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[Invention] Space Program Flight Records


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Craft: MIEV-2 Lunar Lander with Soteria transit stage mounted atop a SLS-Heavy configuration launch vehicle.

Mission: Land three kerbals on the Mun, return them with rock samples and photographs, and to only leave experiments, and not parts of the vessel (O-2L tests did plenty of that)

Crew: Bill, Jebediah, and Bob Kerman

Launch Date: 7/5/2012


Launch weather was clear, minimal light pollution, clouds on the horizon, winds of 3 miles per hour at launch pad blowing north-west. Vehicle left the pad with three delays, one at T- 1:20:05 when a fuel line clogged, holding launch for approximately thirty minutes. Second delay was at T- 32:57 when the parachute electrics test showed the deployment altimeter off by 300 meters, enough to cause crew fatalities, delay lasted approximately five minutes. Final delay occurred during T- 4:00 pause, when one atmospheric guidance fin froze in the full-port position, delay lasted one hour. Countdown resumed at 2:11 AM UTC, and the rocket blasted away from the pad at 2:15 AM UTC, 1 hour and 35 minutes behind schedule. The first pair of SRBs, the smaller pair, ejected at 22,000 meters, and the second pair at 24,000 meters. First stage finished gravity turn at 54,000 meters. First stage burned out and ejected at 67,000 meters, second stage activated. Second stage burned out with apogee at 127,000 meters, perigee at 48,700 meters. Soteria transit stage engaged, apogee boosted to 318,000 meters. Soteria shutdown after apogee boost. Transit stage re-ignited at apogee, circularization burn completed. Fuel valve #3 froze, refused to shut. Apogee boosted to geostationary orbit altitude. To take advantage of the situation, mission control gave TLI green light, Soteria fuel valves re-opened, TLI burn completed. Valve #3 had warmed up, and the stage was shutdown again. The vessel completed one orbit before being captured in the lunar SOI. Landing site was 1,549 miles off from original site due to launch delay and Soteria valve #3 temporary failure. Braking burn occured ten minutes after vehicle passed perilune, vessel began descent to current day-side. Braking burn occured at 150,000 meters to straighten vehicle descent. Braking burn occured at 30,000 meters to slow vessel for landing engine takeover. Soteria stage ejected, impacted Mun three minutes later. Landing engine activated, lander leg locking pins disengaged via pyrotechnics. Legs swung down, re-locked by spring-loaded pins. Vessel landed with half-fuel remaining. Odd lunar geography photographed, experiments set up, flag planted, solar station deployed. Crew stayed on the Mun for three days, performing over 30 hours of EVA on the surface. Vessel boosted off surface via RCS thrusters, main engine re-ignited. Fuel ran out approximately five minutes later, RCS thrusters took over lunar escape burn. Trajectory adjusted for free-descent to ocean approximately 1/3 around the world to the east of KSC. Lunar lander ejected at 95,000 meters, capsule righted for optimal heat-shield placement. Capsule reentered at 3,500 m/s. Parachutes deployed at 5,000 meters. Drogue ejected and main chutes deployed at 500 meters. Vessel splashed down at 7.8 m/s five minutes later. Photographs and lunar samples recovered.

Flight Duration: 4 days, 20 hours, 53 minutes, 43 seconds.

Mission Outcome: Complete Success in all fields.

Photography of launch, lander site, and parachute deployment attached.

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CRAFT: Earth Orbit Probe

MISSION: Place a probe in a 149.5 million km x 152 million km orbit around Kerbol (Earth\'s orbital distance); test deep space propulsion systems. Extended mission: Move probe to a ~88 million km orbit (GeneralIssue\'s fiction provides this as the orbit for the planet Azure) and study solar light levels at this distance.

CREW: Robotic Probe

LAUNCH DATE: July 5, 2012

NOTES: Uses NP, Angara, and MechJeb parts. Deliberately overpowered for mission to allow return to Kerbin.


MISSION OUTCOME: After 796 days flight time, primary mission\'s target orbit achieved. Enough fuel to return to Kerbin, but questionable as to whether a safe landing will be possible. It was decided to move the probe to other orbits for further scientific studies rather than attempt an immediate return.







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Bit of a necro, but:

CRAFT: Probe Test I-5

MISSION: Experiment with parachute-assisted landings on other planets.

CREW: Unmanned

MODS: Probodyne, MechJeb

LAUNCH DATE: 9/03/12


00:00 : Ignition

00:30 : Booster stage #1 burnout

00:55 : Booster stage #2 burnout

01:17 : Depart atmosphere

06:45 : Apogee of 316,288m reached

12:10 : Enter atmosphere

12:41 : Parachute Deployed

12:48 : Parachute Detached

Engine Ignition

Landing Autopilot Engaged

13:39 : Shadow Detected

13:50 : Touchdown

Max G's: 9.0

Highest Speed: 1.885 km/s



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