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Yo check this:

I call that 'Radial Stack Decoupler'. It's a radial decoupler that can be surface attached, but you can stack stuff under it.

Model is not be top stuff and the texture miiiight be a little similar to the tricoupler's, but that makes it fit with stock parts pretty neat.

Have a Screenshot:


Have a Download (or try the KSP repository):

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Just downloaded this (so i will give it a go and feedback) as a quick query though, does it transfer fuel??

Yup, just tested it. Stuck a LFT under a command pod, strapped some of these to the side of the LFT, put engines on it and away it went.

Very cool!


Capt'n Skunky

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It's a good part. Buyer's beware it has a strong ejection and I've had me nozzles knocked off due to SRBs rotating into them. Pull the LFRs down to the decoupler stage so they fire early or mount these low on the primary rocket.

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I fully support this product and/or service.

It is a really nice part and just about perfect for the times when a rickety ol' radial decoupler is too floppy.

I just had a rocker with eight stacks of large fuel tanks around a 2m tank and an SAS on top of each large fuel tank. It was perfectly stable.

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It's a good part. Buyer's beware it has a strong ejection and I've had me nozzles knocked off due to SRBs rotating into them. Pull the LFRs down to the decoupler stage so they fire early or mount these low on the primary rocket.

You can edit ejectionForce in the cfg to give it less rotational oomph. Changing it from 15 to 10 seems good.

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Check out my Beefy Mk III


It was just a test of the couplers so there's no real orbital parts, just a DeCoup, SAS and Cmd Pod.

so thanks to your design you inspired me to make this..


this is the widest ship you can build.. took me about 10 attempts to find the right angle for the second set of fuel tanks/engines so that they would not hit the tower

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so thanks to your design you inspired me to make this..


this is the widest ship you can build.. took me about 10 attempts to find the right angle for the second set of fuel tanks/engines so that they would not hit the tower

Wow. we are getting close to the flying pyramids from Stargate!

Also, you can move a ship in the VAB to be off center and it will also be off center on the pad. Once you know which direction moves it away from the tower, you can get quite a bit of extra clearance but too far and you risk falling off the side.


Capt'n Skunky

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Surprisingly, the ejection force is the same as that of the stock radial decoupler, originally I had it a little higher. I turned it back down because all joints would break when decoupling (the attached stackes disintegrated into several parts... kerbal style rocketeering ho!)

Also about side attachable engines, I built it basically for that purpose, now you can put seven engines one one tank, 10 seconds of kerbalsome propulsion (to the max)

Appart from that, if you mount them on a stock fuel tank you practically get a four, five, or sevencoupler that holds fuel as well, all in one part 8)

I may do a better mesh sometime soon (I dont like it that much somehow), could lower the ejection force then, if it's liked better.

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Surprisingly, the ejection force is the same as that of the stock radial decoupler, originally I had it a little higher. I turned it back down because all joints would break when decoupling (the attached stackes disintegrated into several parts... kerbal style rocketeering ho!)

I think it's because the force is applied at one end, so there's a large rotational effect. A stock radial decoupler applies it's force near the middle of the object so there's less rotation.

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