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More overhang with Launch tower?

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Well simply as title, is it possible to create more overhang with the launch stability assist tower? Now when I add the tower to the top part of my rocket (top part consists of roughly 20m of 1.25m tanks/rockets). The tower often collides with engines/fuel tanks placed lower. So is there any way to prevent that?

Another question I have: can I turn the rocket using the tower? - and how?

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Put a radial decoupler on your rocket, put girder segments on that and the tower on the end, to effectively extend the tower's reach.

You can rotate the whole rocket freely in the VAB. The launch tower will automatically support it in its orientation.

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The stock launch clamps do not get longer, unfortunately. You have to place them carefully to avoid interference as you mention.

If by "can I turn the rocket using the tower?" you mean can you have the rocket start at an angle, then yes. Turn on the rotate tool and adjust the root part (usually a pod) and the whole rocket will pivot.

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yup, you can add those kind of extensions. if you don't want to risk those extensions to collide with your rocket, you can use counterweight or separatrons systems to eject them away from your rocket on liftoff :)

however, if your rocket's upper stage is wobbling / heavy enough to need launch clamps to support them on the ground, it will become much worse after liftoff :) (you should not need to use launch clamp elsewhere than your first stage - unless you build intricate 'real life' launch towers, real life launch towers generaly have two purposes : fuel the rocket stages, (so you need to get your fuel lines up to the upper stage) and provide lateral stability against wind - two problems we don't have in real life :P once liftoff, each real life rocket first stage is able to fully support the upper stage's weight, even against the rocket acceleration.

here's an example of counterweight based launch clamp extensions (real life example of counterweight launch clamps : soyuz Iron Tulip) :) counterweight physics can be fun and fully works in KSP :)


the two launch clamps are attached to the structural fuselage, which are attached to the rocket with structural pylons.

both launch clamps and structural pylons are staged at the same time. the structural parts i attached to the launch clamp act as a pivot point for the clamp extension + counterweights, so the extension folds upwards during liftoff, allowing the rocket to completely clear the clamps despite it's wide 1st stage :)


the key is to design an articulation point that will prevent the rotating part from escaping and risks collision with the rocket :P

if you want 'complex' launch towers, it's fully doable stock (like i did with my mini saturn V ^^) :) (the arms on this launch tower use separatrons to make the 'empty' SRB rotate, making the arms rotate with it away from the rocket.)

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Edited by sgt_flyer
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  Snark said:
No idea what it's like, have never used it, but a quick search for "launch clamps" on Kerbal Stuff turned this up:


...maybe worth a look?

Had to give those up because of 'clamps in space bug' but they look and work great, especially with LaunchCountdown-Extended to animate them.

Now 1.0.5 has fixed that bug ...

Well they work, except the 'umbilical' clamp. That doesn't seem to attach to the rest of the vehicle properly, can't be right-clicked and doesn't "stage" as expected (no swing-out, remains in stage list) so it's useless. It does, at least, remain on the ground. (Launch clamps 5.34 with KSP 1.0.5 and no other mods)

Edited by Pecan
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