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KAS help, please!


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Hi... still battling KAS, still obviously haven't gotten the hang of it.

What is the precise sequence of clicks and keystrokes needed to (1) take a connector from inventory and attach it to the side of a vessel, and (2) link that connector to a connector on a nearby vessel?

Here's what's happening: (1) Hellena Kerman, 2nd level engineer, is equipped with an electric screwdriver in her right hand, and has connectors in her inventory. I take a connector from her inventory, move the mouse to where I want the connector to be, and press H to affix it. I left-click, and the connector falls to the ground. I hit G to pick it back up and place it in inventory and then repeat that cycle until I pull my hair out.

The connector shows green where I attempt to place it, and I get no "out of range" message. I have managed to do this successfully before, so I'm thinking I'm hitting a wrong key or doing something out of sequence... but what?

(2) With already-existing connectors, I right click on one to enable Link mode, EVA to the other vessel, and right-click on that connector. No right-click menu appears. I am still within range-- the pipe "carried" by Hellena is still green, and the connector is not out of reach. Repeated right clicks do not bring up a right-click menu to complete the connection.

What is happening, and what am I doing wrong? :huh:

Edited by MaxwellsDemon
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With regard to attaching/detaching things: If you have something in your inventory, drag it out, then hold the X key. You will see your mouse cursor change to a drill icon. Then click to attach. To detach something, hold the G key and you will see the mouse cursor turn into a grabby hand, then drag the part into your inventory.

As for your second question, I have no idea. The sequence of operations you describe sounds exactly right, up until the point where you right click on the second connector port. You should really be getting a "Link" option button, the way you did on the first port. Could you post a screenshot?

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With regard to attaching/detaching things: If you have something in your inventory, drag it out, then hold the X key.

I've been hitting "H" rather than "X". I wonder if the font in the tooltip makes an X look like an H on my screen? I'll give it a try.

As for your second question, I have no idea. The sequence of operations you describe sounds exactly right, up until the point where you right click on the second connector port. You should really be getting a "Link" option button, the way you did on the first port. Could you post a screenshot?

I'll try, though I'll have to set up something on imgur first, I think. I've been procrastinating about that, bur I guess it's time I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Aha... X works. I must have been misreading the X as an H. Thanks!

Regarding the second item, it appears that KSP thinks that the part above the part I'm trying to attach to extends "down" farther than it does, perhaps blocking the connector... when I shifted the connector lower, I get the right-click menu now.

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Follow-up: I'm wondering if the "mouse look" feature in 1.05 is causing me issues on the right-click, as well. Need to poke around and find out.

Another question: I landed a cargo module on the Mun that contains a number of KIS containers... but I can't figure out how to get the darn things out, now. I don't seem to be able to unload them from outside on EVA, and I'm running into internal-volume limits if I try to transfer them from inventory to inventory when inside. I kept them carefully under a ton each, because I think I read that that is the limit of what a Kerbal can carry... what are the best practices for unloading in a situation like this?
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