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WW2 Warships 0.5.1 - Is there actually something happening? Stay tuned!


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i have been trying to build a carrier :D


first i started with an actual ship but as it often ended up taking so long to make it all work i ended up just making a keel with deck on and flotation :D

problem is that when i aproach it with a plane it suddently flyes up into the air.. (im assuming this is the psychics kicking in) (this was with V.0.1 just downloaded 2.x to see whats new.. cant wait)

is there any way to prevent that from happening or is it just be being a Bill Kerman? :D


really looking forward to see what this mod brings.. its awesome so far :D im just bad at building ships :D

Edited by viceguy
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1 hour ago, Azimech said:

Yeah that's a bug in 1.0.5 and I've reported it here. I don't have the ability to vote (?) right now, but anyone who can, please do.

I'm just chiming in to say that the bug also affects Fengist's Maritime pack, as well as stock boats. It's an easy bug to reproduce: if you enter the physics range of a boat, the boat that's loaded in will be launched upwards with an explosive force. Light boats are launched into an escape velocity.

In short, it's not a bug with Azimech's parts.

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1 hour ago, Djolox said:

Hey, Will you be able to add diesel and electric engines later? I would really like to build a U-Boat.

Yes, diesels will have but better response time but may have difficulties with starting and reduced reliability, and limited to surface operation (far future, will need custom code and I haven't learned that yet). Electric drives will have very limited range and micromanagement is key in making sure your ship systems continue to operate.


1 hour ago, viceguy said:

i was working on a submarine earlier aswell but i couldnt get the balast tanks to work :( i kept sinking


this mod really have so much potential.. i always wanted some more for the water and you are making my dreams come true :D

Submarine development hasn't started yet, I might release a configuration and a few parts to make them work with 0.3.

And to everyone: thank you for your support!

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1 hour ago, Azimech said:

New version is up!

Some re-balancing, better values for the hull plating and deck plating. Improved the example frigate, it behaves more like a real ship now.

Sounds nice!

And btw in the next NAS update we'll have a TweakScale-supported flag pole, which you can put on your ships


EDIT: Version number in dl link still stays 0.1

Edited by Acea
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Version number is fixed.

Acea, do you know if BDArmory ammo can explode? We all know the stories of that lucky hit inside the magazine with disastrous consequences, and I feel it would be a great gameplay element. If not, you seem to have contact with BahamutoD, he might like the idea.

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18 hours ago, Azimech said:

Version number is fixed.

Acea, do you know if BDArmory ammo can explode? We all know the stories of that lucky hit inside the magazine with disastrous consequences, and I feel it would be a great gameplay element. If not, you seem to have contact with BahamutoD, he might like the idea.

You need to create a new link instead of modifying exist ones which would cause it to simply disappear....

I guess I've seen this feature but not really sure. Finally I wrote some codes that will do it:

	@explosionPotential = 5
	@explosionPotential = 2.5

Saving this as a cfg file and applying Module Manager will make it work. HOPEFULLY

Edited by Acea
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On 19-12-2015 at 9:56 AM, Acea said:

You need to create a new link instead of modifying exist ones which would cause it to simply disappear....

I guess I've seen this feature but not really sure. Finally I wrote some codes that will do it:

	@explosionPotential = 5
	@explosionPotential = 2.5

Saving this as a cfg file and applying Module Manager will make it work. HOPEFULLY

Thanks! I'll try this!

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3 hours ago, Azimech said:

I've got to test everything, that means building a lot of ships as well. Stay tuned for update 0.23 soon!

Press F11 and temperature display is gone. Looking forward to 0.23


EDIT: Can't you make boilers generate electricity? That's what real ones do and I've seen quite a few times when a ship ran out of ElectricCharge.

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2 hours ago, Acea said:

Press F11 and temperature display is gone. Looking forward to 0.23


EDIT: Can't you make boilers generate electricity? That's what real ones do and I've seen quite a few times when a ship ran out of ElectricCharge.

Well, no. F11 toggles the alternative mode.

I chose a separate electric generator (you've seen it, right?) to eventually have a bit of micromanagement game going on. Tactics could involve multiple generators at multiple parts on the ship to have redundancy.

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