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[0.15+] Really Advanced Computer Systems Rev. 1.1 / Music Player! Countdown inside!


How should the dynamic music be implemented?  

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  1. 1. How should the dynamic music be implemented?

    • Select a song for when a special event happens
    • One playlist for every situation
    • Other... (Post in Thread)

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Ermm, I\'m having a problem. When I attach the player to a ship all my UIs break. I have so many other plugins installed it would be too hard to list them but the ones that have UI functions are: MechJeb, Damned Aerospace/Robotics

It also breaks the pause menu UI, meaning the only way to exit the game is to close it.

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Your Source Download seems to be broken :(

  Mr_Orion said:

Indeed, I cannot download his source either...

Source download should be fixed.

  Misterspork said:

Ermm, I\'m having a problem. When I attach the player to a ship all my UIs break. I have so many other plugins installed it would be too hard to list them but the ones that have UI functions are: MechJeb, Damned Aerospace/Robotics

It also breaks the pause menu UI, meaning the only way to exit the game is to close it.

I use it with MechJeb and it works fine so it has to be one of the other plugins causing it to fail.

Could you maybe send me a PM with the output of your Dev Console? (Alt-F2)

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I also found a small bug today. I switched back to a vessel that had the player on board. But the player didn\'t appear, only a small grey square at the top right. Restarting didn\'t work.

Not: I switched to the vessel by using the tracking station.

I also want to thank you again for this wonderful plugin. I hope it will work on future releases of KSP.

At the moment I enjoy KSP flights with the music of the tv animation Wall-e (composed by Thomas Newman).

\'Define Dancing\' is awesome when orbiting around in the middle of space, \'Hyperjump\' is cool to listen when your taking of with a rocket that is very heavy and finally manages to gain speed, \'Down To Earth\' (by Peter Gabriel) is just very nice to listen when orbiting kerbal.

This plugin adds so much to the game, it\'s way better then selecting music in your custom media player. Because you have to set a order that might fit the scene. And now we can just click a song within the game.

Again than you! ;D

Edit: I just noticed that this isn\'t caused by switching. I\'ve made a new craft and it has the same problem. I think I only added the cam mod and the \'satellite\' pack of Nova.

I\'ve added a screen shot of the console (alt + F2).

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ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count.

Parameter name: index


at System.Collections.ArrayList.ThrowNewArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.String name, System.Object actual, System.String message) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MusicPlayer.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI+_Window.Do () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.EndWindows (UnityEngine.IDList idlist) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUIUtility.EndGUI (Int32 doLayout, Int32 doWindows, UnityEngine.IDList idlist) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

This seems to be the problem.


I just noticed the report above, I am having the same symptoms in addition to the UI glitchout and I also have the Camera mod installed. Is it a compatibility issue?

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Thanks for the bug reports.

It seems to be a problem related to a persistence with multiple music players flying about

which seems to fill the array in a weird way causing an Out of Range Error.

Need to look into that.

I haven\'t got much time atm, so it is likely developing will have to wait till at least the weekend.

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the MusicPlayer_ConfigTool didnt work for me, have a bunch of mp3s in a folder on my desktop but search returns nothing.

anyway i looked at source and found the file it was supposed to update and the file format, simple enough, so i wrote my own cfg file.

for anyone else having issues try this too..

make sure you create the directory


then in there create a file


edit the file in notepad++

then each line is a separate mp3

each line has 2 sections,

1. the full path tho the mp3

2. a short name that shows up in game,

these are separated with a ~.

C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\2001 A Space Odyssey Opening.mp3~2001
C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\David Bowie - Space Oddity (stereo version).mp3~SpaceOddity
C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\Enterprise Theme Song.mp3~Enterprise
C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video).mp3~FinalCountdown
C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\frank sinatra fly me to the moon.mp3~FlyMeToTheMoon

hope this helps someone.

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Aah Delvar I knew about that file. But I didn\'t knew that placing a ~ would change how the name is displayed. Thanks for sharing! :D

Edit: Hey I got awesome news! By adding ~ to all files I fixed the problem I had (see above).

I\'ve now two crafts in space with the player attached and it seems that I can use the player without the errors.

I haven\'t tried restarting yet to see if it still works.

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  Blinkin said:

Aah Delvar I knew about that file. But I didn\'t knew that placing a ~ would change how the name is displayed. Thanks for sharing! :D

Edit: Hey I got awesome news! By adding ~ to all files I fixed the problem I had (see above).

I\'ve now two crafts in space with the player attached and it seems that I can use the player without the errors.

I haven\'t tried restarting yet to see if it still works.

This is weird.

Can you maybe show me the cfg the Configuration Tool made?

There shouldn\'t be any problems unless a music name contains a '~'.

I am working on an improved version of the config tool.

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Well I just discovered that it was completely my fault (I think). Because the tool didn\'t displayed my already added songs I modified the file myself (before noticing the ~).

So I had to paths in the file that didn\'t have the ~ behind it. I think that caused the error because since I added them the bug disappeared.

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  Blinkin said:

Well I just discovered that it was completely my fault (I think). Because the tool didn\'t displayed my already added songs I modified the file myself (before noticing the ~).

So I had to paths in the file that didn\'t have the ~ behind it. I think that caused the error because since I added them the bug disappeared.

Yes. If there is no display name, array\'s to small causing an error.

With the current version you have you have to redo the process of adding music and it will overwrite your old music.cfg.

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That\'s why I do it manually. But it doesn\'t matter, it doesn\'t cost too much time.

Selecting my main music archive to search for music isn\'t a good idea (30k+ files). :P

So you don\'t have to give it a look, have a nice weekend. And thank you again for the wonderful work. ;D

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  Resender said:

Which they did not especially created for the series cause its also the end credits of the movie Patch Adams

It\'s actually a Rod Stewart song created for Patch Adams ;D

Also <object style='height: 390px; width: 640px'><param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK1bi4emEkk?version=3&feature=player_detailpage'><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'><embed src='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK1bi4emEkk?version=3&feature=player_detailpage' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowfullscreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' width='640' height='360'></object> makes me feel weightless even when not in space :-[.

A bit more on topic - great idea - downloading - will be back with feedback.

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This is an awesome plugin, I\'m surprised no-one did this before.

Regardless, excellent work. I\'d say my 3 favourite songs would be:

David Bowie - Space Oddity

2001 Space Odyssey theme (For Mun landings, of course :P)

And, well, this:

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