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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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[quote name='KasperVld']Rocket Builders is a place that actually breaks our community rules constantly, in particular the 'thou shallt not roleplay' rule. You're still welcome to offer the craft you make, or even take requests in the Spacecraft Exchange forum though, the only thing that will change is the 'company' part of it, with the employee/director/ceo roles and inter-company drama that comes with it.[/QUOTE]

So wait, I can't use the name "Wonky Orbits" or post a thread showcasing my spacecraft anymore? :(
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Thanks for the heads up, I've already backed up all my blogs and have been planning to get my content onto a site I will build at my kerbalspace.agency domain so might as well be this week - good timing! While I understand it wouldn't be a priority, link redirects for old blog posts would indeed be nice.

The one thing I look forward to most is not having the entire forum marked read every time I visit. That was a pain. Tracking things will be much easier.

[quote name='KasperVld']I try, but by the time I write my replies new posts have already been added :)[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure IPB has a feature that notifies you when new replies are made to a thread as you are composing a response and lets you see them
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[quote name='Svm420']Why is that even a rule? Seem to go against the community aspect of forums :huh:. Haven't been around long, so maybe there is some history to that rule I don't know about.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about the KSP forums, but I've been on several forums where roleplaying has been put to an end. It almost invites people to break the rules, and because of this it makes far too much work for the moderators.
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[quote name='KasperVld'] the only thing that will change is the 'company' part of it, with the employee/director/ceo roles and inter-company drama that comes with it.[/QUOTE]

This actually makes sense, I agree that the Employee part of RB has died. However there are several dedicated RP pages ([url]http://kerbalworld.lefora.com[/url] and [url]http://theworldinyourhands.forumotion.com[/url] if you want links), just sad to see the 200 and 300-page threads of my company and all the other companies go to waste.
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Boo! Your looking at the NEGATIVES. The RB section has served and can CONTINUE to serve a great purpose! We do things for players that is not available anywhere else. Your looking at our flaws, when you ignore our feats! With Zokesia, Zekes would not be so great!! I would definitely not nearly as famous or ambitious with my new Apollo Mission Recreation Project. Mulbin, I can go on and on. The RB section has created FANTASTIC things!! Sure we have petty debates, BUT SO DOES EVERY OTHER SECTION!!

I plead with Squad... Please... Look to the good. We can do better. We are a community within a community and one that has bonded closer than any other. We beg of you Squad as a whole... Please. Your breaking apart a FAMILIY. Please... Let us stay.
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Never been to the Rocket Builders forum. Didn't know it existed, so I don't have an opinion on that. Can't say I like the look of the new software though. Even the software maker's own forums look like some geocities template ghost town forum. Guess it'll have to grow on me. ;)
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I also have a few questions:

1. Do we have to re-validate our accounts? Is there going to be a password reset?
2. Are different visual styles available? (I'd like to have a darker theme.)
3. Will C# syntax highlighting be supported? Also syntax highlighting for part configs and similar would be great. Especially the mod forums are cluttered with scripts and codes which are currently a pain to read.
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[quote name='RocketPilot573']This update seems pretty reasonable. Though I was looking at their forums and my only concern is that the page doesn't appear to use the entire window, if you know what I mean. A lot of other forums are like that for some reason and it just feels claustrophobic to me. I know this sounds silly but is there a setting for that or something? (sorry if this was answered already in case I missed something)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this looks like it was designed by a member of the cult of excessive blank space which has sadly been very popular over the last few years. Seems like they insist on putting less information on my 24" 1920x1200 monitor than would have fit on my first computer's 80x24 character screen. The real problem is the vertical blank space - with wide-screen 16x9 and 16x10 monitors, every scan line is precious..

I really hope there will be a preference to tighten up the density (MechJeb has this, I use it, and I love the improved density it gives..); a true "responsive" design should adapt to the user's preference for information density rather than making one-size-fits-very-little-on-a-screen design choices that look "clean" and "fresh".
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[quote name='Kozak']REVOLT!

In all seriousness, removing the rocket builders thread is sad, and might drive away some. maybe me. :P[/QUOTE]
There's more than just rocket builders...
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[quote name='Cupcake...']I can understand why it's going, there seemed to be a lot of ugliness happening there at various times. :P


As with any section. I've seen ugly threads in the science labs, but it's staying in. I've even seen ugly debates in the General KSP Topic section LESS THAN 3 days ago. Repeatidly in fact, yet the RB section is being treated as the cause of all the problems. It has faults sure, but it has more greats and goods than bad. They are just looking in the wrong place!
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It's high time the people stand up for what they believe in.

Edit: It's best we don't say 'Viva la revoloution', I just realized that's kind of roleplay-y. Edited by Sanic
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']As with any section. I've seen ugly threads in the science labs, but it's staying in. I've even seen ugly debates in the General KSP Topic section LESS THAN 3 days ago. Repeatidly in fact, yet the RB section is being treated as the cause of all the problems. It has faults sure, but it has more greats and goods than bad. They are just looking in the wrong place![/QUOTE]

That's pretty accurate. Really i can only think of one or two serious problems that have occured there, for the most part it's a quiet and civil place.

Moderators, you complain that the RB is rifle with RP but when you take it away, where is that RP going to go? It's going to seep back in somewhere else no matter what sub-forum you take down, it could get even worse.
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[quote name='KasperVld']people can for example tag me in a post and I then get a notification.[/QUOTE]

This is going to be a bad time for me.. I now am slowly regretting naming my account after the good ol' Space Shuttle orbiter.
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[quote name='zekes']That's pretty accurate. Really i can only think of one or two serious problems that have occured there, for the most part it's a quiet and civil place.

Moderators, you complain that the RB is rifle with RP but when you take it away, where is that RP going to go? It's going to seep back in somewhere else no matter what sub-forum you take down, it could get even worse.[/QUOTE]

It's better to seep into something that's easy to monitor and you already have experiance with.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='Columbia']This is going to be a bad time for me.. I now am slowly regretting naming my account after the good ol' Space Shuttle orbiter.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully it'll be more like Twitter and you'll need some sort of character to start the tagging. Your name is awesome, you shouldn't be punished for it.
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Although i really think that the deletion of RB is quite unnecessary. I mean, yeah, while there is roleplaying there, please consider the fact that people worked days for their building companies -- and poof -- All of that.

Gone. Years and years of work. Yeah, there's the Spacecraft Exchange, but if you're planning to take out Rocket Builders, at least make it an archive instead of just wiping it out.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Hopefully it'll be more like Twitter and you'll need some sort of character to start the tagging. Your name is awesome, you shouldn't be punished for it.[/QUOTE]

Thanks.. I hope so too.
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[quote name='Columbia']Although i really think that the deletion of RB is quite unnecessary. I mean, yeah, while there is roleplaying there, please consider the fact that people worked days for their building companies -- and poof -- All of that.

Gone. Years and years of work. Yeah, there's the Spacecraft Exchange, but if you're planning to take out Rocket Builders, at least make it an archive instead of just wiping it out.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Thanks.. I hope so too.[/QUOTE]

You definately described me there. The KMC is the reason why I'm even 1% of the person I am. I have dedicated days and night to making a great place to create and share crafts at, as well as discuss rocket related topics and make it look good. I'm not even joking when I say, that the KMC within the RB may have kept me alive.
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