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Mods & UI Interface Tweaking


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PKOIwZ6.jpgFor example, how do I remove the icon for a mod, such as IR at the top right? I happened to have installed 7 mods, and each has their own icon. They're starting to interfere with each other, display wise.

My current issue, is KER HUD display is has a mod icon overlayed onto it. Is there a way to remove the icon, preferably as an easy setting somewhere? I don't want to uninstall the mod, but I couldn't find an easy way to remove unnecessary icons. I'm sure there is, just not sure how.

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You can't remove them, and if KER has a problem overlaying the icon where it shouldn't be you need to talk to the developer of that mod. I've seen that issue in several mods before.

In 1.1 they will be vertical on the right hand side of the screen.

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QuickHide will hide icons. However if you have overlapping icons, that means one of them is broken, and you need to update your mods.

Haha, of course the solution to too many mods is to add another mod. Thanks, that's what I'm looking for. Hope it works as advertised.

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