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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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[QUOTE] I'll contact imgur about the embeds[/QUOTE]
[quote name='passinglurker']Forgive me for not finding this to be satisfactory answer but this is what we were told before and [B] nothing[/B] came of it. When the change was first made it was like talking to a wall thus was done without warning or feed back the best the few users who found the buried official forum thread in a low traffic sub forum on the change got was that you would ask imgur a long time ago

Why do we have to wait on imgur tech support? The old style of embeds still works sites like kerbal stuff use them regularly. So why can't you change them back to the old emdeds now (or when the forum soft ware updates next Friday) so that we can have decent embeds while you wait on imgur techsupport?[/QUOTE]
I'm afraid I can't let this one go easily especially after the issue being neglected since essentially the day it was risen.

Ask anyone who remembers the old embeds and they will say the new ones are constrained to the point of being useless they might as well just be a high resource hyperlink to imgur cause they are too small to see they don't support titles or description longer than 3 words they have no thumbnails making them a pain to navigate etc...
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[quote name='passinglurker']I'm afraid I can't let this one go easily especially after the issue being neglected since essentially the day it was risen.

Ask anyone who remembers the old embeds and they will say the new ones are constrained to the point of being useless they might as well just be a high resource hyperlink to imgur cause they are too small to see they don't support titles or description longer than 3 words they have no thumbnails making them a pain to navigate etc...[/QUOTE]
I agree that they're less useful - but then again any solution I end up choosing will need to be future proof. The reason for contacting imgur is to see if the 'old style' embeds will remain active for the foreseeable future. We'll go from there.
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[quote name='KasperVld']I agree that they're less useful - but then again any solution I end up choosing will need to be future proof. The reason for contacting imgur is to see if the 'old style' embeds will remain active for the foreseeable future. We'll go from there.[/QUOTE]

Why? I'm admittedly not a web site guru but what is impractical about having a contingency plan to swap when they inevitably break? Or offer both at the users informed peril?

It's not that I doubt you but I doubt imgur or rather I don't like the idea of a plan that hinges on a correspondence with a faceless guy working for an image share giants call center they may be misinformed or what they say might be misinterpreted not to mention the current ones are so useless if we actually are stuck with them we might as well not have any embeds at all. now that's future proof hyperlinks aren't going anywhere and load faster.

It's practical but it still Sounds silly right? That's what I get entertaining the idea of accepting these mobile embeds for much longer if we can't have the old ones or ones like them in functionality then we shouldn't have any at all
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[quote name='KasperVld']No plans to bring back advertisement on the forums.[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear that!

[quote name='KasperVld']Admins and moderators will be able to access the old RB threads in case someone hasn't been able to back up their content before the update. We can always bring things back [/QUOTE]

But why not archive the forum [I]and have it still be visible to everyone[/I], as has been repeatedly suggested? What's the point making extra work for both users and mods digging up and re-posting content when (for much less effort) it could just be left available, locked, with a stickied note at the top explaining why the forum is no longer in use?
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I've reservations about a WYSIWYG-only approach, but I guess it will have to be seen. I'm [i]very[/i] accustomed to typing those tags, to the point that I type them in places they [u]don't work[/u].

Not using the full width is perhaps a good thing. Text gets hard to read when it's too wide.
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I think removing the rocket builders forums is a poor idea. There have been lots of genius designs and collaboration between builders that has taken place there. Along with a great deal of KSP history all right there. By removing the Rocket Builders thread you will be deleting countless hours of people's work and engineering that will be lost forever besides what archived information there is for moderators to bring back.

As far as everything goes I can see this move having a lot of possible benefits but I think Rocket Builders is worth keeping. But in it's current situation I can see the reasoning behind this. Edited by Jon144
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[quote name='KasperVld']people can for example tag me in a post and I then get a notification.[/QUOTE]

That's not going to get abused AT ALL, not even in the slightest. #KasperVld #Harvester #DrTurkey #EverybodyInExistenceThatWorksForSquad
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Well this is a large blow to me and I'm going to try to come up with some two cents to say about it, if I end up just blowing hot air in circles feel free to ignore me.

The Rocket Builders have been dying. It's gone on for the past year, and I've been discussing it with a lot of other people. It was a great fun place a few years ago, but now it's hollow, the companies mean nothing anymore, there are no engineers working for them, and partnerships don't have a meaning (if they ever did at all, it's been lost on me).

Nevertheless, I feel a certain nostalgia to the place that really is tied to KSP. I started on the forums because of SSL and Giggleplex, and their companies. My own company was based off of SSL, and For the past 3 years it's been where I hang out and enjoy KSP the most. Now, granted it's had it's ups and downs and I am partially responsible for a lot of the downs, but for better or for worse it was a part of me, of KSP. Just deleting the Rocket Builders will tear out three years of my life, three years of KSP conversations, of working to build up a community, of the past glory days of massive craft releases and conversations between builders. Getting rid of the Rocket Builders means things that i have worked on, names that I built will be lost. I'm quite sure most of you have at least heard of Zokesia Skunkworks through the years. But now that's *POOF* gone. Three years of legacy just deleted.

How can I go on playing KSP knowing that most of the things I've built, most of the things I've spent my time in will be gone? I have put in hours and hours of work into running and managing my Rocket Builder Company, and I imagine the moderators see us as nothing but an annoying subforum, but Please at least understand we put so much time into what we built. So much time and memories will be gone if you just delete our forum. I say "our" forum because I really never felt part of the rest of the KSP forum - i'm not a modder, I'm not a craft competetor, I'm not a troubleshooter, I'm not a greeter or game player. Or at least that doesn't mean as much to me as the RB forum does.

So if you're going to delete it, remember how much love, time, and effort some of us have put into it. Remember that without my company there is little reason to play KSP apart from the occasional craft release. I'm just sorry after all these years our forum's only achievement is being a nuisance to the rest of the forum and that we're not fit to continue on existing, or ever having a record of existing, in the future of the community.


Zekes, CEO and Founder of Zokesia Skunkworks.

[SIZE=1][I][B]Picture date March 22nd, 2013[/B][/I][/SIZE]
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[quote name='zekes']Well this is a large blow to me and I'm going to try to come up with some two cents to say about it, if I end up just blowing hot air in circles feel free to ignore me.

The Rocket Builders have been dying. It's gone on for the past year, and I've been discussing it with a lot of other people. It was a great fun place a few years ago, but now it's hollow, the companies mean nothing anymore, there are no engineers working for them, and partnerships don't have a meaning (if they ever did at all, it's been lost on me).

Nevertheless, I feel a certain nostalgia to the place that really is tied to KSP. I started on the forums because of SSL and Giggleplex, and their companies. My own company was based off of SSL, and For the past 3 years it's been where I hang out and enjoy KSP the most. Now, granted it's had it's ups and downs and I am partially responsible for a lot of the downs, but for better or for worse it was a part of me, of KSP. Just deleting the Rocket Builders will tear out three years of my life, three years of KSP conversations, of working to build up a community, of the past glory days of massive craft releases and conversations between builders. Getting rid of the Rocket Builders means things that i have worked on, names that I built will be lost. I'm quite sure most of you have at least heard of Zokesia Skunkworks through the years. But now that's *POOF* gone. Three years of legacy just deleted.

How can I go on playing KSP knowing that most of the things I've built, most of the things I've spent my time in will be gone? I have put in hours and hours of work into running and managing my Rocket Builder Company, and I imagine the moderators see us as nothing but an annoying subforum, but Please at least understand we put so much time into what we built. So much time and memories will be gone if you just delete our forum. I say "our" forum because I really never felt part of the rest of the KSP forum - i'm not a modder, I'm not a craft competetor, I'm not a troubleshooter, I'm not a greeter or game player. Or at least that doesn't mean as much to me as the RB forum does.

So if you're going to delete it, remember how much love, time, and effort some of us have put into it. Remember that without my company there is little reason to play KSP apart from the occasional craft release. I'm just sorry after all these years our forum's only achievement is being a nuisance to the rest of the forum and that we're not fit to continue on existing, or ever having a record of existing, in the future of the community.


Zekes, CEO and Founder of Zokesia Skunkworks.

[SIZE=1][I][B]Picture date March 22nd, 2013[/B][/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

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[quote name='Joshwoo69']is it kinda the same forum crash that happened YEARS ago? just that it is conversion?[/quote]
No crash is planned. Backups are being made and tested.

[quote]oh well I will deal with it.
will we retain all the permissions for our own forum threads?[/QUOTE]
You will be able to edit/delete your posts, including thread OPs, just as you could before.
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