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F Class asteroids!

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F Class Asteroid:

3,828-17,200 tons

They should be like miniature moons. Perfect Spheres with craters on them and floating around in various spots in the solar system.(These might be found particularly in a large gas planets rings... ;d) They can be moved, hypothetically, but are obviously very heavy. They would be the be all end all of asteroid rangling! It would take very powerful ships to move them. If not moved they could make very good deep space destinations for refueling and large mining/refueling bases could be built on them. Or even larger ones than an E asteroid now might permit. They would be massive almost permanent bases in space. Massive engines could be build on them to move them with their own ore if needed to make a huge movable space station.

I have a very large mining vessel and a few more massive minable and moveable objects would work well for me. They could be rarer than E's, assuming they have to be, and found in more interesting locations perhaps. something very valuable to posses. But not too rare! The work to get/utilize one should/could be the struggle. Else they could make nice refueling stations near possibly future more difficult gas giants. And perhaps other places.

Edited by Arugela
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F Class Asteroid:

3,828-17,200 tons

They should be like miniature moons. Perfect Spheres with craters on them and floating around in various spots in the solar system.(These might be found particularly in a large gas planets rings... ;d) They can be moved, hypothetically, but are obviously very heavy. They would be the be all end all of asteroid rangling! It would take very powerful ships to move them. If not moved they could make very good deep space destinations for refueling and large mining/refueling bases could be built on them. Or even larger ones than an E asteroid now might permit. They would be massive almost permanent bases in space. Massive engines could be build on them to move them with their own ore if needed to make a huge movable space station.

I have a very large mining vessel and a few more massive minable and moveable objects would work well for me. They could be rarer than E's, assuming they have to be, and found in more interesting locations perhaps. something very valuable to posses. But not too rare! The work to get/utilize one should/could be the struggle. Else they could make nice refueling stations near possibly future more difficult gas giants. And perhaps other places.

Not spheres but I agree

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F Class Asteroid:

3,828-17,200 tons

They can be moved, hypothetically, but are obviously very heavy. They would be the be all end all of asteroid rangling!

Of course they can be moved.

No, not with conventional rocket tech.

But if Bill's idea doesn't work, we'll move on to Val's idea.

Let's use the brute force of nature, another asteroid.

I like the idea.

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I have a vehicle designed for moving asteroids with stacked engines equaling 26,000 thrust so it could be possible. But the asteroid moving asteroid thing would be funny! ><

I just saw an older thread on this same idea. It also mentioned micro gravity. I think that could be nice. It could be variable also and based on the actual stats of the asteroid. So as you mine it the gravity may disapear.

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76358-Bigger-Asteroids-in-KSP?p=2230186&viewfull=1#post2230186 It also mentions hitting it with another asteroid! 8)

BTW, What amount of mass would you need to produce any real gravity. Say 0.01 for 0.1 gravity? I've seen the formulas somewhere but haven't really gone over them yet to get familiar.

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I have a vehicle designed for moving asteroids with stacked engines equaling 26,000 thrust so it could be possible. But the asteroid moving asteroid thing would be funny! ><

I just saw an older thread on this same idea. It also mentioned micro gravity. I think that could be nice. It could be variable also and based on the actual stats of the asteroid. So as you mine it the gravity may disapear.

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76358-Bigger-Asteroids-in-KSP?p=2230186&viewfull=1#post2230186 It also mentions hitting it with another asteroid! 8)

BTW, What amount of mass would you need to produce any real gravity. Say 0.01 for 0.1 gravity? I've seen the formulas somewhere but haven't really gone over them yet to get familiar.

Combining this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation with this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere#Enclosed_volume and assuming this https://www.google.com/search?q=density+of+rock . All combined with a little algebra gets us : a/(G*2600*4/3*pi*) = r

so for 0.01 m/s^2 you'd need a 13.7km asteroid, for 0.1 you'd need a 137km asteroid.

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Of course they can be moved.

No, not with conventional rocket tech.

But if Bill's idea doesn't work, we'll move on to Val's idea.

Let's use the brute force of nature, another asteroid.

I like the idea.

Main issue is not so much moving them, you use the asteroid for fuel. Main issue is that even D asteroids tend to summon kraken a lot for me.

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Combining this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation with this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere#Enclosed_volume and assuming this https://www.google.com/search?q=density+of+rock . All combined with a little algebra gets us : a/(G*2600*4/3*pi*) = r

so for 0.01 m/s^2 you'd need a 13.7km asteroid, for 0.1 you'd need a 137km asteroid.

You cannot assume the density of rock in our universe. In KSP everything is alot denser (in terms of mass->gravity) than in our universe. In the Kerbal universe 600 000 m body will give a gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 or 1 g. This is based on the stats of Kerbin. Doing some maths, and I know that you need a 6116 m body for 0.1 m/s^2 and a 612 m body for 0.01 m/s^2

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You cannot assume the density of rock in our universe. In KSP everything is alot denser (in terms of mass->gravity) than in our universe. In the Kerbal universe 600 000 m body will give a gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 or 1 g. This is based on the stats of Kerbin. Doing some maths, and I know that you need a 6116 m body for 0.1 m/s^2 and a 612 m body for 0.01 m/s^2

Eh, I don't live on planet Kerbin, I live on planet Earth in a place called reality. If your going to talk about a fictional reality we can assume whatever we want: the KSP asteroids are made of "Kerbonite" and are whatever density I (er well the dev's) want them to be.

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Eh, I don't live on planet Kerbin, I live on planet Earth in a place called reality. If your going to talk about a fictional reality we can assume whatever we want: the KSP asteroids are made of "Kerbonite" and are whatever density I (er well the dev's) want them to be.

I admit that cam up more angry than I intended it to be (I didn't intend it to be angry at all). I'm sorry for that. It was not my intention to upset you.

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Main issue is not so much moving them, you use the asteroid for fuel. Main issue is that even D asteroids tend to summon kraken a lot for me.

Hopefully this has been fixed in the new patch!

Also, I'm intrigued by this F-class idea... :cool:

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I like!!! :D

f class asteroid:

3,828-17,200 tons

they should be like miniature moons. Perfect spheres with craters on them and floating around in various spots in the solar system.(these might be found particularly in a large gas planets rings... ;d) they can be moved, hypothetically, but are obviously very heavy. They would be the be all end all of asteroid rangling! It would take very powerful ships to move them. If not moved they could make very good deep space destinations for refueling and large mining/refueling bases could be built on them. Or even larger ones than an e asteroid now might permit. They would be massive almost permanent bases in space. Massive engines could be build on them to move them with their own ore if needed to make a huge movable space station.

I have a very large mining vessel and a few more massive minable and moveable objects would work well for me. They could be rarer than e's, assuming they have to be, and found in more interesting locations perhaps. Something very valuable to posses. But not too rare! The work to get/utilize one should/could be the struggle. Else they could make nice refueling stations near possibly future more difficult gas giants. And perhaps other places.

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  • 1 year later...

Agreed about F, but that should not be the end of the line. G and H please.

The ease at which I lob class E asteroids about currently -the fact I'm finding it boring and way too easy - makes me believe the game should create a real challenge, something for even most experienced players to grit their teeth. Currently, I'm fairly sure even 17,000 tons wouldn't be very much of a challenge for me. Gimme a 200,000 tons asteroid though...

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1 hour ago, Sharpy said:

Agreed about F, but that should not be the end of the line. G and H please.

The ease at which I lob class E asteroids about currently -the fact I'm finding it boring and way too easy - makes me believe the game should create a real challenge, something for even most experienced players to grit their teeth. Currently, I'm fairly sure even 17,000 tons wouldn't be very much of a challenge for me. Gimme a 200,000 tons asteroid though...

Good lord, how would you move it? You'd something bigger than a Whackjob Arkingthad booster to get any kind of orbital shift there.

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3 minutes ago, Jarin said:

Good lord, how would you move it? You'd something bigger than a Whackjob Arkingthad booster to get any kind of orbital shift there.

Keep in mind that with modded parts, nothing is impossible. For example, there are plenty of engines that are crazy powerful, but have a double digit ISP. Those seem ideal for this situation.

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52 minutes ago, Jarin said:

Good lord, how would you move it? You'd something bigger than a Whackjob Arkingthad booster to get any kind of orbital shift there.

10 Rhinos (likely across some 4 craft, as there's no way a single Klaw would survive that), about 0.05m/s^2 of acceleration, maybe 5m/s delta-V per refuel/burn cycle. Start way out of Kerbin system, use Mun for plane change and some braking assist, struggle mightily not to get ejected before I bring AP below Mun SOI...

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure I would succeed. But that's the whole point. It's no fun if success is assured. And considering the ease at which I'm handling 3000t asteroids currently, I'm pretty damn sure my current system would have no trouble with 17000t.

In particular, my previous system was about 10 times weaker than current, and I quite successfully brought a Class E into LKO over the course of a... week realtime? Currently it's one evening. I'm looking for something to force me to develop a system ten times stronger than current and still take me a week to complete the capture!

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55 minutes ago, LordKael said:

Keep in mind that with modded parts, nothing is impossible. For example, there are plenty of engines that are crazy powerful, but have a double digit ISP. Those seem ideal for this situation.

It should still be possible with stock, although framerate would suffer terribly. I'd go with mods for nuclear reactor or solar panels (gigantors are woefully inadequate; I'd need a good 100 of them) mining expansion drills and ISRU (I had a 32 stock drill mining base, framerate always in the red; this would need roughly as many) and possibly tweakscale or Ubiozur's Welding for structural parts and tanks (going with stock would drive the part count way up). The one engine type for the job is stock Rhino, ISp 340, 2000kN of thrust. Two of these babies lob class E around like a basketball ball. With autostrut my former woes about joint between Klaw and the rest of the craft breaking are a thing of the past (still, 10 rhinos at once could snap even the autostrut). I developed RCS thruster blocks for asteroids (using Aerospikes as RCS thrusters), so that's the matter of turning and precision maneuvers.

So nothing "near future" or "interstellar" or "outer planet". Primarily part count reduction.

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Interestingly enough, gilly counts as a Z asteroid.. I wonder if this was on purpose.


Isn't gilly the lightest permanent object?



1.2420363×1017 kg




 Except gilly is in tons and not KG...

136,911,066,206,867 tons = V class asteroid = 1.08...x10^14 - 4.86...x10^14

If my estimate is correct...


Or are asteroids in KG not tons? So gilly is V or Z class asteroid depending on how those measurements work in game. If it's Z that is awefully interesting.

Edit: It is a V class asteroid. I got the initial info from this:


Minimus = 29,164,489,693,686,864= X Class Asteroid = 9.848...x10^15 - 4.43...x10^16

Ike = 306,680,809,026,836,160 = AA Class Asteroid

Bop = 41,073,320,964,371,600 = X Class but almost Y class.

Dres = 354,844,339,643,543,872 = AA Class Asteroid

Mun = 1,075,845,543,874,558,464 = AB Class Asteroid

Pol = 11,919,851,076,860,044 = Y Class Asteroid


Everything else is bigger. So I guess there are no Z Class asteroid body equivalents.. Unless my estimate is off. Which it unquestionably is. Maybe the magic boulder is a Z class asteroid.. I wonder what it's mass is.




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On 12/25/2016 at 3:09 AM, LordKael said:

Keep in mind that with modded parts, nothing is impossible. For example, there are plenty of engines that are crazy powerful, but have a double digit ISP. Those seem ideal for this situation.

Well if you are modding anyways to make things easier: you should also expect the MODS to provide more difficult challenges.

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6 minutes ago, rockets-don't-make-toast said:

how about making the planets able to move so you could move gilly to kerbin or something.

and what class would the sun be? like a zzzz class or something?

You might wanna take a look at this video from Scott Manley



On topic: Bigger asteroids would be cool, but at a certain point they would just become big enough that really all you could do is science and just hope one's not going to hit Kerbin.

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