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[1.9.1] SLS Part Pack Basic Version - Small update: specular parts & preview of the new Main Core


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On 5/21/2016 at 10:34 AM, Sobol said:

@ErrHeadII No, no . You do not need to scale models , they are all made in real dimensions. Can I put the configuration in the next update?

@james123456789 Can you post a screen and describe it ? I don't understand your problem .

The Orion exterior skin and the IVA are misaligned.  If you set the NAV ball so that you are horizontal with sky up, the interior is fine, but jump outside and you will see that the outer skin is rotated 90 degrees right.

I'll post a screenshot inn the AM.


Here's that screen shot.  Note the attitude displayed by the NavBall compared to the attitude of the Command pod.


.Okay.  This is some additional feedback.

  • I think James may have already mentioned this, but when decoupling the emergency launch tower, and the command module cover, there is a really violent explosion powerful enough to destroy the docking port every time, and occasionally the aerodynamic parachute cover too.
  • Reentry has been driving me nuts. I turn retrograde, fire the service module engines until they are out of fuel and eject the service module. But no matter how I varied my AoA I heated up and blew up at about 30K.  This last time I tried, I think I stumbled upon the issue.  The Orion command pod does not slow down when it hits the atmosphere.  In fact it accelerates.  So I think  there might be something hinky with its drag rating.  Or mass?
  • Question: is Launch Pad 39B stock scale?  Anything I launch off it looks tiny. [Edit] Check that. The SLS Block 1B Crew vehicle just slides down into the pit in the middle of the launch pad and explodes.

All I can say is that this is a great mod.  A lot of it is still confusing to me, but it is so neat to heavy launchers that don't look cobbled together and that incorporate all of the important little details.  The stock ships you provided help a lot.  Thanks.

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On 29/5/2016 at 5:44 AM, thomash said:

Reentry has been driving me nuts. I turn retrograde, fire the service module engines until they are out of fuel and eject the service module. But no matter how I varied my AoA I heated up and blew up at about 30K.  This last time I tried, I think I stumbled upon the issue.  The Orion command pod does not slow down when it hits the atmosphere.  In fact it accelerates.  So I think  there might be something hinky with its drag rating.  Or mass?

maybe mine is a stupid question. You said that you fire the engines until tank is empty. Can you provide a screenshot of the trajectory? Probably you have been firing retrograde for too much time and the velocity of the descent module is excessive

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On 29.05.2016 at 4:44 AM, thomash said:

The Orion exterior skin and the IVA are misaligned.  If you set the NAV ball so that you are horizontal with sky up, the interior is fine, but jump outside and you will see that the outer skin is rotated 90 degrees right.

I'll post a screenshot inn the AM.


Here's that screen shot.  Note the attitude displayed by the NavBall compared to the attitude of the Command pod.


.Okay.  This is some additional feedback.

  • I think James may have already mentioned this, but when decoupling the emergency launch tower, and the command module cover, there is a really violent explosion powerful enough to destroy the docking port every time, and occasionally the aerodynamic parachute cover too.
  • Reentry has been driving me nuts. I turn retrograde, fire the service module engines until they are out of fuel and eject the service module. But no matter how I varied my AoA I heated up and blew up at about 30K.  This last time I tried, I think I stumbled upon the issue.  The Orion command pod does not slow down when it hits the atmosphere.  In fact it accelerates.  So I think  there might be something hinky with its drag rating.  Or mass?
  • Question: is Launch Pad 39B stock scale?  Anything I launch off it looks tiny. [Edit] Check that. The SLS Block 1B Crew vehicle just slides down into the pit in the middle of the launch pad and explodes.

All I can say is that this is a great mod.  A lot of it is still confusing to me, but it is so neat to heavy launchers that don't look cobbled together and that incorporate all of the important little details.  The stock ships you provided help a lot.  Thanks.

add this live in config :


model = SpaceLaunchSystem/Command/MPCV/model
rotation = 0, 270, 0

"Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SpaceLaunchSystem\Command\MPCV\MPCV.cfg"  config location 

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I just tested the Launch Pad 39B (v1.1.2.03) with the Stock Dimension Version (v1.1.2.01) from CKAN and I saw the pad is too big for the rockets, and I can't launch for the pad.

I looking for the new config for stock dimension version, to can launch for this pad.


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Is there anyway to decrease lag. Your SLS have alot of parts which doesn't fit well with KSP cause the more parts the more lag. (I even ran this on 64 bit KSP) 

The Launch Pad 39B is too big for the rockets for the current version (v1.1.2.01) The rockets just fall of the launch pad.

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I'd like to also give my congratulations to Sobol. Really love this mod, so I've been trying to do tweaks, specifically building configs for compatibility with RealPlume. Do you mind if I publish my configs to the RealPlume thread, so hopefully the modder will include it in further releases? 

I also want to confirm similar issues with above posters.

1. LES model intersects with the docking port, causing the dport to explode every time the LES and shroud fire and separate. I tried using the stock LES and problem was resolved. 

2. Capsule's drag model (or something) isn't right. On re-entry, the speed isn't bled off in nearly enough time before the overheating catches up with it. Capsule blows up every time. 

3. Capsule's exterior model is rotated 90 deg with respect to the navball and IVA. 

On 5/30/2016 at 0:00 PM, tees said:

model = SpaceLaunchSystem/Command/MPCV/model
rotation = 0, 270, 0

This didn't work for me. 

Also the MainCore end skirt's sep motors aren't firing while the interstage is decoupling from the first stage. Anyone else having this issue?


But overall I want to use your mod in all of my installs. Thanks for the great work.  

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On 5/30/2016 at 5:16 AM, trooperMNG said:

maybe mine is a stupid question. You said that you fire the engines until tank is empty. Can you provide a screenshot of the trajectory? Probably you have been firing retrograde for too much time and the velocity of the descent module is excessive

Hi Trooper.  Not a stupid question.  I've tried all sorts of reentry angles, and it never fails that at 34,000 meters the temp gauges appear, and at about 22,000, boom.  I had the same problem when testing the stock heatshield.  However, when I used the SDHI shield reentry was successful.  So, who knows.  Thanks.

Thank the maker Nyia!  I was beginning to think it was me.  I'm also having the same problem with the escape tower system.  A tremendous explosion and the docking port and parachute cover are gone.  I was considering the SDHI system for now.

And I also could not get the fix for the IVA and shell offset to work either.  But I'm probably doing it wrong.  

Nevertheless, this is a great mod with some amazing detail and I'm looking forward to getting these bugs worked out.


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7 hours ago, thomash said:

Hi Trooper.  Not a stupid question.  I've tried all sorts of reentry angles, and it never fails that at 34,000 meters the temp gauges appear, and at about 22,000, boom.  I had the same problem when testing the stock heatshield.  However, when I used the SDHI shield reentry was successful.  So, who knows.  Thanks.

Thank the maker Nyia!  I was beginning to think it was me.  I'm also having the same problem with the escape tower system.  A tremendous explosion and the docking port and parachute cover are gone.  I was considering the SDHI system for now.

And I also could not get the fix for the IVA and shell offset to work either.  But I'm probably doing it wrong.  

Nevertheless, this is a great mod with some amazing detail and I'm looking forward to getting these bugs worked out.


another stupid question maybe. Check on your GameData folder if you have Deadly Reentry installed. Maybe if you were using CKAN it had been installed when you downloaded another mod

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Hi, is it just me, or the mod is eating about 0.5GB of memory? I haven't any problems, but now the folder of mod takes about 360MB and game is crashing much more than before, even on x64...

And...what s the difference between stock dims and normal? I know what RO type do...but this two sounds simillar...

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Thanks everyone for finding bugs and problems with the modification . I started to just work on improving optimization. The main problem is the large size of the textures . Where possible, I try to reduce their size or combine those where there are vacancies . Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time. I also work on a new model MPCV . Many models also receive a new collision mesh . I hope that nothing will break out and all parts well join in .


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I think the old textures was ok, now I have in gamedata 1GB of mods, half of it is just SLS...sooo my KSP crash at start now with 8GB of RAM in use. :D I ll try fix it by downgrade version. :D  What try have them as dds?

Thanks for effort to reduce texture quality. Ave!


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I made the conversion of all textures of MBM to dds . As a result, I reduced the size of the modification from 511mb to 214mb . I fixed some bugs also files for RO . Seeking further the causes of the problems that you have spoken . For me everything is running smoothly in the x64 version and 8GB of RAM . Always I test my game in full detail.

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On 6/10/2016 at 4:38 AM, trooperMNG said:

another stupid question maybe. Check on your GameData folder if you have Deadly Reentry installed. Maybe if you were using CKAN it had been installed when you downloaded another mod

Hi Trooper.  On your suggestion I checked, but no luck.  Thanks anyway.  

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Today, I think I finished work on a new model for MPCV . I changed the texturing ORION Stage Adapter. I also worked a bit on a new model for the ORION 1B adapter . I still have to improve 17 parts config files for RO .


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@Toonu There are many differences. First, several different models. Secondly, all the parts have changed weight. Thirdly, all the parts are the properties of stock parts. For example, the amount of fuel . Probably also in all parts Stock Dimension will have a proportionately reduced texture.

@Mike-NZ @thomash @Bev7787 Many thanks for your opinion. I'm glad you like my work.

Working hard on the next update. Today, a completely remodeled RS 25 Adpater. It also got a completely new texture.


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5 hours ago, Sobol said:

@Toonu There are many differences. First, several different models. Secondly, all the parts have changed weight. Thirdly, all the parts are the properties of stock parts. For example, the amount of fuel . Probably also in all parts Stock Dimension will have a proportionately reduced texture.


Nice RS25 model, good work same as whole mod. Anyway, what then the purpose of normal version of mod, when u have stock dim for stock and RO for RO? I understand this two, but really don't know why there s two stock versions...oh...maybe because the model of basic is same as in RO but have stock properities? And I'm very sorry, but I partly don't understand your message. You said the difference between Basic and StockDim or RO and StockDim?

Have a really nice end of day! Ave!


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@Toonu I talked about the differences between Stock Dimension and the Basic Version. RO = Basic Version + Configuration Files.

@Zarbizaure For glossy elements I use Texture Replacer. Unfortunately, I'm not a fully satisfied with the results. I wait all the time for a mod which you mentioned.

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