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Any Tips for A Class Astroid redirection?

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Put it in a nice and very low Kerbin orbit first. That way, you'll have lower reentry speed, meaning also less heat for your tug. Also, when landing it, make sure to aim for about 30km periapsis at your first pass to let the atmosphere do most of the braking for you. Drogue parachutes help as well, as long as you have one available. Class A is pretty small, so you won't have match trouble imo.

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Attach many parachutes (you can use a claw with a small RCS tank, SAS, 4 thrusters and a bunch of chutes to attach huge amounts) and split them into as many action groups as possible to reduce then instantaneous force. Or be completely ridiculous and do this:

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Mine it out first... they are very draggy for their mass already, but if you mine it out, you'll find their mass is only a ton or two...


That mined out roid is so light, the craft with empty fuel tanks and deployed drogue chutes doesn't fall slower.


With 1x FL-T400 and 1xFL-T200 tank, and 3 radial 24-77 engines, I had quite a bit of dV, and could slow it down to prevent reentry from being too harsh.

The roid seemed to get quite hot, based on the KER report... but the claw was closest to critical.

I launched that recovey craft in a SSTO cargobay (a mk2),

but the intercept, capture, insertion into LKO orbit, and mining of the roid was done with this craft:


I might want to move the drills inward... only 1 of the two made contact with the small roid... its not a problem for bigger ones.

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I tried to aerobrake with an C class asteroid, Ap was inside the Mun orbit and Pe was between 40 and 35 km, it overheated in seconds and exploded. Yes I put the astroid first. I also lost the claw and the retracted solar panels however the ship tumbled out of control after the explosion.

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Yea... aerobraking asteroids doesn't seem very viable... I was aerobraking the A class at 60km after some trial and error... but then I got tired of that and used engine thrust... its only an A class (C classes aren't bad either).

For the E class I'm stll wrangling with... I'm using multiple gravity asists from Mun to lower its orbit, but the orbit is quite a mess now, I just took it from about 90 degree inclination with an AP nearly out to minmus, to a even more inclined orbit (its slightly retrograde now!)... the AP past minmus has become the PE inside the orbit of Mun... but every trajectory to decrease inclination had it being ejected...so first I've got to prevent that from happening...

I may try using some aerobraking too... but I won't go lower than 60 km

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I just did an aerobrake with a C class down to about 48 km and that was fine. The two small active coolers I had open and pointing behind the craft (the asteroid was in front of it all) might have helped.

That said, after 3 turns of this I lost patience and used the engines to break the remaining 500 m/s of dV.

As somebody else suggested, aerobrakes might be a good idea.

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