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CONSTRAINLOOKFX with engine actuators

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I have an issue with the CONSTRAINLOOKFX module. I created a very basic engine, and two actuators, which should move when the engine gimbals. I've setted it all up, but the actuators don't move to look at each other. I would be glad if someone could have a look at it guys! :)

Download .zip file, including blend file, .mu and .cfg: http://www./download/2t2ng1bnm7800c4/SE1.zip

Thanks for any help!

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The basic heirarchy in the SS looks acceptable. (Don't really have time to download/look at the files, sorry, nor can I launch KSP at work=\)

Is nothing moving/animating, or are things animating improperly?

If the first, it is likely a config issue, probably naming related (or heirarchy bug with the stock module).

If the second, it is likely that your transforms do not have the proper default orientation. Each transform (or object) that will have a look-constraint applied needs to have its Z+ axis be the 'pointing' axis; e.g. z+ will always point towards the target. Targets need no specific orientation as far as I'm aware (unless you are -also- using them to aim back at the base actuator parts, as per a piston setup; in that case they too will need the z+ axis alignment).

One last note, with the stock module. It might need to be 'activated' (e.g. activated in staging, or have a module that calls forceActivate()) in order for the constraints to work. So, for an engine, make sure it is actively staged. Many stock modules have this...erm.. behavior.. for whatever reason. I don't have the source in front of me though, so could not say if the look-constraint module was one of them or not.

And one last silly question; you are using the FXModuleLookAtConstrant as the module, correct? (There are about 3 half-finished look-at constraint modules in the stock code; that is the only one that I know functions properly).

Disclaimer: I have not used the stock constraint module, as it did not meet my needs and I had to implement a custom look-constraint module (multiple same-named transforms in the same model, each being aimed at targets which were duplicated in the model as well; all done pair-wise); however, my module uses the exact same functional code as the stock module (transform.LookAt()).
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