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Tracking Station has graphical error

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I'm having the same issue. No mods, OpenSuse linux, both 32bit and 64bit executable, new save game, GTX980Ti. There is nothing wrong with the map view however. So the game is playable.

Here's another screenshot, although this was made when mods were installed, on an existing save game.


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Solution posted here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/139247-Tracking-Center-Visual-Bug-FULLSCREEN

Basically you can't use full screen mode while looking at the Tracking Center.

Not really a solution but a mere workaround. Bugs like this should get noticed before a new version is released and it's really, really annoying not to use fullscreen at the preferred custom resolution. The tracking station used to work quite well for previous versions, so I really don't get it how they could mess this up that bad.

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The trouble here is this only affects a few people, for example I can't get this effect at any resolution I try, and I'm using an Nvidia GTX 650 with the nvidia-352 driver.

So can you please provide more information such as the exact driver you are using, and whether this issue persists when changing the resolution back or after deleting the settings.cfg

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I accidentally posted a new thread for this, so for coherency, details are linked there.

I also just noted that if I use the 1920x1080 fullscreen mode (same as what the 2nd monitor is running in), the bug doesn't rear it's head, so I guess it's nothing to do with twinview.

The driver version is noted in included Player.log (346.35).

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Okay I see something really odd in your Player.log, and I'd like to see if this occurs in any other Player.log's or output_log.txt's.

requesting resize 1098 x 712

resizing window to 1098 x 712

Desktop is 2944 x 1080 @ 60 Hz

requesting resize 1152 x 720

resizing window to 1152 x 720

Desktop is 2944 x 1080 @ 60 Hz

The second one is one of the resolutions that KSP usually detects, and it can obviously detect your desktop resolution, but that first one is strange and I don't have it in my Player.log, I'm currently using 1024x768 trying to reproduce this issue.

My memory is nagging me, something like this may have happened before and I think it had something to do with the Windows registry, of course we don't have one of those but we do have the Unity prefs file in ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/

[noparse]<unity_prefs version_major="1" version_minor="1">

<pref name="Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode" type="int">0</pref>

<pref name="Screenmanager Resolution Height" type="int">768</pref>

<pref name="Screenmanager Resolution Width" type="int">1024</pref>

<pref name="UnityGraphicsQuality" type="int">5</pref>


I'd be interested in knowing if your prefs file shows 1098 x 712.

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Update: just upgraded to nVidia driver 352.55 and still have the same problem. I guess it's not the driver at fault.

Here's the log.

(After the upgrade), prefs has this:

<pref name="Screenmanager Resolution Height" type="int">720</pref>

<pref name="Screenmanager Resolution Width" type="int">1280</pref>

The wierd resolution(s) were probably me mucking around with the settings, trying different ones (as mentioned).

Edited by surge
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Argh, I should stop doing that. See (edited) post above.

They are wierd resolutions - they're not even in the modes the X11 driver detects:

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated MetaModes:

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0):

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): "HDMI-0:1920x1080+1024+0,DVI-I-0:nvidia-auto-sel


[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): "HDMI-0:1280x1024+0+0"

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): "HDMI-0:1280x720+0+0"

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): "HDMI-0:1024x768+1024+0,DVI-I-0:1024x768+0+0"

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): "HDMI-0:800x600+800+0,DVI-I-0:800x600+0+0"

[ 82055.301] (II) NVIDIA(0): "HDMI-0:640x480+640+0,DVI-I-0:640x480+0+0"

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Okay so there's a mystery here, if X11 doesn't detect them KSP can't show them, so you can't select them, the only way to force those resolutions is to exit KSP and manually edit the settings.cfg

This may be why the map is breaking, but where did those numbers come from...

Wait, did you set KSP to a resolution that X11 doesn't support ?

Edited by sal_vager
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Nope, i've deleted settings.cfg several times, and never set it out of game.

- - - Updated - - -

Looks like a case of barking up the wrong tree, unfortunately. Here's a log with no weird resolutions (I think) after `rm -rf ~/.config/unity3d/Squad settings.cfg`:


All I did was set the fullscreen mode in game and go to the tracking station. Still has the error.

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Looks like this is actually an issue with the layers or cameras in the tracking station scene, as I just reproduced it here (easy when you finally know how), it's little bits of info like "ensure fullscreen mode is active" that are essential when dealing with issues like this.

Definitely not a driver or platform issue, and thankfully the map is unaffected, just the TC.

I guess you could also work around this by using a fullscreen window (-popupwindow -maximized) but this is really weird, there's nothing in the changelog about any changes to the tracking center at all.

Thanks for figuring out (and posting!) how to reproduce this.

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I had the same problems with a modded install.

1080-1920, it was resizing kerbal down after going into the tracking station.

I edited the settings.cfg to put in my correct resolution and made sure I edited full screen and now the problem is solved. Is tracking station reading the values for the resolution in a different place than the main game?
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Update:  I just moved to 1.0.5 a few days ago and ran it in windowed mode so far. However, I did set the resolution of my (Linux Mint 17.3 XFCE ed., x86_64, nVidia 560GTX) machine to 1920x1080 and enabled fullscreen mode. With this resolution set, no issues with the tracking station showed up. Same goes for 1920x1200, but all other resolutions still cause the error. Just wanted to let you know just in case this might help ironing out the issue for 1.1

Edited by lodger
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  • 2 weeks later...

This has been happening on my end as well.  As with lodger, switching to windowed mode seems to have fixed it.  I'm running at 1920x1080.  If I run the game using the "-popupwindow" command in the shortcut (or in my case, Steam's "Set Launch Options"), the issue still isn't present.  It seems that as long as fullscreen is disabled in the graphics settings of the game, everything works fine.

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