the devs that the current system is nicely tuned, and keeping it uniform from game to game makes it easier for players to compare experiences, ask for help, etc. Like Greg said, it make a nice mod.


Edited by Pthigrivi
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35 minutes ago, halbert5150 said:

GregroxMun I know what your saying as a said it was a big ask. On waiting 20 minutes for the system to generate I think it would only have to be done when you first create the save game. Load time after that would be normal.

Which I think answers your question Ayylmao. The new planets would only be generated when you create the new profile. You would play with the same generated system every time you loaded that save.

But like I said its a big ask. I think there could possible be as much code dedicated to this one feature as there is in the game so far. As long as I'm dreaming though thats something I wish for.


Might be worth it as a mod, but definitely not as a stock feature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if devs ever make ksp interstellar than exo-kerbol solar systems could be procedurally generated, keeping the initial experience the same whilst still adding a random element to it. It would be an even more massive task but man would it be cool. Also you could add exoplanetary bases on planets with an atmosphere, and they would be upgradable like the normal ones, but it would be different from the normal ksc buildings. that would be so cool.

Edited by idriveaTARDIS
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Procedural generation could base on single seed number (for example 64 bit integer). Then there could be one default seed which would give a standard system (it could be current one) but if user changed it before first play, he would get a new world. It would give endless possibilities to real exploration or possibility to create a galaxy with billions of unique solar systems. However, it has been suggested from beginning of development and Squad does not want to develop game to that direction. It would be great idea for another game in this genre.

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Would the whole 20min of processing need to happen at the start of the game?

Start with the basic orbits and a theme colour for each body. Then fill out the detail just in time as you explore the system. 20min over the coarse of a game where there is a lot of float through space seems like that wouldn't be to high an impact. 

Something to be considered for a potential multi-player edition maybe where it would be a great levelling system between players.

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20 min is just a guess. Probably it would be much shorter time, if it is programmed well. It depends on what things would be precalculated, what kind of details there were etc. Precalculating time is needed only when you begin the new world. Game can save tings and it is not needed every time. Default world could be precalculated by Squad and those who do not want to wait could start as fast as now.

But programming would need quite much knowhow and interest which I think Squad does not currently have. It is certainly not an easy task to make a good and believable planet generator. It seems that procedurally generated worlds will not be KSP's thing even they are technically possible. I think that it may be a good decision even I personally would very much like to see procedurally generated planets where I could make real exploration in every save. It makes things boring if I remember interesting places (for example anomalies) from previous games. But bad implementation of procedural planets would certainly be more annoying than fun.

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I think we definitely need the current solar system to remain as it is for continuity and the community.

I have no idea how possible or practical it would be, but it would be a nice option to have a unique system to explore though.  Maybe if a 'seed' was generated that may enable it to be shared too.

A possibility could be...  generate the basic system at the start (maybe Kerbin and the Sun could always be the same as now)  with just the basic details like position,  size, gravity, atmosphere and moons determined.  Then, once you get a satellite in a body's orbit or SOI the full surface is generated.


Edit...  Sorry, I missed a post above from Mattinoz with pretty much this idea before posting.

Edited by pandaman
Missed previous suggestion from another poster
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I would be a nice to have... if interstellar ever happens.

The Kerbol system should remain static, excepting minor stuff like asteroids and ore concentrations.

But, given some of the procedural generation that has been done in the past, .kkrieger,  Elite, Seven Cities of Gold, it doesn't need to be intensive or slow. 

All that would really need to be saved would be the user object statuses, and the list of returned science reports.





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