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effect of meteors on atmospheric composition


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I'm trying to find data on the mass of dust and particle entering the atmosphere and I'm getting various numbers, about 40 000 80 000 tons per year.

By contrast, the mass of atmosphere is about 5 x 10^15 tons, so, even if you include billions of years of dust accumulation, the difference is still orders of magnitude.
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[quote name='Mitchz95']This is something I've often wondered about. We have millions of pieces of debris floating around in LEO; what's going to be the cumulative effect of those things re-entering over the next few hundred years?[/QUOTE]

Nothing. Maybe one of the few larger ones strikes a house. That's about it.
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[quote name='Scotius']I wonder...is Earth losing or gaining mass over time? Space rubble falls into the atmosphere, but at the same time gases escape into the interplanetary space.[/QUOTE]


i wonder too ... [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion[/url] *shrug* & NA = 6,022 141 29(27)×1023 mol−1.

& this also:

[url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_distance_(astronomy)[/url] so we're are measuring that pretty accuratly since what ? 50 years or so ?

[I]may i ask[/I] how old is the earth/moon [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertial_frame_of_reference"]inertial frame of reference[/URL] ? Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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could the comets have a noticeable effect on CO2 levels because by looking at ice core samples, we may be able to figure out when a new comet shows up in the inner solar system, meaning we may have a way to tell what caused them to come in the inner solar system
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