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KS-25-X Emmisives/heat glow

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It seems as though the KS-25-X does not actually have any glow when it is hot. I hope this gets fixed/added, because then it would look so much cooler! (Well, not literally, but you get the idea)

Okay, before posting this I decided to make sure I was correct. I am not. The engine DOES glow, but it takes a lot to get hot enough to glow. It would be cool if at least the inside of the nozzle got really hot a glowy, because it just kind of looks dead without it glowing until after about a minute and a half of continuous thrust. It only ever glows a dim cherry red at that point.


As you can see from this image, the RS-25s on the shuttle get to be yellow-white hot, but only the inside of the nozzle; the outside of the nozzle does not glow visibly.

This is the hottest it gets by running. Inside the nozzle, only a small bit near the top of the engine glows much.


This is the hottest it can get without melting/exploding/poofing, using the HyperEdit heat editor to test it, and with hot part highlighting turned off. The whole part glows red at this point, like they all do when made hot enough, but the actual emmisive texture stays a fairly dim slightly-orange red.


Edited by GregroxMun
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Actually, the way emissives work in 1.0.5 is completely independent on the part's heat, and is instead dependent on throttle, as the module controlling the animation was changed from ModuleAnimateHeat to FXModuleAnimateThrottle (which, funnily enough, is exactly what my BetterEmissives mod did).

If you want the glow to increase faster, find this in the config file:

name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
animationName = SSME_Heat
responseSpeed = 0.00025
dependOnEngineState = True
dependOnThrottle = True

and increase responseSpeed to your liking. In addition, if you want the inside of the engine to glow, then find SSME_GLOW.dds and SSME.dds in the Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSSME folder and find the sub-texture used for the inside of the bell in SSME.dds and find the corresponding sub-texture in SSME_GLOW.dds and make it white or bright blue.

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